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Posts posted by DontBlnkBadWolf

  1. Okay, if anyone else has this problem and doesn't know what to do, I was just informed on what to do.


    The mod that has a red check-mark, load that in FO4Edit and chose "Sort Masters" when you right click on the mod in FO4Edit. Do each of them one at a time, but make sure you do all of the red ones. I chose "Clean Masters" first then "Sort Masters"


    I'm just glad I finally found out what to do.

  2. Hello all;


    I am wondering if anyone can direct me to a brighter night time ENB. I'm currently using Vivid ENB, and while I like the brighter looks during the day, the shadows and night time is pitch black, or very close to it.


    If I knew how to create an ENB, I would make one myself.


    Bad Wolf

  3. In response to post #43211435. #43213045, #43213095, #43213590, #43213755 are all replies on the same post.

    Jokerine wrote: Haha, joke's on ya. You'll have to pry NMM 0.47.3 from my cold, dead hands :devil:
    TerrorFox1234 wrote: IT's 2016 JOKERINE! Get with the times ;)
    Jokerine wrote: Oh, shush it, Mr Red User Title :P
    Dark0ne wrote: He won't marry you if you don't update to the latest version.
    Jokerine wrote: ...

    DARN YOUUUUUU /shakes fist

    lol, got you on that one @Jokerine
  4. In response to post #43212230. #43212635 is also a reply to the same post.

    VictorDragonslayer wrote: Time goes, things change. As a MO user I have several questions:

    1) What will happen with NMM UI? Will we be able to make it look similar to MO? I understand that someday I'll have to use NMM instead of MO and I really don't want to get used to absolutely new interface.

    2) What about advanced features of MO, will we be able to include/turn them on in NMM? MO provides a lot of valueable information about mods and their components and I would hate to lose it.

    3) Are you interested in translators? I've noticed that certain part of Russian-speaking community has troubles with English UI and English tutorials, which often results in mistakes. I can help you with translation and documentation - I have an experience of teaching people how to mod their games properly and maintain small guides about mods in my free time.
    Tannin42 wrote: re 1) The UI will be different from both NMM and MO. It will be very themeable but I don't think you will be able to completely change the structure of the interface.

    re 2) That is the plan, yes. My hope is that eventually the new NMM will be able to provide even more details than MO did but likely not in the default setting and probably not in the first public release.

    re 3) We're developing the new NMM with translation in mind. Again, we haven't made a final decision yet how we're going to get translations in but MO had localizations and I was quite happy with how that worked. I figure there will be another announcement once we cross that bridge.

    @Tannin42 What about translating from Queen's English to American English? Any plans for needing someone to do that? LMFAO, just kidding. That was just a joke I made to all my British colleagues on the SLACK boards, I teased them about certain spelled words.

    Please don't take this reply seriously, I was making a "call back" on my joke.
  5. I told you to do this years ago.


    You probably did. But you didn’t send me a cheque for the wages.[/Quote]



    Funny, that's so freakin funny.


    Anyway, when I first started reading this, it was reading like you were getting ready to tell us that "This dog needs to be put down. I'm sorry but there is nothing more we can do", and that we needed to get a new way to do mods. I'm glad that it turned out that I was just reading it wrong and that Nexus is still going. I like being a beta tester, even though I'm not playing and using NMM like I did when I started, I still like having it.


    So this will take time, oh well. I'm not worried about it. If it leads to a better tool that can take non-Bethesda games that have a more complex way of injecting scripts & textures, then I'm all for the taking of time. Just keep doing what you are doing.



  6. I am requesting for someone to bring back Louis Armstrong to the Fallout Main Menu theme song replacer. It could be his "A Kiss to Build a Dream on" or maybe even "What a Wonderful World" Both would fit as the main menu theme song. And if you can and back Ron Perlman saying "War....War Never Changes" That would be a great add before or after the music.


    Thank you for taking the time to read this



  7. I don't like extra patches either, but sometimes when a mod author is busy with other mods or big projects like the one for Nuclear Weather. I create a patch. But I also have contacted both owners and requested if I could do so. Unlike the one that did the other patch. Both you & I along with others are thankful for the hard work they put in on the elaborate ones that are out there. But I do have a couple of screenshots for Vivid Weathers throwing out a freak massive nuclear snowstorm:


    That is for some odd reason not uploading. They are on my NMM profile, and anything that you upload is supposed to be available. Oh, well. I'll try again another time.

