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Everything posted by DeathByKitty

  1. This misunderstanding might be because you haven't published anything here. I'm not saying that to belittle you in any kind of way. I'm just saying, that without that experience, you don't know what the authors go through. Here, on butthesda, or on other sites. I actually have released content on the Nexus before under an old account which I lost access to the email address for, which ended up leading to me creating this account after speaking with a site mod - I originally locked the comments on that mod because it was getting s*** on for "stealing someone elses work" when it was literally 2-3 line changes in the creation kit combined into one instead of multiple mods. anybody could have done it within a few minutes, I decided to upload it since nobody else did - that mod still exists today. I know how crap the community can be and have been in the modding scene since Morrowind came out and I've seen so many good mods get flushed because the author gets emotional and nukes it for various reasons, I'm sorry, but in my honest opinion - deleting mods is a selfish action no matter your life circumstances, keep them up for those that enjoy it, else your effort was wasted and you are screwing people over - there's no need to bring personal life/feelings into video game modding. Ooo, yeah, I totally agree he was selfish. Can you believe he wanted me to share my chips with him?! But let's leave jokes. It's NOT A MUST, it's author's CHOICE if he want to leave his work for others or not, don't you think? Actually I'm starting to wonder if it's even worth to upload A Forest and Adidas Tracksuit as I don't have angel's patience as Oynlen.
  2. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/43441 re-upload of the mod with latest update from January.
  3. Keep in mind there is also life outside forum. Mods on which we've been working together will be back. For now I suggest you to stop complaining what happen - it's none of your business.
  4. The updated version of mod will be back on days.
  5. The mod will be back soon, Oynlen left Nexus but as co-author and with his permission I'll reupload More Feral Ghouls. We may back to working over update we've been planning but not for a while. On this moment mod will be not supported as I don't like to reply on obvious questions (it was Oynlen's job lol). A Forest and Adidas Tracksuit will be back too.
  6. Nothing impressive here, from years I'm just using black background with three shortcuts (computer, google + recycle), mostly when I'm doing something on PC I'm saving final results on desktop... background keep in minimalist style help me find fast what I need :)
  7. Hey, since my game has updated free cam stopped work. It's also first time I can't rollback to previous version as I usually did cause my games crash at any version under, before I had all set at v and since yesterday never had problems with rollback. Any idea how to fix it? I've tried reinstall and vanilla without any mods, blocking connection and clean everything - also doesn't help. Any idea what to do? Damn I really miss free cam :sad: e:/ my card is Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070 (also with newest update since I know this card had problems with Fallout 4).
  8. I liked many game characters but if I had to choose one it will be... Arthur Maxson :ninja:
  9. Planescape:Torment, even after years I think it's still best game history I've ever saw, luckily we have enhanced edition now so we can still back to game with better graphics :)
  10. Wow, it's rare to find people in this age who still enjoy computer games :) nice to meet you :D
  11. I was 12 when first time played vanilla version. I had my first pc when I was 10 and it was always only my choice which games I play (my mother wasn't into playing). By years I give try to lot of games that normally are for olders, GTA, Manhunt, Quake, BloodRayne, Counter Strike and moreā€¦ Now I'm 26 and currently I'm playing only in two games (Fallout 4, Detroit Become Human), how I see that from time perspective? It doesn't changed anything in my life. Will I agree to let my child play in such games? Dunno, time will show but I guess even if say no he will go to some friend that already owe GTA 8 or CS:GO 3 or find another way to play it :P we can't 100% control what our kids see or are doing so I think it's better to talk about it and show than say 'don't do it!' cause it will works like forbidden fruit.
  12. Detroit Become Human, Planescape: Torment, Arcanum, Fallout 2 & 4, Diablo II, Heroes of Might and Magic III, The Witcher 3
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