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Everything posted by Dyne292

  1. I'm sure this has been posted before and if the answer was obvious - my apologies. I am looking for an Inventory mod similar to SKYUI from the original version. I thought none were accessible or the mods I had hoped had inventory modification didn't seem to. By chance while running through septim - I saw this mod shows screenshots with what I'm after - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/731/?, but obviously the mod is not focusing on that. Can someone advise where to get this? Thanks for reading
  2. Have asked and will update when (or pessimistically if) I get a response.
  3. I had created the compatibility patch after installing mods initially (in the process listed in post #3). After running the CEM .exe from the full version .zip I ran the compatibility patch once again (prior to your first response - just to make the timeline clear) Just now I made sure (restoring my backup after the CEM install process) - removed the previous compatibility patch and recreated, applied. This was listed - I believe the DLC_EXP_CEMF would reference the CEM. The below is from the patch mod description. User generated compatibility pack made to inject new interface files into the conflicting files from the following mods: - DLC_CON_BACKOFF - DLC_CON_MTOCF - DLC_EXP_CEMF - DLC_MOD_EGM - DLC_MOD_EGM_SQUAD - DLC_MOD_ME3RE It doesn't reference the mod here - but on Custom DLC conflicts screen which creates the compatibility patch - DLC_CON_XBX is listed (rerun indicates no conflict with the compat patch applied). I should mention on application of the above I did notice that the loading screen after starting the DLC in the mod manner (after credits) did start on the console before switching to the shuttle car loading screen - before crashing to 'Mass Effect 3 has stopped working' and then desktop. I retried at this point Sortiv's solution and found the error persists - but crashing in the loading screen with the console before switching to the shuttle. Apologies if I wasn't clear before on the compatibility patch setup. Also to note - when you say 'both SP Controller and CEM into mod manager and choosing an option to "create a compatibility patch"' - I found when I try to import CEM as a mod via the .zip - no mods are shown as importable. I added the mod via existing dlc and ran the compatibility patch creator which reported no conflicts to create a new patch for.
  4. Not a problem - sometimes the brute force way of working things out is the simplest! Perhaps as well the email became a blessing as it pointed me to something I was going to miss.
  5. 7308 Total Military Strength - ranging 97%-100% readiness each time I've tried. Crash to desktop (via a program has stopped responding error) - occurs 1-4 seconds after the loading screen fires. It is a different loading screen to the cab loading screen which occurs when accessing in the main game in the vanilla way. I had followed the following initially for setup - SP Controller Mod (if using a controller) EGM + Compatibility pack if needed Other story mods (Including ME3Recalibrated, Backoff, Thanemod or Citadel Epilogue Mod) EGM Add-ons Textures (Must use ME3Explorer 3.0 or later) Build GUI Compatibility (if using SP controller mod using Mod Manager) Edit EGM Settings file Run new playthrough The exception being - CEM came during a playthrough (roughly just after Rannock finale and other dlc finished, Cit still left as an untouched option). I tried the GUI compatibility build after the CEM, a solution described by Sortiv on the thread - posted @ 6:17, 25 Jan 2017 - and then a new compatibility patch to cover that. I also tried removing the controller dlc - though that wasn't successful as the controller support remained and the same behaviour on CEM. My hope is that I don't have to try uninstalling the whole game and trying a fresh install. Mainly because I'm the sort of player that has to run through all the conversation options and all the behaviour that implies, so it would be a long lead in to find out if the changes worked. A fresh career playthrough is my thinking on the next step having done so - or just a fresh playthrough. Thanks for taking the time to read this! Most appreciated!
  6. Looking for help from anyone who may have experienced this issue - I am just finishing a modded play through - EGM, ReCalibrated, BackOff, MEHEM, ENB and SweetFX for Mass Effect 3 and CEM (as the topic implies). However after finishing the game - MEHEM plays - enjoyed immensely but with some minor wondering about JAM. Unfortunately - when the credits end - I get the text explaining the lead into the Citadel dlc, followed by the Normandy docking. The cutscene ends and the console loading screen fires - the game mentions saving and then crash. Has anyone else experienced this and have advice?
  7. Thanks kindly for the reply - seems like sound advice. I think the problem I'll face is I wont know what I'll like best till I'll try them all and wont have the effort in me to do so - at least not in the near future :happy:. Thanks for the hint on the controller mod - it would seem the same as was required for the Expanded Galaxy Mod to run along side the controller mod. Thanks for the advice!
  8. Answering my own question - Omega dlc started fairly early - think I did it after Palaven's moon. This meant I didn't get Garrus asking for assistance on someone (happens after summit/Eve rescue) - which sets up an either/or between Aria and Garrus request both recieved after. Little annoying the DLC causes Aria's part to be unavailable before the actual assignment is available but there we go. hopefully if anyone else hits this same situation this will help.