  8. @Haoswidasee I have found your request to:


    Mod Requests:
    Ocean Life/Predators - Would be awesome to fear the water for once. Super boring at the moment.


    Look at this one Aquatic Creatures by MisterOverseer aka Oakland Elliff


    Your request was finally fulfilled today @ 10:52 pm EDT





    Update about the Vivid Weathers/Nuclear Weather Patch: I took a look at it in Fallout4Edit (FO4Edit), there were a little tweaks that needed to be done. While I don't know if it was working, the only weather system I saw was the massive nuclear snow storm that Vivid Weathers has. It would have CTD if it didn't work together, so that's a plus. The tweaks I performed had to deal with the the "Chances" of a storm happening. I think the person that created the patch, which from my limited understanding of his meaning, English is not his native language, it was created in FO4Edit.


    I took a look at the Nuclear Weather page, the mod author is busy working on a replacement for Nuclear Weather, he stated a while back that when he has time he would make a CK Vivid Weathers patch, but his main time is working on a massive ENB/Weather all in one. I'll let you know how my tweaks went, if you like I could send to my tweaks in Word form, if you are comfortable with using FO4Edit to make those tweaks.


    I'm now actually working on a proper patch, I don't like it too dark but would you like me to try and add your Darker Nights?


    I'll let you know when I'm done, and I'll upload it to the Nexus


    Hey, @Haoswidasee hope things are good in your mod serchings. I have since calmed down from the earlier posts about me. I now also have the DLCs of Contraptions & Vault-Tec Workshops. I may be able to play them once I get everything back & in working order. Hell, I haven't even been to the Far Harbor area yet.


    So I ended up having to start all over again with my mods (downloading, installing). Being a Beta Tester for the NMM, the last 2 versions have caused an issue, causing me to have bloated file structure and other happenings. That being said I did find a mod that at one point you were asking if someone would make it. I think I found just what you may have been looking for. Introducing:


    CWSS Redux - Craftable Working Showers Sinks Baths Toilets Urinals etc by steve40 and FLipdeezy


    I have yet to test it ingame, but it looks cool. Since the problems I had with NMM, I have yet to either create patches for the issues I had mentioned earlier, or check out the other inventory description mods.



    I didn't care if they were working or not lol, I just wanted some decent looking ones for cosmetics. The working part is just a plus :D I saw this yesterday I think in the hot files, I try to glance over them everyday. But yeah I will probably add this in, it looks well polished.


    A patch just showed up that now makes Nuclear Weather and Vivid Weathers compatible.


    I know that was the main reason for you to keep TruStorms, But I have had no complaints about Vivid Weathers, I also like the Nuclear Snowstorms. I'm going to download the patch and see if it works. I'll keep you posted

  10. Hey, @Haoswidasee hope things are good in your mod serchings. I have since calmed down from the earlier posts about me. I now also have the DLCs of Contraptions & Vault-Tec Workshops. I may be able to play them once I get everything back & in working order. Hell, I haven't even been to the Far Harbor area yet.


    So I ended up having to start all over again with my mods (downloading, installing). Being a Beta Tester for the NMM, the last 2 versions have caused an issue, causing me to have bloated file structure and other happenings. That being said I did find a mod that at one point you were asking if someone would make it. I think I found just what you may have been looking for. Introducing:


    CWSS Redux - Craftable Working Showers Sinks Baths Toilets Urinals etc by steve40 and FLipdeezy


    I have yet to test it ingame, but it looks cool. Since the problems I had with NMM, I have yet to either create patches for the issues I had mentioned earlier, or check out the other inventory description mods.




    @Haoswidasee I know you don't use things like LOOT or FO4Edit, so I want to make you aware of some conflicts that could cause some unstable moments or even CTD. And this can't be fixed by switching load order around, it has to deal with a bunch of misspelling between mods & the .esm files like Fallout4.esm and all the DLC .esm files. And also wrong values or wrong game items in a slot the calls for a different one. If it was not that many, then I would fix it myself, tell the modders in a PM about what happened & what I fixed. But, there is too much to fix.


    They are not just any mods, they are big ones on your list. There are 2 that I know you don't use, but I am still listing them because others might be using them. After this post I will contact the modders on their mod pages.


