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  1. How to turn plain old texture modifications into new craftable armors Forgive me cause i'm not the best with these guides but i've seen a lot of people ask about how to make craftable versions of all these textures mods out there. Step 1. Using a BSA browsing tool of your choice, preferably FOMM's BSA Browser extract the armor or weapons sets meshes folder. An example of one would be using the Dwarven Set "Data/Meshes/Armor/Dwarven/(Contents of meshes) Make sure to rename that Dwarven part to the name of your future craftable set. Step 2. If you haven't already dropped this in a similar folder structure like above go ahead and do so. From there Drop the appropriate texture files in a Textures folder structure that mimics the one for it's meshes. Step 3. Using a tool like Nifskope open the all the Nif files inside your meshes folder. From here were going to edit all the textures paths within the models(only edit the paths to the editted texture files, you can leave the rest alone as their mainly for glow maps, and mapping of the textures. This is what truely makes our custom textures work. Using the provided image you can find them all ease. http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a182/Darkclaude/CustomArmorsNifPathingStep3.png Step 4. Now once you've opened, editted, and saved all those nif files we have to make a Plugin to make this new set of armor actually craftable. For this part I highly advise you use FOMM's TESSnip program, it focuses mainly on hex editting, Skyedit is a incomplete tool that at this moment is incapable of making craftable custom armors this way. Step 5. We need 3 pieces of data for your Skyrim.esm so open that in TESSnip. You will need the default crafting recipe(COBJ) for the original set of armor, the actual armor(ARMO), and it's attachments(ARMA). You can find out anything you need to know about recipes here: A Tutorial for making new smithing recipes Step 6. If you somewhat followed that guide posted above you might already have your recipe prepared sorta. If you rather use the same exact recipe the game uses for default press ctrl + F and type Armor(armors name) then click find partial matches and click find until you find the ARMO's, ARMA's and COBJ's of your new set of armor. You will want your new plugin to contain 3 groups 1 ARMO, 1 ARMA, and 1 COBJ group, you use can use 1 I made for myself as a basic starter plugin: Basic Starting ESP Once you find a COBJ, ARMO, or ARMA you need you'll have to copy and paste them into their associated groups. Step 7. Once you gotten all the needed COBJ's, ARMO's, and ARMA's we get to the actual custom armor part. Which is now associating these armors with their new textures. The way we do this is inside both the ARMO and ARMA's. Inside your ARMO's you will need to edit the MOD2, MOD4, and any other MOD# fields their might be these contain the file paths to the Meshes used which controlls what textures are being used. Once you've editted all those in your ARMO's you have to do the same with your ARMA's they contain the exact same MOD# fields. After you assigned all these texture paths you'll have to change the FORM ID's of each COBJ, ARMO, and ARMA if you haven't already done so. It's simple really and the guide I linked you too earlier for custom recipes explains to you exactly how to edit these fields. Now the very last thing you need to do after assigning the new Form ID's is right back inside you ARMO's there's 1 more field named MODL it contains a Form ID. This Form ID is what associates every ARMA to it's ARMO. Just swap out the new ARMA's form id with it's old one and you've just completed your esp for craftable custom texture modded gears. This works with weapons as well but you should be able to figure out how to do that with this mediocre guide.
  2. It's really simple to make exclusive armors and weapons it's just a tessnip edit. Edit: I just added a guide on how to do this for everyone. My link
  3. If I am not mistaken you will need to find the shout within TesSnip, use that to find out which spell it utilizes, from there you need to find out which MGEF is the controller. For every shout or spell in the game there is always a MGEF for it's backbone. They control every aspect of a spell from my understanding, Including delay times.
  4. The small dragons are easy, hell right now i have been experimenting using the Atronach Forge to summon NPC's that will follow you and guard you when summoned altering the size is beyond easy I have even made toy soldier sized npc's that you can crush when walking near.
  5. It's a simple edit just open your skyrim.esm with tessnip(FO3 or F:NV version) and if you want this edit to be permanent press ctrl + F and type in "0001391d" this is the Form ID of the elven armor(just a reference) what you really want to do is edit the ARMA, I assume this refers to armor attachment or something of that sort, the ARMA form ID of the elven armor is "0008969C". With this info you now search for that Form ID the same way you did to find the elven armor. From here you will see a series of data in the bottom left hand for the ARMA. What you want to edit is MOD2 and MOD3. These refer to NIF files. All you have to do is double click the MOD2 and it will open a hex editor for this file. On the right hand side it will display a cd path to the nif file that the Elven armor uses. So from here all you need to know is the location of the helmet/hood you wish to replace the elven helmet with. To find the cd path of armor types or clothing type(easiest way) is use FOMM's BSA Browser on your meshes.bsa.
  6. Well I have the xmarker set-up but he's a few feet away from it atm idk what is up but his data locations are the same for the xmarker as well... they are associated with one another and everything. All he does is stand there and stare at me oddly enough...
  7. Like I previously mentioned in my main post I am trying to avoid using the console, I'm more interested in trying to learn the entirety of the mechanics behind the game and be able to make all my custom content with a esp.
  8. I have everything assigned the way that I should. Although I have noticed that the markers and the triggers are actually visible where my mannequin is located but any time I actually try to activate my mannequin to actually let me use it's inventory it won't let me. Also he's living so he sits there and stares at me as I pass him... makes it quite awkward.
  9. So I have been experimenting with adding objects inside of cells like Proudspire Manor, and more specifically the Dawnstar Sanctuary. So far replacing objects is fairly easy but when it comes to adding new objects I haven't been able to figure out if the XYZ coordinates are considered a float or uint, if anyone knows that would be awesome. But the main thing I have been having an issue with is adding a Mannequin. Every time I add a mannequin to my cell and add the triggers connected to it. I get a living mannequin and I can't edit his belongings. Is there a way without using the console to appropriately add a mannequin that is interact-able with?
  10. It seems that either no one has the answer to my previous question or didn't see it. Q. When editing the data of the ACHR and REFR within the groups of a Cell are the 4 bytes considered a float or Uint? A. ?
  11. Alright so I have read this often and I've come to the point when editting the data file to change the actual location of the object and I was wondering if the 4 bytes are considered a float or what? Also I have tried swapping a Archery Target with a Mannequin and instead of the target changing into the Mannequin they both just disappeared.
  12. I would like the max level to be raised to 50 and the duration raised to 200 sec. And just curious, what program would you use? The program I have been using is FOMM, and you don't need FO3 or FNV, just copy the skyrim launch file and paste it in the same folder, name that FalloutNV.exe and when you start FOMM run as admin, then when it says it can't find your Fallout NV registry files just browse till you find the FalloutNV.exe and select that as the designated folder. From there you can use all it's tools. Tutorials you should review: Making Smithing Recipes Adding objects into cells(houses and etc) All the information you will need in order to edit spells and the like Skyrim Mod File Format, good for editting things you don't understand Now I can edit the spell for you or... you can review all the tutorials and information I just linked for you and do it yourself, that's up to you.
  13. What exactly would you like to edit about VampireCharm I could do it for you.
  14. You might wanna read this and rethink what you just wrote
  15. I do believe I have completed this little project but... for some reason whenever I scroll over to craft it in my forge the game freezes/crashes when I click on the item. Until I can find out why exactly, I think is model related I'm not entirely sure if I want to release it yet.
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