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About eregor2

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  1. ok guys this will be my first, how do I install a mod?
  2. have you get the real key from the orc(dont remember his name) who set you up? Just search his body for the real key, I had the same problem before but ppls here help me.
  3. since I installed the unofficial patch for oblivion, when I quit my game, the computer say "oblivion have stop working, looking for the solution(or whatever) and freeze, even if I stop my pc, after rebooting the last frozen game is on my face and I can only ctrl-alt-del and restart in safe mode, after that I reboot again and try the task manager and now I can disable oblivion who still running, anyone have an answer?
  4. I dont know about the Madgod, what it is? :O) and where again I can get the unofficial patch for SI, I prefer to get it from you as you have all awnsers ;)
  5. seems I have the latest patch and I did receive that msg about the strange doorway in the Niben Bay.
  6. I've tried to install the latest patch for SI but it say the files are already installed so i think they patched the game on cd already as I bought the 5th anniversary of the game.
  7. thanks, I think I will continue to play Oblivion vanilla but will take a look at the 3 mods you said they were good. I finished the recommendations and I'm in the middle of the arch mage polus(?) quests have given me, the pillar quest.
  8. Rennn, you should edit your msg and delete your email for security, you never know, I did with mine.
  9. He didnt give that quest Through a Nightmare Darkly but I finally resolved the mage guild quest of returning the staff, scrolling down with the arrows works :) now I must be sure all recommendations have been sent. Rennn did it for me about the Lewallyn mage quest about Dagail quest not working. Now its only travelling trough all cities if I've really done all quests., Id like to ask you about something, do you have mods? if so which ones have you picked because I went to the top 100 and I think its cheating a bit, like making your major skills to 200 and so on, Id like your opinion on that because I dont like cheat.
  10. I have installed the shieverils islands addon to Oblivion, should I install the official 1.2 patch as well or should I go with the unoficial patch only?
  11. that must be quite a fight I believe you! I'm level 22 and a warrior, I didnt have to take potions but the entire fight was challenging.
  12. I'm level 22 warrior, I think I will try some mods(the best of course), I'm afraid a bit to loose my game and to reinstall but I have trust in the peoples here that it didnt arrive, so I need the page and how-to-do how to install mods w/o f....ing my game. thanks!
  13. my disposition with him is already 81, I dont know if more will help, I did speak with Kud-Ei again and she didnt give no scrolls, but thanks for your help anyway.
  14. I've meet in the chapel and my disposition is at 81 with him but he still say the me :/ what is that other quest you said you undertake before this one, that might helpfull, you never know.
  15. I just tried again and my dispositon was 77 after bribing him, same awnser. I will try as you said in the chapel or the other place you mentioned(cant remember now after replying. I will read again the uspi niki. I will post another msg later. thanks.
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