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Everything posted by ClockworkBlack

  1. I'm getting the same thing. It was working perfectly fine until today. So strange.
  2. Fallout 4 doesn't support SLI yet (if it ever will). You need to use Alternate Frame Rendering or a decent profile (but none of them work as well). Launch Nvidia Control Panel--> Manage 3D Settings --> Program Settings --> Select Fallout 4 (Fallout4.exe)-->change SLI Rendering Mode to: Force Alternate Frame Rendering 2. it will warn you against changing this setting, just hit okay and save. Depending on the card this can create more problems than its worth and may or may not give you a good boost in performance. Try it at your own peril. Edit: Never-mind. Apparently they added support for it in 359.06. Must've missed that patch note haha. So simply enabling SLI in your Nvidia control panel should be enough.
  3. What framerates are you getting at 1440p? A lot of stuttering and issues you are having could be because of SLI itself. Skyrim is not very friendly with SLI (especially with ENB's running). Try turning off SLI and see if it helps at all. FMod, all DirectX 11+ games designed with 4k in mind are capable of pushing past 4gb VRAM. With heavy modding and Realvision ENB installed in Skyrim at 4k I get 4gb of VRAM usage on my 980TI. VRAM usage is subjective according to the card, architecture, and game. You can't say "games don't use more than 4gb VRAM" because that's not true. It depends on how the architecture of the GPU manages the rendering. Edit: One more thing thing, if you do plan on upgrading your GPU, you should wait for Pascal to come out. Its supposed to come out sometime in June/July so you can have a better idea if you want to jump on that bandwagon or not then.
  4. After 5 years, still modding Skyrim.
  5. It really depends on what game you play. 2 to 4 gb of vram can make a huge difference or not at all. So can 4 to 6. More VRAM doesn't really give you more performance out of your GPU overall. VRAM is very similar to regular ram. If all the applications on your computer require 2gb of RAM whether you have 4 gb or 64gb it makes no difference in performance. The only time you notice a difference is when you see a performance drop because you don't have enough. Well its exactly the same for VRAM. All of the games textures (and some other things) get loaded into the VRAM. So if you play a game with poor texture compression or really high quality textures you need more VRAM. But if you have enough VRAM it won't make your game faster to just have more. Vram is the thing you want to have enough of but having more won't make things any better. That's why 4k requires so much VRAM. Because when you switch your resolution to 4k all those textures render in 4k which is a lot larger than 1080p. The 700 series are kind of a special case scenario. Until recently I had 2 EVGA 770's in SLI (the 2gb version). I've only ever had problems with them after I jumped over to windows 10. I was on windows 7 before and I didn't have a single issue. After windows 10 I had constant driver crashes, BSOD's caused by DirectX, slow downs, etc. And all of that is because the Nvidia drivers. Now this is just me. I know other people have problems with them in general. But EVGA made better 770s than most other manufacturers (even though they kinda dropped the ball on the 900 series) so I suspect that's why I had less issues than my friend who has an MSI. However the 600 series (and even 500 and 400) don't have as many issues. That's why there's no reason to believe that 900 will have anymore issues than it has now. I think you'll be fine if you can get a good 900 series card. But of course if you buy it used you have to take a risk that it has some issue. it doesn't have to be the card being DOA. It could've been overheated, could've had water on it from a water cooling loop, or just improper installation/uninstall without taking the anti-static precautions. All of that can cause all sorts of issues from artifacts in games (Textures going crazy, effects like dust and smoke showing up only when your camera is in a certain position, etc) to random GPU freezes crashing your whole system. But of course that's a worse case scenario. I bought my second 770 from Ebay used and it worked fine. Just make sure that the page from where you buy has a "ebay money back guarantee" and that you contact the seller on ebay and get him to tell you that it has absolutely no issues and that he uses an anti static bag/foam to ship to you. That way if the card has issues you can always return it and have a case to get your money back. Its not a 100% guarantee, but its better than nothing.
  6. We assume its gonna be called GTX 1000 or X80. But those are just rumors. But yes, it is a new generation. The new GPU is going to have 14nm FinFET 3D Transistors which means they can put a lot more of them on one board (more performance). They are also stacking memory. The rumor is that Pascal is going to start with 6gb of VRAM on the lowest-end card in the series and end somewhere around 12gb. That's huge considering that the most Maxwell has for a single GPU is 6gb. If all of that is true, the new generation Nvidia GPU's will be the biggest upgrade we've seen in a while between generations. With the increased amount of Vram it will make 4k gaming viable (which will also bring down the price of 4k monitors as more will flood the market). The reason why I think this is because Nvidia originally wanted to do for the 800 and 900 series the same that they did for 600 and 700. The 700 series of graphics cards are basically just refreshed versions of the 600. And they wanted to release Maxwell as 800 and then just refresh it for 900. Instead they just skipped 800 all together because Pascal was coming. Basically they skipped a generation of GPU's to stay competitive with AMD who is much more transparent about what they are developing. Nvidia is also doing a big push for Virtual Reality currently, so I wouldn't be surprised if the new video cards have features for VR. All this is supposed to be announced at Computex between May 31st and June 4th and if the past is any indication, they will be available for sale sometimes from the middle of June to the beginning of July.
  7. I wouldn't buy that 770... I currently have 2 770s that I'm about to put for sale on Ebay and when I first looked at that "770" I got a little worried haha. The price was way too low. If you want to get the best bang for your buck and don't mind buying a used card, I would suggest wait until Pascal is supposed to come out in June. After Pascal's release, Ebay is going to be flooded with videocards as people try to sell for their upgrade. You may be able to snag a 900 series card for under $200. I've done that every release since my GTX 460 until now. With my new job and a lot more disposable income I am able to be current generation. But being one generation behind isn't bad either.
  8. Pretty exciting stuff. I haven't finished fallout 4 yet. I've only played it for like 5 hours. I was waiting for all the DLC's and the Creation Kit to come out so I can mod it and do a complete play-through. I like to take my games slowly and immersively.
  9. Can't find anyone to help me about my premium membership. RIP 72 dollars :(
  10. I bought premium membership when I made this account (I didn't like the name of my old one so I requested it be banned) but for some reason I didn't get premium membership even though I payed the money (it was withdrawn out of my account, I have proof). I submitted 2 tickets 4 days ago and no one responded to me. What should I do?
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