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  1. I have the same problem and not requiem installed at all. I dont even know how long this has been but now I can not unsee it :(
  2. Hey Ghosu Ich spiele gerade mal wieder mit großer Begeisterung deine Musketenmod in Skyrim. Passenderweise habe ich auch eine Conquistadoren modifikation geladen aber der Autor hat den kram dummerweise nicht aufrüstbar gemacht (also an der Workbench beim Schmieden) Ich have schon gesehen, dass du das bereits einmal auf englisch erklärt hast, aber ich bin daraus nicht schlau geworden. Kannst du mir da helfen? :) Ich weiß, du bist nicht mehr so ganz aktiv nur falls du mal Zeit hast, könntest du mir da aushelfen? :) Creation Kit habe ich. Ich habe auch schon den Rüstungstyp von Heavy auf light geändert bekommen, aber ich sehe nirgens die Möglichkeit etwas aufwertbar zu machen. Danke im Vorraus! Auch noch immer für die absolut geniale Muskete! Habe sogar jetzt erst gemerkt, dass auch das Steinschloss eine kleine Explosion fabriziert! Genial! grüße aus dem Norden
  3. The snow can be related to stuff added with mods aswell.
  4. Cant wait for it ;) hope you found all those nasty little planks ;)
  5. Great to hear,,,, any chance i will get an update to test the new stuff? ;)
  6. I can say that the performance (aside some random ctds hes working on) is pretty good. There are some (small) fps drops in the jungle areas so far but its not really a game breaker. So far i didnt have any problemswith other mods or DLCs
  7. As far as i can tell it works with the "Lanterns of Skyrim" mod normaly. Although those Lanterns dont fit the athmosphere so well.
  8. The whole thing reminds me pretty much of Indonesia now (aside the cities of course) Bali to be precise :) Ok Soolie i have another request for you. Can you also remove all the snow from germany and make it tropical aswell? I will be thankfull for the rest of my life ;D
  9. It does even look better than on the screenshots ;)
  10. Kudos! The new flash is just perfect! Thank you for reconsidering it! I really hope everything goes well for you in your life!
  11. Many many thanks for the upload! And hooray there is a muzzleflash on the rifle now aswell.... its on the rifle is a lot smaller though... is that intended? Because for me it looked perfect while using the Blunderbuss ammo.now its hardly noticable especially in 3rd person. ( in your videoexample the effect seemed bigger because it was night) Any chance to increase it to the size of the Blunderbuss wihout stretching your patience to much? Just incase you rework the whole version aggain anyway. Or is there an easy way to replace the muzzel in the data folder? ( jaja ich weiß ich bin ne Nervensäge -.-) Aside that version 3 (beta) looks great! I will test run everything tomorrow properly :D
  12. Alright. I will stop nagging you now :)
  13. Yes that ´s exactly the effect i want :) I also get it when i put the blunderbuss ammo in the rifle ;) Incase you do edit the ammo addon... um there was also some bugs with the damage. Ah i feel greedy to ask about this now sorry :/
  14. ALso very happy to see you try to finish it! I know it is hard especially when the motivation is low. Is it difficult to add the muzzleeffect? Because it makes the rifle 100% more awesome and incase you cant do it maybe you can explain how so me (or some other dedicated modder) can try to finish it for the ammaddon ( yes i am that desperate)
  15. Thank you very much. Il have a look at it ass soon as i can :D
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