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Nexus Mods Profile

About Bethestar

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Apprentice (3/14)



  1. Is there a tool yet to clean gamesaves from previous mods (papyrus)?
  2. Use with caution: - Simply rename the .esp extention into .esm - Load the renamed .esm into FO4edit, select File Header and set the Record Flags to ESM The file can now be used as a master.
  3. Fixed: Make sure the package is pointing to the quest that holds the alias'
  4. Yeah same problem here. CK crashes on several occasions: Mostly on loading cells and 99% while trying to enter a worldspace... I guess (for me) it's a memory/low hardware thing as loading smaller cells is working fine... . I tried setting all rendering properties to the minimun, like disabling water and disabling all unnecessary visuals that will cost memory - without any success though.
  5. thx for the replies guys. It is possible I've done it in Skyrim before, but with the use SKSE...
  6. I need a way to check if the player has died in the previous game after re-loading a save. So something that persists through loading. I'd go for setini but how do I access it after loading without a getini command. Any idea?
  7. So how do I turn an esp into an esm? Can it be reversed back into an esp again? There are a lot of mods out there which require additional esp as master to be loaded - how do Iink an esp to a esp and or master?
  8. I'm having problems to get this method working. I know the procedure and used this a lot in Skyrim without problems. However it is not working for me in F4: NPC's won't execute the new packages and additionally added papyrus debug notifications inside Begin/End/Change of the package aren't firing either. Alias spells are added to the npc reference so the alias has been filled correctly... but packs aren't working (evaluatepackage). Any idea?
  9. I'll join this one as I have no clue how to import/edit/export collision. I'm using the 3.8 plugin with the collision flag set to true. However, no collision meshes are showing inside 3Ds max (nor NifSkope -even with vanilla files). Do I have to manually enable it somwhere?
  10. edit: *fixed* LOCdisplay.ForceLocationTo(Game.GetPlayer().GetCurrentLocation()) is actually doing the trick. I just missed to set the alias property inside the script. To have a location displayed inside a messagebox you need: - Quest containing an location-alias (examplename: LOCdisplay) - enable the following flags inside the alias: Optional, Stores Text, Allow Reuse in Quest, Allow Cleared - A messagebox containing the alias: <Alias=LOCdisplay> is under attack! - Make sure to set the Owner Quest of this messagebox to the quest containing the location-alias - Check FollowersCompanionDismissMessage for vanilla example - Script example: message Property MSGdisplayLocation auto ; message containing <Alias=LOCdisplay> LocationAlias Property LOCdisplay Auto ; location alias to fill Event OnInit() LOCdisplay.ForceLocationTo(Game.GetPlayer().GetCurrentLocation()) MSGdisplayLocation.show() ENDeventThats it. Just dont forget to set the alias inside the script properties.
  11. edit: *fixed* see third post. I'm looking for a way to display the players current location inside a messagebox. Similar to the companion-dismiss message - as it uses quest location aliases. I tracked down the code to the follower script, where the location is somewhere forwarded to the quest alias that will be used inside the messagebox. Hower I haven't figured out where this forwarding happens and my result "GetCurrentLocAlias.ForceLocationTo(Game.GetPlayer().GetCurrentLocation())" weren't doing the trick. It shouldn't be that compelx but I haven't figured it out yet. Any ideas?
  12. I'm missing a list of scripting commands/function that comes with f4se... can anyone point me to that?
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