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Everything posted by greekrage

  1. Ok this is an old question that i didnt get an answer to... As some of you know ive been making some new boats for the game and have yet to figure out what has to be done to allow them to be placed in the water (by the player)... Ive tried a few things like adding snap points to get them to snap to stuff but its not very handy this way because player has to build around the boat so that its Z isnt too high or too low .... What i need is a free placement method so they can place the boats next to a dock without the hassle of having to build specific parts that the boat will snap to ... Any help appreciated... Note: all of the models have proper collision also note: ive tried various keywords in my attempts like "allowplacementinwater" ,anything is ground,stackable etc... and just now i even tried adding a long log under the hull so it touches ground... :P
  2. had that issue with the workshop on 2 different locations... One in my Nakano build where workshop was too far away from the outer cells and had to create 2 settlements in one to remedy the problem... The other on my "oasis" island (new world space ) where only solution is to move the workshop to a more centralized location or get players to edit their settings to load more grids... The happiness issue is an easy fix if you provide the basics to the player and prompt them to setup water,food,security and power BEFORE deploying the beacon... Just a brain fart but try setting up the workshop with "has lod " checked and see if it makes a difference basically forcing it to always be loaded..
  3. 2 ways to fix the issue... a) open the nif in nifskope and change material/textures and re-import it into the game as a different nif.. b) the lazy way... Grab anything small enough to be embedded in the original nif that has ONE texture and isnt a texture swap and make a scol... Note : swap the textures before doing so... Now the precomb generation will ignore the original swaps...
  4. Method ive used for my last 15-20 locations without fail is ... a) precombined geometry for each edited cell ... (current cell ) in a an order i can remember ...(basically always look north and start from left to right on the first row and then continue under that row with right to left and so on...basically in a S pattern.. b) SAVE ( i try to save every 4-5 cells while doing this process ...either way ).. c) precombined visibility again for each cell at a time...(current)...and use the same path as i did for precombs...Unless i have an issue with cells that are near by... Note: when doing precombined visibility your ending point (last cell generated) matters if you have issues with neighboring cells... So if i have an issue with Abernathy while doing sanctuary i would make sure my last generation is at a cell furthest away from abernathy... As far as using "loaded area " i dont recommend using it in real world cells (external )...because previs will reach out quite far and cause chaos with any other modded location near by...(example if you use in in sanctuary it will cover all of red rocket and half of Abernathy cells as well...) Ill only use this method when im in a internal cell or new world space . Ive used this method after many many other failed methods and find it works aside for the issues like stairs losing collision and needing a second run and the occasional issue with certain windows... Note #2... make sure you havent edited your game ini to disable precombines or that a mod you may have used has altered it....
  5. Finally... This was all that was missing from 2 of my models... I set it up in 3dsmax and it was ready in nifskope as well... (no extra textures need to be assigned since the texture in the source.. ) Thanks again South ..Youre a life saver..
  6. here it is in nifskope...the glass is clearly visible..
  7. Is there something i have to do to get an element on a model that is supposedly glass to work correctly when assigning textures later ? I have zero experience on this issue but today i had to deal with it because a model im doing has glass windows... Forgot to mention that in nifskope the glass looks ok but doesnt show in game...
  8. cool ideas and believe me i already have stuff like that in my sights... Yes i tried to keep poly count as low as possible which was a chore in itself trying to keep the shapes simple and as compact as possible but still retain some detail.. Note this boat is going to be a static that players can use as player home ,outpost etc... I might even make the whole thing into a generator so i can have my effects etc..and have it used as a platform to build/place on... This hull was originally a kids school project and it lacked a lot of detail . So up to now ive put in about 70% of my work to make it look as it is....and to save time grabbed some parts from other models like the mast for example.. Everything else i made from scratch and edited about 50% of the hull to make rooms,access to all surfaces etc.. ( a lot of cutter and boolean was involved :P ) Problem is im having way too much fun making these and forgetting my main task which was to make a settlement :P
  9. Example i have made several navy vessels and want these vessels to be workshop items but i want them to have certain things in the model already active like the engine sound and some smoke from its exhaust....I already added light which is easy once youve done it a few times but never done audio or FX... Update: smoke was easy since its a nif but have to remove the editor marker and obviously add animated to the BSX flags.. I noticed that you can add sound to the FX in CK but is it possible in Nifskope ? Here is my latest project... Aside from the jeep and container this whole thing is one nif and i want to keep it that way.... So adding everything possible to the nif is a must...(btw this is a mashup of 5 different models and MANY edits and additions made in 3dsmax...)... I really learned a lot doing this one... :wink:
  10. as i said above... a) scols wont see the changes you make to the original parts of it ( the nifs).. Hence we have to make a new scol with the "fresh" nifs.... b) Yes you can export the scol as nif (recreate nif from data) and then open it from the scol folder in meshes under the mod name (meshes/scols/yourmod...)... THis is "iffy" imo way because sometimes depending on the nif and what its made up of...might crash the CK and the game ... So best method in my opinion is always edit the original nif and then import it as a new nif (or overwrite the old DUPLICATED nif ) and use the fresh one to build the scol... A scol isnt just a collection of nifs but it also contains the data that was applied to those models and locks it all up in a nice package...BUT as you see it KEEPS that data no matter what you do to the original parts because it has made a NEW model with that data ... Look at it as a separate model that when created loses any relation to the parts that its made up with... c) depending on the complexity of what youre making you can also build new models like scols in nifskope directly but here you have to edit names etc so that you dont have duplicates of the same thing (example : a car with four wheels..but each wheel has to be named differently).. d) lastly... You have to REMOVE stuff youve placed in the location/cell before you edit it because your CK will crash when you try to load the cell the object was in...(same applies to a saved game)...
