Thank you for responding so quickly. I have poked at this off and on, but am running into a fairly basic problem: nothing calls out the structure of .xtd.table-mods anywhere; I searched the entire Black Tree Gaming folder and that element only shows up twice ... in the pre-defined Themes. I can only assume this means the table's definition and construction are baked into the executable somewhere, and then the CSS files are only there to modify rendering it.
That's fine but without knowledge of that structure, there isn't a way to create CSS files that can modify the display of specific columns such as with something like
// This doesnt work because this is not the correct sub-element name
.xtd.table-mods.cell-archive-name {
white-space: nowrap;
We are given a few of the names (e.g., .xtd.table-mods.cell-category) but the only choice for anything else is to modify all columns globally -- which is what was suggested in that other thread.
If the Table definition is available somewhere (i.e., I just overlooked it in my searching?) or posted/postable here, then I can try to make the Theme perform as desired.