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  1. One main point is that the mod author gains some control over careless spoiler posts on their mods, protecting others who may not wish to read spoilers before they've played through the mod. If it was only controllable by the individuals reading the comments, then people would need to first read the post to identify it's a spoiler, by which point it's too late. That would also require saving each individual user's preferences on a per user, per thread basis, which could bloat the stored data for each user. And you'd need to be saving these preferences otherwise the setting would be worthless, as the next time that person viewed the same comment thread it would all be undone again.
  2. Yes, allowing a mod author to collapse the entire comment while still leaving it available so any reader can expand if desired is a good alternative. This is a little more extreme than I would like, but certainly would be greatly beneficial.
  3. It would be very handy if a mod author could hide the content of another person's comment on their mod, without using the "Hide and optionally report post" button. There are often comments posted which an author wants to leave visible, but at the same time doesn't want to make the information immediately available to browsers of the comments, for example if someone posts actually spoilers about the mod which might spoil it for others, but also (for TES games especially) if someone pastes their mod load order when seeking support and it is a really long load order, forcing much scrolling to get from the top to the bottom. Super long load order comments are a pain for those just trying to browse the comments, and also for the mod author who may want to see what else the person said above or below their load order. If the mod author could put the load order in another person's comment into spoiler tags shrinking it down to 1 line of text then the whole comments thread become user friendly for everybody.
  4. Hi, please could you advise if the Oblivion mod "Reneers Interiors Mod TURBO" ( ID 48734 ) was deleted from Nexus based on a decision by moderators/administrators, or whether it was the uploader's decision to take it down? The mod was only uploaded about two days ago, but now it does not exist. I don't know the uploader's name so was not able to check whether they are listed as banned in the forum naming banned user accounts. Do you know the reason why the mod was deleted from Nexus?
  5. The full message you are seeing (which will only ever appear once per character) is "Better Cities has an important announcement: File 'Better Cities .esp' not active, unless you have done some special tweaking with our BSA files, you're not going to be seeing any of our meshes and textures, and won't be hearing our sound and voice files. Now would be a good time to quit the game and check that you installed all the resources correctly." You haven't installed the resource archive which contains the file you are missing along with all the BSA files. You need to download and install both files labelled as REQUIRED in order for the mod to work correctly.
  6. I've been finding the upload speed for mod files extremely slow recently, is this a general issue for other people? This morning it took roughly 2 minutes to upload a 16kb file (I only started clock-watching after roughly 20-30 seconds and it took a further 1.5 minutes), and various other small files also take a surprising length of time to upload. I uploaded a 19mb file to The Assimilation Lab a few days ago and it finished in about 20 seconds. The same file uploaded here on Nexus took around 10-15 minutes.
  7. You have installed the replacer ESP for Clocks of Cyrodiil but failed to follow the instructions provided in the OMOD install script telling you to download and install the resource files for this mod as well. Either remove the Clocks of Cyrodiil ESP, or install the resources required by that mod to resolve.
  8. The issue is that the Nexus site and the forums have completely separate front-ends sharing the same back-end. You have to log into each of them separately, and many users like myself will almost exclusively only use one or the other. Features which cross over between the two systems which have user-configurable settings should be configurable in both systems, so that users who only use one system can still find the settings regardless of which system they prefer.
  9. Yes, but as the setting affects two separate systems, the setting should be available in both systems, not only in one of them.
  10. Thank you M48A5. I request that this option be added to the Nexus Preferences as well as the Nexus Forums Settings. I almost never visit the forums and would never have expected a setting controlling functionality outside the forums to be found only within the forums.
  11. How do I prevent Nexus from automatically adding anyone who adds me as their friend, to the Friends page under my own profile, and announcing in the Activity page that I have added this person as my friend?
  12. Does enabling the preference "Receive notifications about bug reports on your files" also provide notification when there is an update posted on an existing bug report? And does this also consider files you have editing rights to? It would be very helpful to be able to receive notifications about new comments posted in an existing bug report for files you have editing rights to, I missed three over the past week as I assumed Nexus would tell me but it didn't, so I believed the bug reporter had not responded to my request for more info.
  13. Is it acceptable for me to post a thank you in a Comments thread when someone has made a donation, or would this be seen as encouraging donations and thus solicitation, which is against Nexus' rules?
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