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Everything posted by BrainFRZ

  1. Actually, they both survive in the base game, it's just that the other one is harder to find. http://gaming.stackexchange.com/a/43927 One only disappears once you get start the civil war quests officially. You also don't have to choose the side you left with if you don't want to. I've played through several times, and no one's ever made reference to hearing back from who you left with anyway (probably something bugged or that they left out), so there's no benefit to sticking with your original choice. I'm curious though if LAL does the same thing or really does remove the other right there. I figure if they can get away when left for dead with the world eater, a cave shouldn't be too big an issue, should it? P.S. Sorry to necro this. I just realized it as I was about to post, and I didn't want to delete what I wrote heh. Besides, since I came across this, I'm sure others will too with the Skyrim craze re-ignited. :)
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