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About rhs88

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  1. If you hold down the "shift" key you should be able to walk. You could also hit "caps lock" to toggle running on and off. You could also try this mod. It allows mouse control for riding horses. I haven't tried it myself, though. http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9460
  2. I'm going to assume you figured out that the "A' and "D" keys turn the horse. This is something we all had to go through, just imagine it as actually learning to ride a horse, except the horse isn't smart enough to not ride off a cliff/ into a boulder/ another horse/ random horse eating troll. And kudos for your excellent tale.
  3. I found this mod recently which lets one own a store. "Trade and Commerce" by Elestat http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39255
  4. Well, I'm going to ignore your computer jargon about "constructor sets," "Edited Ids," "invisible ents," and "Dumb NPCs" and just blame this on Sheogorath messing with us.
  5. I was at school and we were told at approximately 9:00 (GMT-6) that the towers had fallen and that the Pentagon was hit. The TVs in the classroom were turned on to show footage depending on which class one happened to be in. I remember watching during break wondering what nation would do such a thing.
  6. And this is the problem with the thought of Steam integration into the Nexus. Some people here don't play NV and stick with FO:3, Oblivion, or even Morrowind. I think the original topic has been explained repeatedly though. Since New Vegas requires Steam, pirates who have problems and give evidence they don't use Steam are automatically branded as such, while those who don't use Steam for other games the Nexus supports may still fall into the realm of reasonable doubt as to whether they are truly a pirate. In response to Vagrant0's post: Isn't technology wonderful?
  7. Also look at RI Primary Needs http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2125 It adds Hunger/Thirst/Sleep but not all the extra stuff Wanderer's Edition has.
  8. I believe you can trigger the talon attacks if you have a good karma. You can also have the regulators come after you if you are evil. OT: I do think it strange that the only involvement there is between this man and the player is one assignment out of the blue to destroy a town. Of course, there isn't much one can do to top that. Maybe a mission to knock out raven rock or the citadel, but that just feels like an odd thing for Tenpenny to want done.
  9. I would wait until the community patch people have had a chance to update their mod. It looks like they haven't updated since the patch came out. Their mod version does not necessarily correlate to the game version.
  10. Most of the problems I've had with the games are things that stemmed from Oblivion. However, many of those random crashes lessened with FO:3 and then with Vegas. Of course, once we start modding them to Isengard and back there will undoubtedly be more problems than with the vanilla versions.
  11. I've been having trouble with TESNexus for the past few hours. It takes a about ten minutes to load the main page, and when that loads it is full of Mysql errors (sorry if that is not the correct name). I can get onto all the other parts of the nexus with a few seconds of loading. It may be that my ISP decided not to like TES this evening, but I was able to access it this morning. I hope it's only me and not a larger problem, but I thought I'd bring attention to this just in case. Edit:: and I've been refreshing my cache and such just in case. Edit2::It's back up on my end. Thanks for fixing it you did, and thanks for running keeping the Nexus up in either case.
  12. It was obviously the enclave. Such technology is not meant to be had by the mutant savages of the wastes.
  13. I was actually wondering if this would be done(making a new .exe for NV), or if we could just change the install path of FOMM. Good luck with it either way!
  14. I wouldn't be to worried about the pre-order boni. With the modding community we have, and the (hopeful) similarity to FO3, we should have a pretty nice variety of user made content very soon (once the modders stop playing in the testing world and get into the G.E.C.K.). Yay, Modders! Maybe someday us plebeians will join you.
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