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Posts posted by JeremeW5257

  1. I've started over so many times I can't remember, but for some reason I can't enter Solitude now. I can COC into any of the Solitude interior buildings...Winking Skeever, Blue Palace...but can't go into the city itself. Instant CTD. There's something with the opening scene that's causing it to crash. Anyone else experiencing this?
  2. Is it possible to delete part of a mesh with Nifskope? I like a specific armor mod, but it has arm bands as part of the body mesh. I want to delete the arm bands, but keep the rest. I know you can delete the texture part that is connected to the arm section, as a way to "delete" that part, but I don't have that option in this case. The texture is invisible, so adding the NiAlphaProperty to the mesh makes the whole armor disappear.
  3. I want to change some of the existing dialogue for different events. For example, I have 3 female followers and I want them to use the Dark Brotherhood Initiate dialogue when I interact with them. I'm sure there's an easy way with the CK, but I haven't figured it out yet. I also want to apply some of the general dialogue/comments to apply when I'm naked. There's a comment where someone says "Point that thing somewhere else" or something like that, and "That's one...big hammer". Those dialogues apply to weapon comments by default. If I can get it to work, I'll upload it.


    I'm fairly fluent with the CK for adding NPCs, changing existing NPCs, modifying outfits, changing up NPCs AI, and that's about it.


  4. The .nif file that I'm trying to change is cuirass_0.nif. It's a female armor file, but part of the female body can be seen. I want the female body part if this .nif file to look like skin tight armor. So when you equip the armor, the expose body parts appear to be wearing a skin tight chainmail armor. It should be easy to do...just change the body mesh part of the .nif file to a different texture path.


    I tried insanitymans tip. It worked, but not all the way. The body mesh no longer has the default femalebody texture file, but doesn't look exactly like the desired texture either. It looks correct in Nifskope, but in game it's much darker. No matter how much I try to lighten the texture up, it still looks dark. This problem is even stranger than the original problem. Now part of the new file seems to work but not all.


    I'm using it for now, because it gives me more of the desired look, but would like to make it a little lighter in color.


    Any ideas?

  5. I'll give it a try and see if it helps. Thanks for the tip. Somehow it seems to work for the Sleek Steel body armor. The chainmail part is just a retexturing of the body mesh, to look like skin tight armor. At least, it seems to be. I'm trying to get that same look on a custom body mesh that I made for my followers.
  6. I know, there's no logical reason why it doesn't work. If I apply the same process to change textures for armor and clothing, it works fine. There seems to be a bug or something else effecting only the femalebody_1.dds file. No matter what I link the texture path to in Nifskope, it links it the the default texture path in game.
  7. I'm fairly familiar with using Nifskope, but can't seem to get one thing to work. I want to change the body texture path from textures/actors/character/female/femalebody_1.dds to something else. What I'm trying to do is create a look of skin tight armor by simply making the default body texture file something else (a chainlink version of the body texture). I can link the new texture path in Niskope, but when I view it in game it doesn't work. I save before exiting and do everything else that I would normally do to change texture paths for armor and clothing.


    I'm sure it's a very simple fix, but can't figure it out.


    Any help would be appreciated.

  8. I fairly familiar with Nifskope, but can't figure out how to do something. I want to make a belt.nif file a little bigger, and move up on my female follower. I use a custom body mesh, and some of the existing clothing mods don't fit exactly. I can make the belt bigger or smaller (scale vertices), but not move up on the body. Here's what I do...


    I open Nifskope. Load belt.nif file. Right click on the belt in the Nifskope viewing screen. Scroll down to the "scale" option. A new screen pops up. I make the changes, then click ok. When I do the same thing, except click the "edit" selection (moving the belt up in respect to the NPC), the changes don't take effect in game. The only change that shows in game is the "scale" option changes. I'm sure it's a minor thing that I'm missing, but can't figure it out.

  9. I like "tweaking" some of the armor and weapons mods just for my own personal use, but can't figure out how to change the crafting recipes for them. For example, I like using the scout armor mod, but hate that you need quicksilver Ignot to craft the scout bow. I'd like to change it to just requiring steel, iron, and leather. I know I can just add the quicksilver Ignot with console commands, but really don't like to "cheat".
  10. I don't know what causes this but it happens when you change Aela's appearance. I haven't found a fix for this after it happens, but there's a way to avoid it if you start a new game or resort to a previous save. The way to fix it is to give Aela her default appearance right before she goes into the Underforge and turns into a warewolf. You can go back to whatever appearance you want her to have after you finish the first Silver Hand mission where she is your follower.


    I created a mod with the CK for my personal use, but anyone can do it. All you have to do is open the CK, load Skyrim.esm and don't select anything for the Active file. After everything loads up, find Aela in the Actors category, and double click on her selection. This will pull up another window. Just click OK at the bottom but DO NOT make any changes. You will see an asterisk next to her name when finished. Save the file...name it whatever you want. I named mine...Aela's Face Fix. Close when done and make sure it's loaded at the bottom of the load order.


    All this does is tell the game to override whatever mod changes Aela's appearance to back to the vanilla version. When you finish the first mission with her, you can remove it from your load list. She will go back to her previous modded appearance, but now she moves her mouth.


    If you need detailed instructions on how to use the CK, there's lots of tutorials on here.

  11. My game does this too. I don't think it's any one particular mod, but several mods conflicting. I've tried reducing textures down to minimum and it doesn't make that much difference. I have the most problem when leaving a store/inn and going into a high NPC area...leaving The Bannered Mare going into Whiterun. I travel with 3 followers so I'm sure that doesn't help.
  12. I'm having similar issues. I found that the thing that works best is to eliminate shadows. I tried reducing them down to the lowest graphic quality, but really bad shadows actually looks worse than no shadows...IMO. There's a few mods on here that does it. You'll have to adjust your Skyrimpref.ini file too. The one I use is called "Shadow Remover".

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