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  1. Thanks for the answer. The script is optimized for what it's doing but it is intense I made a copy of Whiterun that is from an alternate timeline and am demonstrating just how dark this dark world is. After the intro it's standard stuff where nothing makes the above situation happen. Just was wondering. Prolly make it a resource and just advise to remove my content if you want to just use the worldspace for something
  2. Edited some tone of frustration lol, solved it now. It was because I was using GodMode in the script for testing encounters..... Didnt know it affected events. sheesh. One of the "signs" I look for in regards to stressing Papyrus out is when the script lets me trigger events like OnSpellCast() while the spell in question is on cooldown. It's like Papyrus is overwhelmed atm and doesn't check "oh wait its on cooldown you cant trigger this" I notice anytime this does happen, it mends itself upon saving and reloading the game. Doesn't sit well with me though I guess you could say. I have a scene I am finishing up that is complex and temporarily very taxing on Papyrus. I sort of want to insist on keeping this scene because it is grand and demonstrates a level of seriousness for a dark theme I am aiming for
  3. I was not aware we had full default permissions I might have some fun with these...
  4. In response to post #65047821. #65048711, #65049131, #65057191, #65058311 are all replies on the same post. Not denying 64 bit is the definite endgame, but a lot of "downsides" being mentioned are not. Just requires a little more proper setup for classic. And classic still has the capability of superior visuals
  5. Gotta be honest I dont may much attn to these interview tabs... but Enderal? Criminally underrated. One of the main reasons I even mod Skyrim anymore is because while I am kinda burnt out on Skyrim itself, I can still play Enderal and mod it too. Masterpiece
  6. Thanks for the comment. Yeah it seems fine. Released a mod with an NPC stored in an empty void until invoked, and it seems to work fine. Just get paranoid sometimes!
  7. To clarify I mean dummy placeholder cells that would be literally impossible for the player to ever visit unless they went out of their way to do it on purpose with a console command or script I have only ever stored trivial references in those like scripted blank objects and it has never been a problem omitting that data. Going to store an NPC or two though in a mod soon however. Anyone know if that data is needed? Thanks :)
  8. To the above, that's basically what my array does in the spell I cast. Still the same workload whether it's a spell or an activator, an array that does the work, then waits, and cleans up. Sadly this might be one of those things that may just be what it is. Was just hoping there was some other approach that escaped me. And hey maybe my method/s work fine. I just get paranoid with save bloat and similar issues
  9. OptionIveTried1: PlaceAtMe(GoldCoin,200) and each coin has it's own OnCellDetach() --- Delete() script attached. But that's spawning 200 scripts all at once, sounds less than optimal to me OptionIveTried2: Player.PlaceAtMe(GoldCoin) 200 times via a spell with an array script. Places them, and after a minute or so, re-array them to fade and delete Both of the above work but seem bloaty to me. Can I exploit explosions or hazards or something to make this much cleaner? I understand explosions automatically clean themselves up I also don't want a static model of a coin pile. I want each coin to react to havok independently Edit: Skyrim*** And hmm maybe just place an invisible actor, unblock activation on the coins, then he activates/takes them, removeallitems, delete the actor...
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