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Posts posted by Verband


    When I am a stage 4 vampire, npcs attack me, but guards attack the npcs. Does anybody know how to fix this? I disabled all mods and addons for testing and it still happens.

    Are you testing on a savegame that previously had Dawnguard or a mod that affects vampires active?



    Yes I am. I had Dawnguard active and tried to get stage 4 hostility back with Better Vampires.

  2. The modder states he is inactive on the mods site. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9717/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D9717%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D566543&pUp=1

    And well, the npcs attack me on stage 4, alright. Yet, the guards attack the npcs attacking me. Edit: Not mods fault. Still happens with all mods + addons disabled.

    To make things worse, when i disable dawnguard, skyrim crashes atm. I have to check through all mods now. This DLC ruined the fun for me :/

  3. edit: quoted the wrong post.


    I don't know of a mod but the hostility is caused by this tiny bit of scripting in the playervampirequest:


    			;All NPCs  hate the evil Vampire
    			int cfIndex = 0
    			Debug.Trace("VAMPIRE update: DLC1CrimeFactions = " + DLC1CrimeFactions)
    			Debug.Trace("VAMPIRE update: CrimeFactions before = " + CrimeFactions)
    			CrimeFactions = DLC1CrimeFactions
    			Debug.Trace("VAMPIRE update: CrimeFactions after = " + CrimeFactions)
       			while (cfIndex < CrimeFactions.GetSize())
             		Debug.Trace("VAMPIRE update: Setting enemy flag on " + CrimeFactions.GetAt(cfIndex))
            		(CrimeFactions.GetAt(cfIndex) as Faction).SetPlayerEnemy()
            		cfIndex += 1

    The script for undoing all of this when the player drinks blood is still in place, so all you really have to do is add the script above to, say, a spell that only takes effect when the player is at stage 4 vampirism and it should return the vanilla functionality.


    I have no clue about scripting or modding. This does not help me at all, sorry :/

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