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  1. Right click on the "Item" row, on top of the "CNTO - Item" one, but in your mod's column, and select "Remove". Or just click it and press Del. If that doesn't work, I really don't understand what is wrong.
  2. With the Del key? Also, you may have to right-click in there, and untick the "Hide no conflict and empty rows" option
  3. Indeed, who cares... With no weapon equipped, or no ammo equipped, or ammo with no special effects -> no ammo effects that can change damage/DR/DT -> everything works normally. Otherwise someone would definitely have already noticed something going on. The damage a mine (or anything really) does is calculated at the moment it explodes, not when you equip it or lay it. That's why ammo effects can affect it. Without NVSE + JIP? Not really.
  4. Source? Testing methodology that no one has cared for in over a decade I guess. All the thing with ammo types and swapping in FNV is mostly bells and whistles most people don't care too much about, coming across this particular issue of delayed damage sources being affected by ammo effects can be quite uncommon in normal gameplay, and when it happens a regular player has very little way of telling it has. It affects any current ammo you have. Most of the time it's "cosmetic" but the game treats all damage you cause as affected by your current ammo's effects behind the scenes, which under normal circumstances would only come into play when mines are involved, but the problem is still real. Not my intention to brag, but the good news is that this thread has inspired me to tackle the problem. I THINK I can solve it for all damage ammo effects, and mostly solve it for DT effects. I can't see how to solve it for DR effects but those aren't used in vanilla. Spread and weapon condition ammo effects appear safe enough. Fatigue effects are a complete disaster but I already replaced those in a mod of mine, which hopefully I'll update with this stuff soon enough.
  5. Pretty much, yes. YOUR mines, that is. And it will cause fatigue like a bean bag impact. And a mine will deal 175% damage with HP ammo loaded, but then faces a x3 DT increase in whatever it harms in the blast, etc.
  6. The game displays the damage of all weapons adjusted by the ammo effects of your currently loaded ammo, even if those weapons don't use it. Since the default ammo for shotguns has something like a x1.2 damage multiplier, you'll see all other weapons adjusted by that much. So other than that annoyance when viewing weapons in the pipboy and containers, it isn't much of a problem. Well, it is, because it can also change the damage and effects of things like mines you've laid that go off while you have that ammo loaded. but there's not much to do about that either.
  7. It's working. It's just as I imagined, and I have you to thank for! I had tried to inject it into the templates files, but I would never have guessed I had to do so at the right rect, so it becomes another "listed" element and thus child nÂș 1 will be a sibling of the ammo counter. Goddamn, how does one learn to think like this to work with xml? Now I have to wonder if this can be made compatible with mods adding AP_Wraps and overwriting HUDMainMenu with their own templates, but I'm thinking that's a limitation of me being so specific. I suppose that's why most mods just inject their elements at the base HUDMainMenu and change them with scripts. This method indeed puts all parameters on "autopilot" and you don't have to worry about them showing when they shouldn't, but getting injected there means I'd have to check compatibility for each specific UI replacement mod myself. Well I'll just have to decide how I do it. Well, thank you kindly, this was the cherry on top of the mod I'm trying to finish and it is due to you.
  8. This has been every bit as difficult as I remember, and then some. But I couldn't have asked for better help. Thank you IntenseMute. I simply was making every rookie mistake at once. First I wasn't putting my xml under "menus/prefabs". Then I wasn't naming the UIO txt file correctly. Then I wasn't writing the correct path in it. THEN it turns out I needed to refresh MO2 any time I make a change to any file, or else just quick launching the game from the GECK extender fails to load and recognize my changes. I can finally see a TEST string in game, injected under the ActionPoints rect, now it's a matter of manipulating it. I wish I could make it copy traits from the real ammo counter in the xml and then I could leave most of those on "auto-pilot", but after seeing all this I'm guessing copying traits in the xml file from an arbitrary sibling or parent is beyond my skill. I suppose keeping it updated in a script isn't too hard.