    Armor and Weapons Keywords Community Resource

    Armorsmith Extended

    A Realistically Weightless Colored Sorting Mod


    Valdacil's Item Sorting

    Wasteland Imports

    Functional Displays


    All of them are conflicting with each other and with the main Fallout4.esm. That's just what I go to see, it was so much I really didn't want to see anymore. This is a good chunk of base mods that work with the others. I had to get rid of the Country Crossing Automatron patch, I thought it was just that conflicting with the ones listed. Sadly not the case. If you do use FO4Edit, load up all files, start at the top and open up the fallout4.esm and, like in the photo below, you will see a bunch of this:


    attachicon.gifFO4Edit Conflicts.jpg


    Just wanted to make you aware before I contacted the modders. I'm also going to check out Better Armor and Weapon naming and sorting by: Ruddy88 as a replacer for DEF_UI since the modder is mostly AWOL and I don't think he is doing updates anymore. I don't know what it will take care of, but it's worth a shot. I'll keep you posted.



    I will keep it all in mind when I do my next update. I don't think I am using most of the mods in that list though.


    You have currently in your list, that are ones that I have mentioned. They are:


    Armorsmith Extended (AE) in Step 3

    DEF_UI in Step 5


    Disregard my comment about Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR) in Step 3, I have since learned, that is just a keyword assignment mod, and will not conflict with anything. It is for the allowment of keyword naming and slot opening for newer keywords to be added.


    I am slowly building a patch of sorts to try and get these things working with each other, like what was stated by the creators of these mods on their pages. All of the stated said that they would work with each other and some provided a patch in conjunction with said mods. They don't work. Now weather I publish the patch or not, that is another issue in & of itself. After doing what should have been done in the first place, I may say F.O. and let them fix it on their own because I already fixed it for myself.


    In PMs to me I was told quite a few things that questioned me, my ability & my level of education. And all I did was politely brought to light that there were some keywords & decimal inputs on some of their listed items that were missing with picture proof of the missing keywords & decimal inputs similar to the picture I posted in this thread. And that was just a few lines stated to me. The rest pissed me off to no end. Me, a 45 year old man that has been working on and building computers for friends & family for over 25 years with a 127 I.Q. while currently in rolled for I.T. classes to get an Associate's Degree with Software Programming for a Bachelor's Degree as my next course of classing. Yeah, I'm a dumbass alright.


    Sorry to vent here, they royally pissed me the f**k off. I'm sorry



  12. @Genamine Thank you for your response. Looks like I need to learn a lot about how to make patches and how to incorporate all the ones that are affecting each other as well as the fallout4.esm. A long night on searching and reading for me.


    Thank you again for your reply

  13. @Haoswidasee I know you don't use things like LOOT or FO4Edit, so I want to make you aware of some conflicts that could cause some unstable moments or even CTD. And this can't be fixed by switching load order around, it has to deal with a bunch of misspelling between mods & the .esm files like Fallout4.esm and all the DLC .esm files. And also wrong values or wrong game items in a slot the calls for a different one. If it was not that many, then I would fix it myself, tell the modders in a PM about what happened & what I fixed. But, there is too much to fix.


    They are not just any mods, they are big ones on your list. There are 2 that I know you don't use, but I am still listing them because others might be using them. After this post I will contact the modders on their mod pages.


    Armor and Weapons Keywords Community Resource

    Armorsmith Extended

    A Realistically Weightless Colored Sorting Mod


    Valdacil's Item Sorting

    Wasteland Imports

    Functional Displays


    All of them are conflicting with each other and with the main Fallout4.esm. That's just what I go to see, it was so much I really didn't want to see anymore. This is a good chunk of base mods that work with the others. I had to get rid of the Country Crossing Automatron patch, I thought it was just that conflicting with the ones listed. Sadly not the case. If you do use FO4Edit, load up all files, start at the top and open up the fallout4.esm and, like in the photo below, you will see a bunch of this:




    Just wanted to make you aware before I contacted the modders. I'm also going to check out Better Armor and Weapon naming and sorting by: Ruddy88 as a replacer for DEF_UI since the modder is mostly AWOL and I don't think he is doing updates anymore. I don't know what it will take care of, but it's worth a shot. I'll keep you posted.