  11. I'm planning on removing the physics node in nifskope and start from there but i don't know if the scol nif it self can be fixed or i have to do it on each object. I also don't know if i can get away with just editing the BSXFlags or do i have to remove the NPC collision node (Trial and error). Im afraid that you have to start the scol from scratch.... Any changes made to elements/parts of the scol wont be seen as long as they are "locked" in to the scol... This means breaking it up and redoing it so that the changed parts now have their new values ( to make sure for each part ...open it in CK /go to edit base and close again... Then do a simple ALT+scroll back and forth to see the newer version )... If its a static object youre making that will be available in the workshop dont forget to add a pivot (static collection pivot...) This marks the surface depth when placing and its pivot point... This gets included in the scol so open the markers to be able to see it when selecting the parts. Without it the scol will go to the Z of one of the objects involved when placed.
  12. Not only the NPCs, last time it happened, i was killed by the giant "Vim" bottle i placed on a shelf as decoration.I remember people always warning about uGridsToLoad in skyrim but i will give it a shot and also look into the flag you mentioned. Thanks. PS I didn't mention that last time, it happened after i loaded a save i made during a settlement attack (many super mutant corps scattered around) and also my character got the brown face bug that i haven't seen in months (after i changes the skin texture). I kept that save cause i can't reproduce it every time (+ the bug never occurred elsewhere) Depends on whether items and npc's fall through the world, or they fall through static objects with collision. If through objects - it means that these objects are placed in the workshop. npc and items (in ini settings) interact with the player beyond the uGridstoLoad radius and accordingly fail when the workshop objects they rely on disappear. The engine overrides everything that is outside of uGridsToLoad and does not have a corresponding permanent load flag. Real objects with physics are replaced by lods (if any). The collision disappears.Such is my theory. ) Your theory make sense and most likely what is happening here. The houses were scrapable at the beginning but after generating the precombines, they became static (can't interact with them in workshopmod). I experience a lot of problem with the houses collision too when generating previs and some objets behave abnormally in the editor; they rotate on x/y axis without even touching them and when i try to move them they act like a gyroscope (i don't know how to describe it). The whole thing need some cleaning i presume (check flags/linked form... and also remove some clutter and test again) the weird rotation and/or falling in a loop is usually because there is an element that has ragdoll in a group or scol.. I see this a lot when doing mashups/kitbashes when i unknowingly add something to a scol that has these physics. I saw it happen 2 days ago when i added an Anchor to a ship that looked like a static but when placed in the mix (scol) the whole ship would sink /rotate and drop in a loop They are scol indeed and contain some clothes in them and also books and vases... all with physics. One mystery solved, thank you. What's the best way to fix it ? break the collection and duplicate/edit the meshes to remove the physics then rebuild it or i can export the scol as nif and fix it as a whole ? yeah thats the only solution or use something else... Its not that simple thought since it has to be done at a nif level (nifskope)... Basically take the nif remove the physics and then import it as a different model/static
  13. the weird rota Not only the NPCs, last time it happened, i was killed by the giant "Vim" bottle i placed on a shelf as decoration. I remember people always warning about uGridsToLoad in skyrim but i will give it a shot and also look into the flag you mentioned. Thanks. PS I didn't mention that last time, it happened after i loaded a save i made during a settlement attack (many super mutant corps scattered around) and also my character got the brown face bug that i haven't seen in months (after i changes the skin texture). I kept that save cause i can't reproduce it every time (+ the bug never occurred elsewhere)Depends on whether items and npc's fall through the world, or they fall through static objects with collision. If through objects - it means that these objects are placed in the workshop. npc and items (in ini settings) interact with the player beyond the uGridstoLoad radius and accordingly fail when the workshop objects they rely on disappear. The engine overrides everything that is outside of uGridsToLoad and does not have a corresponding permanent load flag. Real objects with physics are replaced by lods (if any). The collision disappears.Such is my theory. ) Your theory make sense and most likely what is happening here. The houses were scrapable at the beginning but after generating the precombines, they became static (can't interact with them in workshopmod). I experience a lot of problem with the houses collision too when generating previs and some objets behave abnormally in the editor; they rotate on x/y axis without even touching them and when i try to move them they act like a gyroscope (i don't know how to describe it). The whole thing need some cleaning i presume (check flags/linked form... and also remove some clutter and test again) the weird rotation and/or falling in a loop is usually because there is an element that has ragdoll in a group or scol.. I see this a lot when doing mashups/kitbashes when i unknowingly add something to a scol that has these physics. I saw it happen 2 days ago when i added an Anchor to a ship that looked like a static but when placed in the mix (scol) the whole ship would sink /rotate and drop in a loop.
