OptionIveTried1: PlaceAtMe(GoldCoin,200) and each coin has it's own OnCellDetach() --- Delete() script attached. But that's spawning 200 scripts all at once, sounds less than optimal to me OptionIveTried2: Player.PlaceAtMe(GoldCoin) 200 times via a spell with an array script. Places them, and after a minute or so, re-array them to fade and delete Both of the above work but seem bloaty to me. Can I exploit explosions or hazards or something to make this much cleaner? I understand explosions automatically clean themselves up I also don't want a static model of a coin pile. I want each coin to react to havok independently Edit: Skyrim*** And hmm maybe just place an invisible actor, unblock activation on the coins, then he activates/takes them, removeallitems, delete the actor...