  9. Thank you again. I'm not making much progress. I remember in Oblivion I could use OBSE commands to "dissect" any menu with GetTileChildren and GetTileTraits and learn how they were structured at runtime, but there's none of that here and I'm just writing random strings in a script hoping they point to somewhere. I think I can identify the ammo counter's visibility at "HUDMainMenu\ActionPoints\*:4\visible", for the vanilla UI, for your mod it needs that "AP_Wrap\" before ActionPoints. But that's all I can find. "visible"seems to be hardcoded to hide when no gun is equipped, though it can be hidden and shown while a gun is equipped. So I'm guessing that I'll need to make my UI element one way or another, since i can't just manipulate the standard one for what I want? But I don't get the syntax. I don't get how the "*:N" syntax works, no matter how many times I read it. And I have no idea how to retrieve what the ammo counter is actually showing, be it a string or a value. Lets see if i can schematize this: - When a melee weapon is equipped, I want there to be a counter like the ammo one - I want it to inherit as many properties as possible from the real counter (position, color, size, alpha...) so that it feels like part of the user's own UI - I want to manipulate what the counter displays myself. So it isn't necessarily like the original "x/y", but rather shows a flat number, or a string, whatever I tell it in scripts - I'd rather use an UIO text file for easy injection, I don't know if my aim for it to imitate the real counter would mean compatibility with the "AP_Wrap" would be a problem
  10. Oh thank god, the man himself! I admit, I have severe limitations when it comes to working with xml, the last time I did some very simple things for Oblivion but it took me HOURS of trial and error to get them working. I've figured it's at the ActionPoints rect like you say, had no idea how it drew from the templates. Now I guess there's no point in beating around the bush: what I want to do is not manipulating the counter, rather introducing one when the game's own is not visible. So, when not having an actual gun or shooty thing out. I'm aiming for it to imitate the real thing as much as possible, so perhaps it could have its elements copy the originals'. Right now I was looking at the Quickthrow mod, and apparently it doesn't even use any InjectUI commands? Duh, it uses UIO for that. I was also wondering how to make it play well with other UI mods, as in, yours adds an extra rect "_Wrap" level above ActionPoints rect, would I have to take special measures, or is there some syntax that will avoid having to do that? Or for that matter, I recall oHUD doesn't hide the ammo counter when drawing a melee weapon, probably a bug, but in that case I could go ahead and just hide the thing myself? Thank you for your time, I know this all sounds kinda disjointed but I'm just aiming blind. EDIT: didn't even realize there's a forum more apt for these things, maybe I should report this to be moved there
  11. I'm a bit stumped on this so i thought I'd ask for help in case anyone can guide me. I'm trying to locate in the game's menu files where the display for the ammo count is controlled, but so far it's evading me. Plenty of HUD mods can manipulate it without much trouble, I tried making sense of the HUD Editor's scripts to see what it's doing with it after I edit the ammo counter position but I can't understand it. All I can find related to ammo in the HUDMainMenu xml is the "AmmoTypeLabel" element, but that controls the type of ammo chambered in the weapon, not the ammo counter. Is it under a completely different element? Or in some other menu? Any help is appreciated.
  12. I recall a mod that gave a perk which made weapon reloading faster when mashing the reload key. But I can't recall the name, nor have I been lucky searching it by description. Does it ring any bells?
  13. As the title suggests, I've just started toying with this idea. As far as my understanding of lore goes (which could be wrong or retconned out by now, but if you're interested): My understanding is that the covenant does not extend to daedra of any kind, no matter if in sentient terms they are equal or above the regular mortal races. Therefore, dremora souls ought to be considered white, and trappable in the regular soul gems, but in-game this does not happen. They are considered the same as any other NPC race, and can only be soul trapped in black soul gems. To solve this, I've considered removing the ActorTypeNPC keyword from the Dremora race. It works, allowing their souls to go into standard soul gems, but I'm wondering if this will cause other unforeseen issues. That keyword might be used for other hardcoded things, or workings in game that I'm not familiar with, which could be expected to be available to all kinds of actors that have a human or humanoid body structure. Does anyone know about whether this method is adequate for what I'm trying to accomplish, or if there are complications derived from it?
  14. 1) Bethesda rebrand the elder scrolls which is total nerd name, to Skyrim.which is way cooller and retcon out the previous games, they are just lame. oblivion is lame. morrwoind is lamex1000 daggerfall and arena are like lolwut? 2) remove books already.reading is for nerds.skill books shoud just give the skill when picked and disappear like other consumables 3) btter yet, no skills stuff.skill progression is for nerds, just put perks with experience level requirements or something 3) multiplayer like Fallout 76. Social meadia integration, auto-ban anyone who says the previos games are bteer so they dont bother the true fans 3 even bettr perks with paywall so only the real pros can get the most of the game thin out the haters and casuals 4) no mods, or offical paid mods only. free mods are for nerds and perverts and hav no place in muilplayer 5) canon Dovakhiin is male Nord and free Skyrim from empire with Stormvloaks like real man. the other races are for nerds, weeaboos and furries 6) more rpg elements like in CoD Black Ops and Battlefield 7) mor epic stuff dragon riding asasult fortress become emperor fight deadras conquer world massive battles 8 more (USER WAS MADE A BETHESDA DEV FOR THIS POST) ...Search your feelings, you know it will be true.
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