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  1. Thanks, I'll try this tonight.
  2. How dare you suggest that there are glitches in Skyrim!!!!
  3. Hi everyone, I am a long time mod maker but I have never done any scripting. For my latest mod I have decided to create an event I planned out long ago. I have spent all day working on different scripts but nothing seems to work out for what I want to do. What I want is: Step 1: Player enters trigger box Step 2: all objects tagged with keyword "EventGlow" will gain a spell effect and a light source that will allow them to glow, this effect will last as long as the player is in the bounds of the box. Objects will be skulls for now, I want to be able to give existing items a keyword to allow them to work. Step 3: There is also an altar, "EventGlow" items placed in the altar will, when struck with different magic spells (ie fire) be "punted" off the altar. Step 4: All items EXCEPT the skulls, will disappear. The skulls also will disappear but the will first spawn a skeleton enchanted with the school of magic used on them. i.e. Fireball was cast on the altar and sent 2 skulls flying, where these skulls land, a flaming skeleton will be summoned. Step 5: When a skeletons die, their skulls fall on the ground and start glowing, allowing the whole process to begin again. Right now I can't even get a skull to start glowing when the player enters the trigger box: Scriptname zzzSkullGlow extends actor Spell property SkullGlow auto objectReference property myTrigger auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) if (akActionRef == myTrigger) skullglow.Cast(Self, Self) EndIf EndEventmyTrigger = trigger box (set to L_Trigger) Any help you fine folks can give would really be appreciated.
  4. It would be good if you told us what you want to mod. Everything but new sounds and models can be done with the Creatio Kit alone. The best way to learn is to make a player house and getting the following things working: - Navmesh - Realistic lighting - Bookshelf, weapon racks and mannequins working. - New interior cell space - Hooking the cell up to the world (creating entry point with map markers ect) http://www.creationkit.com/Video_Tutorials The above website is a good place for tutorials. Compete the first 10 links before doing anything else, it should give you a headstart.
  5. To clear up what I am asking for. 1. Enter exterior cell or defined space (large trigger box) 2. Based on time, a)relax b)sit at a table and eat c)sleep in guest house/ guest room 3. be compatible with multiple follower addons up to a x number of followers (limited by table seating and beds.) If there is no space for the followers then have them relax.
  6. Looking for a way to make followers relax when entering a cell or marker box and start following you again when you leave. I want to add this to a mod to make followers have more organic interactions with the world. I am also looking to have followers enter a guest house at a certain time and seek meals or a bed depending on the time of the day. Thanks.
  7. I am trying to make a farm right now and every landscape texture I use shows as black with no texture. Anyone got any idea of what I am doing wrong?
  8. I get the best results by finding a near by land mark and starting, in the creation tool, at that landmark. Once you find the cell in the creation tool you will know the co-ords.
  9. My attempt at something like that is http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/598018-massive-skyrim-upgrade/ I haven't gained any attention yet but I only feel its a matter of time before we have many projects signed on.
  10. I am trying to organize the biggest, LORE FRIENDLY, compilation mod in all of Tamriel! The objective is to improve . . . well . . . EVERYTHING!!!!! This mod will focus on: - Beefing up cities to have more quests, npc's, houses, vendors - Adding more items that can be crafted or npc dropped - bug fix and mesh overhauls - More dungeons - Game play improvements (must have strong reviews before adding) So a couple of points: 1. All buildings have to be complete (ie nav meshed) 2. All homes must be spouse liveable. 3. Upgraded armour models must be male/ female compatible. 4. If you want to submit something but it's not dine yet, post WIP picks and let us know what cell/ location so we can put it up in this post. This should stop repeat work. 5. If 2+ people have the same improvement a forum poll will decide the best. 6. No nudity, if people want that afterwords then that's up to them. ===============WANTED LIST ================= (I will update this list as more specific things become needed, everything else is a plus) Top notch ENB that also focuses on efficiency/ improved frame rate. Must keep with Skyrim's general feel.
  11. My newest photograph, looking for opinions, feed back, hate mail and more of that sort of stuff.
  12. I am 25, 140 lbs and 6ft tall, I don't really connect with most brick walls pretending to be men they put in video games. Female characters are usually more true to form . . . minus the giant tits. I think skyrim does well tho, I haven't felt any of the males in the game want to crush my skull with there massive pex.
  13. max level conjuration spell is called dead thrall, lets you res a dead body over and over for an unlimited amount of time. Kinda like a second companion but to give them new weapons you have to bludgeon them over the head and put things on the corpse. It makes for a bit of a sick relationship when zombie Lydia has been ressed about 20 timed and constantly asks to be freed.
  14. Putting quest items on didn't help, bodies cleaned up in 4 days.
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