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Everything posted by forgetandeatcake978

  1. Basically want a script that will trigger when I activiate a Talos shrine. Is that as simple as finding the correct worldobject-activator in the creation kit and attaching the script to it? Want it to trigger when any Talos shrine is used.
  2. I like going into the all mods section to look at new mods, and maybe discover a new game to play and mod. Problem is on every page of it will be mods for skyrim, fallout etc taking up half the page. I have nothing against those games, I have modded them to death, but it'd be nice to be able to filter them out so I can see other games.
  3. Yeah pretty much. To be honest I already I have the button working it just occured to me after there could be a better way of doing it. Cheers!
  4. Quick question about scripts attached to activables, would it be better to a) create a empty quest that starts game enabled, make the activable an Alias and attach the script to it b) make a copy of the activable and attach the script to it I want the button to be able to start a repeatable quest
  5. Ok I attached the script to an object that checks if the quest is running, and it still wasn't working. Realised my script wasn't extending anything and once I added extends object reference it worked
  6. So, what I want is a subquest that can be started by touching a button, only when a main quest is running. To do this I have made the main quest and placed a button (DweButton01). I added this to the Quest Aliases of the main quest and then added a script that detects if the player pushed the button. If the subquest is active a message box shows up and if it isn't running it sets the stage to 10. When I try it out in game though it isn't working. I have added the player and quest in the properties. Not sure what's wrong Would it just make more sense to attach a script to the object that checks if the main quest is running, and if it is, start the subquest?
  7. I am following a youtube tutorial for this, and I think it was made before states was a thing. So thank you for pointing them out! The code works now, although I am still not sure what was wrong before. Well, I'll read up on states anyway
  8. So, I am just starting with the mcm menu, and I am trying to create a toggle option in the menu. The idea is that players can toggle between a fixed gold reward, and a leveled gold reward. The menu appears in the mcm, the page "settings" appears and my toggle option appears. But the toggle doesn't change the global variable I want it to. Scriptname FAEC_PG_MCM extends SKI_ConfigBase ; ;Global stuff ; Globalvariable property faec_pg_game1_leveledreward auto ; ;toggle states ; bool leveledrewardsval = true; ; ;OIDS (option IDS) ; int ileveledreward; ; ;Create pages ; Event OnconfigInit() Pages = new string[1] Pages[0]= "Settings" Endevent ; ; Add options to pages ; Event OnPageReset(string page) If(page=="Settings") SetCursorFillMode(Left_to_right) AddheaderOption("Maze Game") AddEmptyOption() ileveledreward=AddToggleOption("Leveled Reward", leveledrewardsval) endif endevent ; ; make options do things ; Event OnOptionSelect(int option) if(currentpage == "settings") if(option == ileveledreward) leveledrewardsval = !leveledrewardsval SetToggleOptionValue(ileveledreward, leveledrewardsval) If(faec_pg_game1_leveledreward.getvalue() == 0 ) faec_pg_game1_leveledreward.setvalue(1) else faec_pg_game1_leveledreward.setvalue(0) endif endif endif endevent This is my code. The "Globalvariable property faec_pg_game1_leveledreward auto" is given the correct global variable in the properies menu, and the global variable is "short" with value 1. The constant box is unticked. In game when I press the toggle it should change the global variable value, but it isn't. In fact to begin with I had the global variable set to 0, but I changed it to 1, saved it and in game the global variable is still displayed as 0! Any help would be great
  9. Thank you, although 128 entries should be enough. Each string represents a unique maze. By feeding the string into a function (that exams each character in turn) it will enable or disable referenced walls to create the maze. Still need to write that function but it should be simple enough, I make an array of these strings, get a random one and then using a for loop or something use skse getnthcharacter function to look at each character. That way I can randomise the area each time. 10,000 would be bragging rights, but 128 unique mazes should be enough that a player will never come across the same one twice
  10. I have an array that I want to put into the creation kit. It is saved on a txt file, it's entries look like this: 001100101000 001000111000 000011101000 000101100010 100100100010They are all the size length, and there is a lot more of them (I will have to test how many I can fit and how the script handles it, ideally I would put 10,000 entries into this array but I don't know how much skyrim can handle) How do I do this? I don't need it to read it from a file, I can copy and paste the values into the creation kit script. I think I should also be saving each entry as a string, because I plan to randomly select one of the elements, then use Skse's GetNthChar function to get every number. Thank you for any help
  11. Hi I've been trying to get Tera Armors Collection to fit onto UNP Skinny body. I am using Mod Organizer 2. Here is a screen shot of the base mod, before adjustments. This is just to show that the textures work fine. After running it through bodyslide and enabling the output plugin, I end up with this While the meshes are now UNP Skinny, the textures are clealy off, however I don't know what is causing this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Link to Tera Armors collection that I am using: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25846 Link to the page with the bodyslide sliders that I am using: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74077?tab=files
  12. Hello can somebody send me a link? I really want to try this mod, espically since I got my skyrim save stable again
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