  14. So I have a question to any modder that would know the answer to my question. I have always used FO4Edit after downloading a new mod to see if there are any conflicts with ones that are already installed. Well, I have some that do just that. And as we all know (and I am saying this respectfully), sometimes modders have a full plate and can't update as quick as they would like because they may have other mods to work on, or real life has shown up at the door. So I would like to know (photo provided) how I can fix them in FO4Edit. I'm not really new to FO4Edit, I have know the basic conflict fixes with a typo difference from mod against an .esm, or I have also fixed that a mod would have something listed in the wrong location versus an .esm or .esm & another .esp. Or it's a long string of 2 decimal number sets that go beyond the size of the allotted screen size (I have seen a lot of missing strings on decimals that I can't fully see to fix & match to stop a conflict)


    I am in no means trying to republish any mod as my own. I just want to be able to fix it on my end so that way I don't run into problems. And the more informed I am, the better I can explain my findings to the original modder in a PM. So below is the issue I am having with a mod, I just want to know if I need to, I guess it's called "Unpacking", or is there something else I need to do. Because this mod has a whole string of red flags. It's a major mod in inventory sorting so it's kinda important to have in my run through.


    So any kind of thoughts on how to go about this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in taking the time to read this.




  15. Sense Patch I can't seem to scrap basic thing's like gravel mounds and those rounded rubbish mounds and that big shack the whole shack on stilts in hangman's alley is unscrappable now, I installed the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch by Unofficial Patch Project Team last night and it's file called Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch-4598-1-0-0d, I'll uninstall the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch in case it's anti scrapping and interferes with spring cleaning and well start a new game without the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch


    Yes I had the asterisk (*) in front of all mods except the base game and dlc's in my plugin text and I loaded Unofficial Fallout 4 patch after spring cleanings esm and SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp file too



    I still have your altered spring cleaning file installed, it's most likely Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch being the issue, I'll know shortly!..


    When I did scrapall in console with the SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp disabled so the houses in sanctuary wouldn't scrap, even the small bushes that usually scrap wouldn't scrap or those small scrap piles with mixed in brick and crushed can debris wouldn't scrap too!..





    It's Bethesda's latest patch causing the scrap issues, seen a scrap mod linked at the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch comment boards linking to this "Unofficial Scrap Patch" https://mods.bethesda.net/#en/workshop/fallout4/mod-detail/747009

    Look at your plugins.txt file and the plugins on both NMM & In Game, you will find a plugin called Unofficial Scrap Patch.esp I think Bethesda put that in to block all of those scrapping mods. Get rid of it, and keep check it see if it comes back before you start the game each time. It returns most of the time, so keep checking for it.


    Those a**holes are not keeping me from scrapping.

  16. Whenever I use the decontamination arch that comes with the wasteland workshop DLC my game crashes to desktop. I can't pinpoint exactly when it started but it was recent. Here is my load order:






    *Snap'n Build.esm




    *Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp


    Unofficial Scrap Patch.esp

    *Eli_Crafting Shiz 9000.esp











    *NX Pro - Farm Core.esp


    *chem redux.esp

    *Companion Infinite Ammo.esp







    *Insignificant Object Remover.esp

    *Lots More Facial Hair.esp

    *Lots More Female Hairstyles.esp

    *Beautiful Female Settlers v. 2.0 - BS Compatible - NMR - NGR.esp

    *Lots More Male Hairstyles.esp

    *Muzzle Flash.esp

    *No Fusion Core Drain.esp





    *Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp


    *Radiant Clouds and Fogs.esp


    *Realistic Death Physics.esp


    *DX Vault Girl Shorts.esp

    *dD-Enhanced Blood.esp

    *dD - Small Splatter Size.esp

    *Grasslands - Healthy.esp



    *Armorsmith Extended.esp

    *Hoodless Scribe Hat.esp

    *Armorsmith Extended NightVision.esp



    *Eli_Apocalypse Attire.esp

    *DX Adventurer Outfit.esp

    *DX Commonwealth Shorts.esp




    *Armorsmith Automatron.esp

    *Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp




    *Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp








    *Craftable Armor Size.esp













    *Hangman's Alley Overhaul.esp




    *Scavvers of the Commonwealth.esp


    *NX Pro - Harvest Overhaul.esp

    NX Pro - Farm Core - Spring Cleaning.esp

    *NX Pro - Farm Core - Valdacil's Item Sorting.esp

    *Clean Wasteland Workshop.esp
















    *WET Clearer.esp

    *AE Lagrie Helmets - Raider Overhaul - Commonwealth Scavvers Leveled List Patch.esp












    *Children Extended.esp




    *Northland Diggers.esp







    *Homemaker - Greenhouse and Bunker Disabler SKE.esp







    *Better Vendor Stalls.esp




    I know I have a lot of workshop mods so I think it might have something to do with it. Any help is appreciated. Thanks



    If it makes you feel not alone, I have been having the same issue. It happend after I went to farharbor for the first time. I haven't found a fix yet but I am using FO4edit to find anything. I am running only a handful of mods so don't stress over that.