  14. dont know if its relevant but just in case... I had a "similar" issue with a location at Nakano because Nakano isnt really part of the commonwealth until you discover it being that its a part of the DLC... So in order to have the location show up to the player they added a map marker in a cell bordering the location that was linked to a location marker in the location cells... When i did a location mod there and making it into a settlement i had to do the same .....Basically placed my map marker in the commonwealth in a unused cell close to the border and linked it to my location marker... This allowed NPC travel,supply routes etc. to work properly...and stats to show on the map . The difference with you is that i had unused cells that didnt belong to nakano to place my settlement markers on and not in nakano itself.. You however have to use the D.C. cells and that maybe the problem.... Also curious... Have you tried adding the settlement keywords to the D.C. location and setup the zone as well ? Or did you make a new location and zone ?
  15. Cool but did it the hard way to solve the issue cause i was pressed for time... Made each and every part with different textures into their own nif and re-assembled the whole thing in nifscope. Edit: just tried it... I have to basically remove the default shader i used to export and apply a new one... OMG ..SO FRICKING EASY!!!! and i lost sleep over it.... Thanks friend ...much appreciated..
  16. looks like the issue is still there... I even tried to clear UVs /materials and redo them on most of the objects but nothing changed... Then i thought... "why dont i assign textures to the nif in nifskope BEFORE passing it through Elrich ? " Guess what ?.... It worked !! This is very weird because i never had to do that before... I have a possible suspect and that is the collision meshes... I assuming that a certain collision mesh is interacting with everything and probably one that i need like one of the floors (has 3 decks with 3 separate meshes ) and these are the first things i generate. I may have accidentally collapsed something by accident . I would have to go and check the whole thing element by element...to see whats attached to what...
  17. lol i only assigned IDs...( like i said im just learning the process...)... Also LOve the Solar panel with Tracking.... :P
  18. Found it... I had made a door that i assigned different material IDs to (learning).... As soon as i removed the door from the scene its working fine.... Christ!!! i almost had a heart attack...
  19. well it all works fine until it passes through elrich...(collision is there..Textures are separated etc... )...So youre saying something in the model is causing it ?
  20. Ive never had to do that.... I always make the model ,do collisions and blanket the whole thing in a bslightingeffect default... so i can export and it always works fine...even after processing with elrich.... On this occasion it all works fine but then combines all the textures after passing through elrich...
  21. Ive exported stuff 100s of times but this is driving me nuts... I have a model with multiple parts and each part that needs collision has it ... (each clone of the objects are "COPY" not instance just to be clear ) Everything is under a dummy helper as always for the purpose of exporting... I export and open the nif BEFORE passing it through elrich and everything works fine ...All textures applied go to each part as intended... As soon as i pass it through elrich and open the processed nif .. The textures are combined for any and all objects . Meaning that no matter what part i apply textures to...ALL parts get the same texture... Its obvious elrich is doing this but why ? Ive passed similar objects before without an issue .... Please help because this model has taken a lot of time...
  22. if you are using a cell that belongs to another location thats the problem... I know its an internal cell but if im not mistaken ..the same applies as if it were a real world cell.. Look at your location data and the resources etc... Is it all there ? Also what markers have you placed and how are they linked ? Also did you add keywords to the vanilla location data or is this a separate location ?
  23. Completely off topic :smile: but is that Piper diving into the water ! where did you get that animation/idle ? lol not an idle... im in tcl and shes swimming midair...:P
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