  9. I believe this was an addition of the Back Off mod - option to lay down with Liara in a tender moment. I don't know (having never played with the mod before) if this was unique to a play through with imported ME/2 romanced/faithful. But I notice it is now gone and I'm worried what I considered my harmless flirting with people (including recently Hetero Ash) has screwed my romance with Liara (no guides to reassure me I guess now Back Off has changed the romance game). Anyone with experience know relative info?
  10. Hi, So I am about half way through my first mod playthrough (having completed 1 vanilla on console). My reason for this play through is MEHEM solely - and will be sticking to the destroy ending. Now I spent significant getting all the mods installed correctly - they feel like they are somewhat delicate and hang together in a chandelier way. That said - multiple backups and helpful youtube guides were invaluable. Now there are a few mods I am curious on usage and want to know a) worth it? b) can it be applied easily to my current game. Current game uses Controller, EGM, Recalibrated, BackOff and MEHEM (along with some shaders for the dodgy lighting). First up Citadel epilogue - this sounds like a series of slight but semi important story adjustments. The only real adjustment I would be interested I'm not even sure if it comes with this - or even requires this - is starting part or all of the citadel dlc after the ending. To me that's the primary problem - this feels like something (or at least the party ending) which should be the ending. However I would be curious how well this feature would work. Are there any other advancements? Considering my femshep is romancing (or has romanced) Liara (series through faithful). That covers the a) part - so also b)? Second up is basically - Extended Cut to the Citadel - Same as above? Does it do the above job? Does it work by itself? b)? LIME - last one :happy:. Other mods have recommended this but it seems mainly Cortez, Anderson survive and others are rescued, regardless of EMS. I plan to have EMS at an absolute maximum. from reading - I would think MEHEM/high enough EMS covers these bases. The exception being spoilers- Is that all that mod accounts for and b)? Any and all help is... helpful :laugh: Thanks for reading
  11. Been through the dlc three times now - found asset based on an email I read but didn't pay attention to, on a planet and retried - still same annoying email saying I've missed something. Found a few seemingly unrelated assets after reviewing the whole galaxy but I'd like to be certain of what's going on. I really hoping I'm missing something rather than the assignment or asset related is just not at all mentioned until failure. All help appreciated
  12. Another Expanded Galaxy Mod question from me. So at some point prior to doing the Omega DLC I had a assignment from Aria - something along the lines of 'Assignment: Aria's Forces'. Having done the DLC and discovered a mail from Aria saying the reapers beat me to some people - I went back to an earlier save and investigated. Through some random scanning - I found various planets scan-able and containing assets updating this assignment. After 4/5 the assignment updated to say 'Wait for Aria to complete her plans' (or words to this effect). So I go through the DLC again - and I still see this mail. 'T'Loak, Aria - re: Cannon Fodder' - saying reapers beat me to it. Now in the journal the assignment reports forces at Aria's disposal. Can anyone tell me if this is an over site in the mod - or have I missed something? If its a simple incorrect email from the mod - no worries. I am a bit of a completionist and don't want to miss out. All help appreciated.
  13. Hi All, For anyone who's played the N7 Extractions assignment from the Expanded Galaxy Mod - are all these new people in the shuttle bay going to go away at some point? I believe they turn up after extracting them from Earth but I cant seem to talk to James or Steven any more. Plus they are all touching my stuff :ohmy: Any re-assurances?
  14. May have been me not reading the fine print - and by may have I mean was. MOST SEARCH & RESCUE ASSETS IN THE MAP DO NOT UNLOCK UNTIL THE REAPERS INVADE. IF YOU SEE A CLUSTER NOT AT 100% WITH A REAPER ON IT, IT IS PROBABLY WORTH CHECKING. Thanks for the reply at any rate
  15. Thanks for the reply - perhaps I am missing something but the following is what seems to be missing - the below copied from your link only identifies it as from scanning zion. 'Prothean Data Files EditRequires: The scanning of the planet Zion, Utopia, Exodus ClusterMilitary Strength: 75 These Prothean discs were found years ago on Eden Prime, recovered a few months before the discovery of the Prothean Beacon in 2183. ...' I'm sure I completed that quest in question at any rate, from ME1 - if I'm thinking of the right one (a UNC collection quest). When scanning in Utopia - the fuel shows and if aquired the system shows as 100% assets found - as though the Discs have been moved from Zion.
  16. Apologies if this is in the wrong place - I am trying to find an answer to a query about the expanded galaxy mod - http://www.nexusmods.com/masseffect3/mods/350/? - in the unlikely event that didn't properly identify the mod in question. Its probably simple and I'm being stupid. In short - during the vanilla game you can scan a planet (Exodus Cluster, Utopia, Zion) for Prothean Data Files. Now with the mods this doesnt seem to be appearing. I would suspect it to be due to EGM purposefully but could be wrong. Also I saw a message given from Liara mentioning Prothean Data Discs from the first game (a side quest completed iirc). The question being - am I correct that this is intended behaviour? and if so - how do I acquire them? Asking as I haven't done much with the mod yet and know that things can be time sensitive here - so trying to get a bearing on where I am in the mod. Can anyone with experience of the mod let me know if they can recall this? Thanks for taking the time to read this.
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