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  1. I figured it out... There's a podium a few feet back... I couldn't set anything on it. So, I just jumped on the podium. It released the bars. I'm good to go. Sorry for the panic. LOL
  2. I've already done that quest. I'm on a quest to find a book for the orc in the colleges library. The book is in the catacombs of Valthume. I can see it... it's being kept from reach by some bars. I cannot seem to find the release mechanism.
  3. I'm currently stuck in the catacombs of Valthume. I'm looking for a copy of Souls, Black and White. I've found the area it's in, but I can't release the bars guarding it. Please Help!
  4. @Kingdark I wasn't aware, so thank you. And @Guss I'll give that a try next time thank you. Just moving the corpse would not have worked. The book was literally under the floor. Again, Thanks!
  5. HEY!!! I got it to work. THANKS!!! I just had to use the Fire Ball spell 4-5 times and the book was pushed from under the ground where it was hiding. 87 hours not wasted. Thank you again.
  6. I'm 87 hours into Skyrim. I was searching for King Olaf's Verse in Dead Man's Respite. The curser is pointing to Skinver's corpse, but the Verse isn't there. I saved after I dropped down the well, or whatever it is. Yes, I'm playing on an Xbox360. I know all you PC people are gonna be hating. What am I supposed to do? Start over? Give up? Please help in anyway you can. Thanks.
  7. I'm 87 hours into Skyrim, and meticulous about saves. I've f***ed myself. King Olaf's Verse isn't there. It isn't where the curser is pointing. I can't go back, I've dropped down a well. WTF?!? Start over? Or the throw the damn game out the window? I'm pissed.
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