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About TheLoreSeeker

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  1. In response to post #55566224. #55566404 is also a reply to the same post. Paranoia and complaining about nonsense are part of the human condition.
  2. I personally find that I greatly prefer the new layout to the old one. Only problem has been that all my links link to the old design by default. Glad to see it shifting over.
  3. Oh Mathias! We're gonna try and get a submission in for the Contest mod you guys are doing. Hopefully we can manage a recording time before the due date. :P
  4. Updating our profile. Actor Stats Age: 28/26 Gender: Male/Female Race: Hawaiian Last Updated: 8/18/2015 Active Member: Yes Playable Races: Open to any Experience: Some Currently 1 published mod (Rigmor of Bruma) Skills: Basic Recording Ability (Audacity), Able to record in .wav About Me: Voice Acting Couple, AT2020 Desktop mic, decent range of voices. thelastevergreen on r/skyrimmods if you can't contact me here. Voice Samples: https://soundcloud.com/theloreseeker
  5. Spooky thing that Creation Kit. It has a mind of its own sometimes.
  6. It's not like there's any reason for them to rush. It'll come out when it comes out.
  7. Lol there is like literally nowhere on the Nexus that you aren't, is there? :tongue: I posted that two seconds ago. HOW ARE YOU HERE ALREADY? Without resorting to sorcery I mean. You picked the one topic in ALL the nexus that I'm subscribed to.
  8. I don't know if you know this or not.... but the Sergeant that sends you "to the block"....isn't Legate Rikke. You actually kill that Sergeant if you escape with Ralof.
  9. Isn't ESO at the beginning of the SECOND era? Skyrim is like 200+ years into the Fourth Era..... I imagine some things have changed in those thousands of years.
  10. Oh blast...I appear to have missed it by a mile. Oh well. Best of luck to those who made it. Can't wait to hear you all.
  11. Well I suppose that depend on whether or not any part of the mod would require hundreds of trains to rain from the sky.
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