    Also console users are experiencing without any mods. Just found out. It is an issue with the DLC itself.

    The Unofficial Scrap Patch plugin has been causing me nothing but problems. I keep manually removing it from all text files, I remove it from NMM but yet something keeps putting it back in. I think Bethesda put this in to stop all of the Scrap mods, because when that Unofficial Scrap Patch.esp loads, you can't scrap the other stuff.


    It has to be it

  17. Vivid weathers looks good, but when I re-create the list I have quite a few weather mods to decide from. I could use that or I may use what I have so I can still use nuclear weather, that mod is amazing. The dog-meat mods are cool and all but I have seen some really wild robot ones and stuff I might go with. Honestly, most people are playing with the robots they create from the robot station anyways. I like my current grass mod more than the one you posted, just personal preference. The Seasons mod had compatibility issues last time I looked at it, could be fixed by now. I won't know if any of them are compatible until I do an update though.



    Disclaimer: If it seems like I am babbling, I have been awake for over 52 hours now (Since 8:10ish EDT Thursday morning).


    Thanks for looking them over, even if you did see them before. What impressed me about Vivid Weathers was all of the different weather condition with not only the radiation rain, but the nuclear winter snow. I think that is awesome, like I said we're in the commonwealth of Boston, of course it's going to snow. But that wasn't an option for Bethesda to do? It didn't make sense. About the robots, I'm not one of the ones you mentioned. I'm mean, they're cool and stuff but that's about it for me. And the grass, absolutely, the mods you have are great. I'm not knocking them. As for conflicts, since I'm not running all of the texture mods that you have, I may not run into that problem or I may. For me, I'm looking at the load times, as well as running the game in High/Ultra mix.


    And I don't have a low end PC, mine is more upper middle/lower high end build. Doing the math, I could run VRAM @ 15500 or 15.5 Gb and that's is a conservative number. I could probably get away with running it at 16.5 - 17.5 Gb and still have plenty left over to run the OS + FO4. For the most part, I have stuck to no less than 75% of your list. It's because they have yet to fail me, and the ones I dropped wasn't because I didn't like them. You've shown me so much with your list, what to do what not to do. How one could run it all without worries, I just gotta cut it down. Last game load was 253 Active Mods, 223 Active Plugins (So if anyone ask you how many mods could someone run, there is my highest,lol).


    One quick side note, then I'll go back to reinstalling everything. That Son of Atom, isn't it technically cheating by using Spring Cleaning to scrap things that wasn't supposed to be? Speaking of scrapping, have you seen Unofficial Scrap Patch.esp in your Plugins? I have deleted that damn .esp 3 times now (before the uninstall) & something keeps bringing it back. It's not a mod you would install like the others, it's almost like a mod you get from Bethnet at the main load screen, where the plugin is loaded, but you don't see it in the NMM list. The creator of that mod is no longer on Nexus because he is on a self induced exile. I could only find out about him from a Google search on the .esp name. Anyway, it's a blocker mod. It stops you from scraping some things, and you couldn't select objects or place objects & adjust them. Piles of leaves, branches, vines & something else were written in Spanish, everything else was English. Anyway, keep an eye on your Plugins for that .esp. Same to anyone else reading this.


    Okay, I'm cutting myself off. Sorry for the War & Peace lenght post.

  18. Thanks for replying guys. I've read that it may be the unofficial patch as well. I might remove it. As far as LOOT goes, I don't like using it either with my Skyrim. Now comes the cringe, My computer was not able to run Fallout 4 so I got in on the Xbone since I knew mods would come to it later. Probably should have mentioned it, but all these mods are xbox one mods. Is there a LOOT equivalent or a guide for load order on the Xbone? Sorry and thanks in advance.

    LOL, that would have been a handy bit of extra information to know. No on the LOOT equivalent. Since consoles can't do what PCs can, they are very limited to what they can have. Both console companies are keeping a tight lid on the modding thing. I think this is a trial run for both companies for their improvements on the current gen systems. I also have a XB1, but since I built my PC, I run "Open World" games on the PC and everything else goes on the XB1. And I only have 2 open world games that I play: FO4 & The Witcher 3.


    As for the unofficial patch, I would bet that since it is a little more difficult to port over to the consoles, something had to have gone wonky in the porting over.


    Oh, and not all of the mods are XB1, most of them are PC & then ported over, unless they are stolen, then ported over. That's the mess going on now.

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