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About kiddrabbit

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. Hi all, Making a custom companion in CK and everything is all set except for one little thing...my companion won't give the player items. What I've done so far: 1. Set value to true in companionactorscript for ShouldGivePlayerItems 2. Created a leveled list for the items and set that as the value under ItemToGive 3. Made Idles and Hellos in quest dialogue and set relevant idle conditions to 'HasItemForPlayer' Am I missing a step somewhere? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!!
  2. Not sure if I'm understanding correctly, but if you're working on your own mod and want to use an object from another mod you can open both mods with CK and just set your mod as the active file, then just copy/save the data over. Hope this helps!
  3. Try Face Ripper? http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3878/? The save-to-save function is probably what you need. You don't have to create a whole new plug-in :)
  4. Try tweaking the export presets when exporting (the forward and up--sometimes I have to use -Z forward and -Y up). After you click on export as .obj the presets will be on the bottom left corner of your screen. Hope this helps!
  5. Kitcat, you are the absolute best! It's working now :D Thank you thank you thank you!
  6. Oooh ok I didn't know you could do that in Nifskope too. Thanks!! I'll try that first and hopefully it works there. If not then I'll just have a weird looking coat :p
  7. Sorry I tried to embed the image via url but for some reason I kept getting the same error message :/ The brown parts are actually black like how you see it in the OS screenshot. I don't know why the parts I unwrapped aren't corresponding to the proper body part on the mesh :sad: I made the normal and specular maps out of the diffuse file and I duplicated a vanilla material then directed the texture paths to the correct folder and everything for the files that I created. Is there a reason why the texture isn't applying correctly? I unwrapped it in blender, exported the UV layout to edit in GIMP, then exported to .dds, used CrazyBump to make the normal and specular maps...Did I miss a step somewhere?
  8. Hi All, This is my first time making a mod and trust me when I say that it's been a long, long process. But luckily I'm in the home stretch after learning, doing, failing, and trying again. Everything is in working order now except for my textures (argh). Here is what my test texture looks like: Here is how they appear when applied in OS and in-game: I think I did something wrong with the UV mapping but I'm really not sure. Maybe I'm exporting the .dds wrong? Hope someone can recognize the issue and point me in the right direction. Thanks, much appreciated. :smile:
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