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  1. Looking pretty good. Keep up the great work.
  2. When trying to add the final zip file, after compressing all the textures and everything, I get the following error: "An error occurred whileparsing EntityName. Line 40, position 29." http://i.imgur.com/TKgPaow.png Any idea what it could be? I have 118 GB free on the HDD, so I'm guessing that's not it.
  3. You're right, I'm still having the freezes. I guess I'll try uninstalling Unread Books Glow and see how it goes from there.
  4. Yeah, very much so. I had a lot of these freezes especially when I was riding a horse. Why? I guess your assumption is probably correct: because of the speed the horse travels around the map, you move between cells quicker, and so will notice the freezing frequently. As for SKSE, I'm not so sure. I do have Unread Books Glow installed, and SkyUI. SkyUI is out of the question. Not only I'm pretty sure that's not the culprit, but either way I wouldn't uninstall it. :P It's just one of those mods that would make Skyrim completely unplayable for me. What, for now, seems to have solved the problem for me, was adding the following line uExterior Cell Buffer=36 under General in the Skyrim.ini located in the My Documents folder. The only reason why I can't say I'm exactly sure that was the problem is because I haven't hours enough in a row to prove my suspicion. I'll play quite a little today, so if I run into any freezing, I'll post back.
  5. Before this playthrough, I had: ugridstoload=7 ; uExterior Cell Buffer=64 (DO NOT USE THIS!!!!) Although a better option (supposedly), I noticed my loading screens were taking much longer to load. Because I learned from that "mistake", this time around I didn't change that value in Skyrim.ini. Either way, I just checked it, and although ugridstoload is set to 5, I didn't have uExterior Cell Buffer=36. I added it and started playing and after a couple hours, no problem yet. Maybe that's what was causing this problem. Maybe this was somehow addressed in the latest patch, but I'm somewhat afraid that, being in Beta still, it could affect my game some other way. I've started this game way too many times due to problems I had during my gameplay, so I'm hoping to finally "end it" this time. That said, regardless of how much this problem is causing me, I'm just saving very frequently and hopefully when the official version of the patch comes out, this will be fixed. Good to know. Thanks for the info.
  6. The current way of mods listing on the Nexus is okay, I guess. However, I find it quite difficult to find an interesting mod that's not already extremely popular. Sure, if you just search for the exact name of the mod, you'll find it. But what if you're searching for something "new"? What if you just go on Nexus site thinking "okay, surprise me". In my personal experience, it's pretty difficult. I know usually changes like these might be difficult to implement (or not), but either way I believe the following suggestions would make the whole experience much better: 1) Add image thumbnails to search results. Wouldn't that make everything so much easier for everyone? You have a bunch of random mods listed that you've never seen before. Mod name and short description sure is helpful, but wouldn't pictures/videos thumbnails prove much more effective for the mods' presentations? 2) Make Advanced Search (more) visible Only now that I was making this post I was able to find this. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/advancedsearch/ To access it, one needs to do some regular search and then click on Search again on the top right corner of the search results. This is a great feature that can prove much more effective to present the user with relevant content. 3) Add Active/Inactive Development filter Would be great if mods could set such an attribute for their own mods, to let users know when they're not supporting the current mod anymore. Allowing users to edit such an attribute pending the author's permission would be just as welcome. Some mods are great, or were great when they were active, but are just outdated and most likely incompatible with latest Skyrim version, or even DLCs. These are just a few ideas I believe would make a tremendous positive impact on everyone's experience on Nexus.
  7. Probably not. It's just interesting that you had that problem in an early release, and I had it during my last playthrough (already with the latest Skyrim patch) and ofc some mods installed. Just proves that this wasn't fixed by Bethesda or addressed by Unofficial Skyrim Patch or anything. :) But at least we are fortunate that's so easy to fix with a simple console command.
  8. Weird. And how is one supposed to get rid of it without using the console command? If it's some sort of "disease", shouldn't a shrine cure it?
  9. I was able to fix this in the past, thanks to that fix I found somewhere else. Never had it ago though. Question is what's causing it?
  10. Restarting the game and reinstalling are completely different things. :P Whatever was present in the game files and settings will still be present after you start a new game, I guess. Obviously a new save game doesn't append any useless scripts info, etc, but still... if you're gonna do something right, do it right. ;)
  11. Can you elaborate? Freezy, how? In which circumstances? How often? Does it crash?
  12. I see. And how do I remove that script information from the save file?
  13. @Luc Deveroux, Georgiegril, and everyone that has chipped in on this issue: Thank you very much for the help you're providing. :) I don't mean in anyway to show ungratefulness or anything; I just really am not convinced the problem is non-related to Skyrim. My system is new, hardware is quite capable, I am no expert in modding or anything, but I do have some experience with computers - just like I'm assuming most of us here are - and I keep my system clean of unnecessary processes, virus, spyware, etc. Drivers up to date, Skyrim updated, used Steam to verify Integrity of game cache, etc., none of it works. However, there is something that just occurred to me as I'm typing this post, but more on that later. Here's what Papyrus log is saying: The log goes on and on repeating that last line "Could not find type AdvanceSpeech (...)" and that's the last it recorded before I was forced to kill TESV.exe using Windows task manager. I have already googled, but no results on this. :( ("Where is your god now?") No idea what that could refer to. Any easy way to copy/paste my active mods/scripts list? @FightCat Were you able to continue playing from your previous saves (by keeping the mods, etc)? Or did you just start from the beginning?
  14. Not even close. Everything's squeaky clean. I installed all the software on my HDD from the OS to Steam, hardware drivers, etc. I manage all the start-up executables and monitor them from time to time just to make sure I don't have any unnecessary processes running from boot. Either way, those are just habits from old PCs. Just checked Task Manager and everything are consuming 2,5GB without Skyrim. Even with Skyrim requiring up to 4GB, everything should be perfect. As for bg programs: Skype, Steam, Chrome, and that's pretty much it. Sometimes the usual downloader, but not even that causes any staggering. Just to be clear, when I say freeze, I don't mean like jags. I mean actually freezing for good, without being able to move or do anything other than hear the sound in game (like music, etc, as if the game was still running correctly).
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