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Nexus Mods Profile

About dcarmichiel

  1. agreed I would happily donate some money computer cycles and time, voice acting , whatever if there is anyone out there with the technical skills to build the base mod 1. option to completely bypass all the run or gun missions or at the least make it possible to beat the dream sequence and shoot my way out of the compound 2. make it possible to kill seed at some point in the game and then change the outcomes 3. make it possible as an addon mod to discover that seed has put cult members into the nuclear missle program and have an option to call out to the call out to the federals authorities 4 change the f*#@ing nuke ending for the gods sake the entire point of the damn game is for the cult to survive!!!! why the f*#@ would he nuke his own area ??? 5 make it a realistic federAL RAID TO START THE GAME they our not going to send ONE f*#@ING MARSHALL with no back up to go after a cult leader like seed Just some starter ideas but I truly think if we can at least add some options to opt out of the run and gun dreamscapes the game would have a lot more replayability
  2. they always seem to forget the "-" sign in front of the amt to "reduce" the bounty
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