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About chocolatedounut666

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  1. Ok Wtf? weird, it got solved, didn't do anything, It was just fine when I tried for the last time today O.o EDIT: Ok nvm I lied. I just remebered that I installed some Math Programming thing For my engineering class and it somehow automatically updated along the lines of "Microsoft ++" or something like that for some weird reason. It was weird but my framerate is back to 30-35 again thanks to it.
  2. As I said, I have been getting 3 FPS in skyrim without any mods so I dont think there really is any load order (unless you're talking about something else? If so, please tell me how to find the kind of load order ur talking about) As for specs; RAM: 6.00 GB Processor: Intel Core i7 Q720 @ 1.6 GHz 1.6 GHz Vid Card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 260M (I have an alienware m15) Sorry, I'm kinda noobish at this, if you need more info, dont hesitate to ask ._.
  3. I installed all the drivers i could from the Dell website, the only drivers/updates I couldnt install was the BIOS for alienware and an intel boost driver (which i couldn't install before i had the fps problems), Both said that i needed a window 7 running a 64 bit or 32 bit (I have a 64 bit) and they wouldnt let me instal. also, I think i should mention that when i pause the game, I have 50 fps and during the loading screen or main menu, I have around 30 fps. (i find it weird how quickly the fps jumps) @Fero My other games work totally fine; Leauge of Legends works at 60 fps, Aion works at 30-40 fps @.@
  4. Hi guys, I need some help. I used to run skyrim at around 30ish fps on medium/high graphics with mods that enhanced textures (give or take 10 frames due to lag spikes) I then decided to reset my PC to factory conditions since i was having some issues with my graphics card driver and the BSOD After reinstalling Skyrim, my fps stayed around 3 ON THE LOWEST SETTINGS (without any mods), maybe 5 fps if i'm lucky. I updated my graphics card, allowed skyrim to use more than 2 GB of ram, used allmost all the mods that supposedly helped with the fps, and only thing i could find is another guy who had an asus that did something i have no clue what he did or if it's even possible to do for me or if it was even the same problem. I'll provide any info if needed; please help, I wanna play skyrim D:
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