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About MontanaBlueSkies

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  1. Hey, thank you! Looks like the mods are taking a look at it, and they haven't contacted me yet. If all else fails, I'll host it elsewhere.
  2. Not sure whats up with your mod being locked. Regardless, best wishes to you and yours.


  3. Hugs & Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your day is beautiful and blessed :o)
  4. Hey Montana! Long time no see. I hope everything is going well for you. Just whizzing thru to wish you a very Merry Christmas!
  5. Hey Montana! How have you been? Haven't been to the Oblivion side in awhile. Did you ever publish? Man could I use your wit in FNV. Oh well. Hope you and yours have a Happy Holidays!
  6. All freedoms , according to John Locke, eminate from property rights. Thought ,speech and indiviuality just being intangible property of the individual. Nexus cites their rights as "owners" of their property, in this case property being the Nexus websites. This is a valid argument in my opinion. I agree with them wholeheartedly. Most philosophers and advocates of freedom have realized that if you want to protect your own freedoms, you have to protect the freedoms of others as well. If the right to freedom of speech was legitimately denied, what would protect the right to own and operate your possessions? I think we all agree on the need to protect children, and the need to protect yourself (Nexus) from legal reprisal based on the uploaded content of the site. I would just ask that in your haste to evoke your freedom (to operate your site as you see fit) that you dont unnecessarily deny the freedoms of others. Creativity and individuality go hand in hand. It seems poorly conceived to seek one and deny the other. Benjiman Franklin said, "The government that governs best, governs least". Seems like sound advice for all seasons to me. Montana
  7. Find an armor set such as the arena armor that is a complete one piece outfit. It will have all the bones necessary. Remove the blocks from it one at a time that you dont want and copy your individual blocks and paste them onto the root node. Montana
  8. If the base nodes have different names it can cause this problem. For instance if one is "Scene Root" and the other is "Something Else", then you might have to name the one your copying from to "Scene Root" before you do the "copy branch". Montana
  9. HAPPY LABOR DAY from over here in the Land of Oz :o)
  10. Remember me? My character used to show no legs while playing around with Astrianna. (we had some talking about T.leary etc the other day). I donĀ“t know how I managed, but the legs are there now. Must have killed some offending mod.

    best wishes

  11. Ok Montana, she's at it again. Nods in the credits to you and Dezi for Astrianna's performance. I hope all is peach with you!


  12. I dont seem to be able to get this static effect (fxthickcloud01/02) to work in custom cells. It works in the vanilla dungeon interiors, so I know my vcard is supporting it. Anyone heard of any game bugs or fixes for this issue? Montana I did some experimentation on this and discovered that the height of the interior room meshe above 0 on the z axis affects the fx cloud effects. I didnt see where it cits out, but I know it would not work up around 8000, and it will work at 100 or less. Montana
  13. No, I understood you, I just disagreed. Montana
  14. The doors colission has to be activatable to make it work. If you place it too deep or in an unusual place, sometimes the colission of the surface its against overlaps the doors colission. Live Free Montana
  15. Thats exactly how the flying dragons/drakes work. An invisible meshe is moved under the drake and it "walks" along the meshe. The reason this can't be better done with animations is that there is no accumulation on the z axis. An animating meshe snaps back to the starting point at the end of the animation. Accumulation on the other two axis is allowed for walking etc. In the case of the drakes, they play a wing flapping anim as they walk/fly along. Banking isnt possible because some of the rotate commands effect the camera instead of the pc. Live Free Montana
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