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  1. I was hoping someone could help me identify a bug I've been getting so I can find a fix. I've built a nice settlement at Sanctuary Hills, however when ever i leave the settlement and walk back, the buildings, road, lights, and settlers are gone. Eventually it all comes back slowly, so it's not that game breaking just really annoying. I think it has something to do with how the Cell loads, and how much graphics is in it however I can't be sure. This bug doesn't happen very often, only on about 2 outta 10 play through. Before this play through I had a fresh install, however I also used a new ENB (Subtle ENB). I appreciate any advice someone has to help me identify this problem. My System: My Mods:
  2. Hey sorry to bother all you awesome people, but I have a big bug problem with my mod MadeleineINK It seems with the new DLC the menu I made has disappeared and people can't use the mod anymore. I've been trying desperately to fix it but I can't figure out the scripting needed to have my mod menu added that way. I've tried using Tutorial - Adding Custom Workshop Categories with Scripts and it sounds simple enough but so far I've had zero luck. I can't for the life of me figure out the scripting. I could just add my mod to the vanilla menu's over there's a lot of items and it would cause clutter. If anyone has any idea's as to what I can do, or if they know how to add custom menu's that won't be overwritten by new DLC or other mods.. Please help me. Either PM me, reply to this post or email me [email protected] Thanks for reading
  3. Is there a way to create your own custom keywords for the Workshop build menu?
  4. Thats perfectly fine for the CPA to move to the second spot. Best way I can describe it, is it's the load order for the model. The game wants to load the properties first before loading the graphical part. The important part is making sure the Number beside the CPA matches the correct line in Extra Data List
  5. @JujooGuppy Absolutely please add anything you can to help others, I'm not an expert myself, I just learned this and put it up and would LOVE to learn more especially if it makes it quicker and easier. I also just learned today, when doing picture frames, they don't need 2 connect points, they only need one the P-WS-Autoplace. Having the other one messes up the placement and puts it in the wall
  6. Hey I uploaded a mod earlier today, but there's still a bug I need to fix. A few on my items are invisible in Workshop mode, but they place completely fine. Someone posted that is the Preview Transforms and it's easily fixed, but Heck if I can find it. It's probably something right in my face and I'm not even seeing it, but could someone shine some light on this please?? Tenamil Edit: Nevermind, I found it. I feel like such an idiot now lol.
  7. Hey folks, I thought I'd give a quick tutorial on how to make Connection points with Nifskope. I couldn't find anything on the internet or YouTube when I was having trouble, but I figured it out after a couple hours and banging my head against the wall. So first you need to open your custom made mesh and a vanilla mesh with Nifskope. Select the line in the Vanilla block list called BS:ConnectPoint:Parent and right click on it then go to Block and copy. Then that's it, you can minimize the Vanilla mesh. (The reason you have to do this, is if you create a new block as BS:ConnectPoint:Parent) NifSkope crashes). Over in your Custom mesh right click on the blank white area of the block list and choose Block -> Paste the BS:ConnectPoint:Parent will now appear on the bottom of your block list, and it will be given a number based on how many items it followed, but it will have the incorrect value for example mine says 10 BS:ConnectPoint:Parent BFX [2] Now go into your header, scroll down till you see Strings and expand it, all those strings have a value for the mesh. Now select Num Strings. Edit that number after it by double clicking and add 1. So if it was Num Strings : 8, change it to Num Strings : 9. After you've done that right click on the item below it called Strings. Choose Array -> Update (or you can click the little green arrows next to it) Now you'll notice below in the Strings a new line has appeared but you can't edit it.. Don't worry we'll get to that later Then go back to your block list and select 0 NifNode Scroll down till you find Num Extra Data List. (If your mesh is custom made with 3DSmax it should only have the number 1 after it (Num Extra Data List: 1) Expand it and double click on the 1 and change it to 2. Then right click on the line below Extra Data List. (Or again click the green arrows next it). If you look into your Extra Data List a new line will have appeared, but you can't edit it yet. After you've done that, you'll have to SAVE so it refreshes the data list we just edited (Always best to use the Save As function, with different name so you can create a backup of the original) Now go back into your header, down to strings and on that line you added double click and enter CPA (I believe it stands for ConnectPointAsset) Now lets give your 10 BS:ConnectPoint:Partent a correct value. Select it in the block list and at the bottom of NifSkope, under block details, there will be a line says Name double click the area next to it and put in the number of the CPA string. So using my examples, I would put the number 8 in, but the easiest way to find out the string numbers is just count them starting from Zero. Once you put in the number hit enter and the 10 BS:ConnectPoint:Parent will automatically be given the value CPA. So the line should now look like this 10 BS:ConnectPoint:Parent CPA [8] Once it looks like that, it's time to assign it to the Nif node and link everything together. Select [0]NifNode and scroll back down to Extra Data List and expand it. Double click the line we made and add the number that's in front of BS:ConnectPoint:Parent (in my example it'll be 10) After you've done that, your pretty much done. Your item should snap to walls no problem now, if it snaps backwards or sideways, Click block list item BS:Connect:Parent go to connections, in the Block LIst Details, you'll see >ConnectPoints with 2 submenus called ConnectPoints. You can expand either of them. The first one P-WS-Origin you don't need to worry about for wall items, but the second P-WS-Autoplace is the direction it'll face when it's placed. To change that, Right Click on the ConnectPoints submenu, go to Transform -> Edit and use the X Y Z to move it around till it lines up your object the right way. The back of the circle is where the wall would be. So in rotation under the A put 0, 90 or 180, you want to get it till the back of the circle is flush with the back of your object and the little dashed line that comes out of the circle goes through your object. Well I hoped this helps the newbies like me and if you have any questions, please leave them in the forums and I'll try to answer them the best I can. Also if you did create a unique furniture or decor item in 3Dsmax there are more steps that need to be done. Let me know if you need help with that, and I'll try to walk you thru it as best I can. Good luck and happy modding.
  8. I've tried making a new bathtub using 3DsMax (well I pretty much just used the old one, straightened it, and added the missing leg) I've gotten the item to show up in game, granted without the new textures I made for it. But it just floats, it can be placed anywhere, in the air, under the ground, anywhere. For the past couple hours, I've been going thru a ton of YouTube tutorials, and the best one I've found was https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyrx4iLvkP0. I've done everything he showed but when I got to export the Collision box is shaded out and I can't click it. Am I missing something? thanks in advanced
  9. @seekinghesun - No worries, I never took your comment as you trying to shoot me down. As I never started this forum to say "Hey guys look what I'm gonna do". I posted on this forum because I know I can't do it, I really want to learn but my skill is no where near close enough to take on a project like this. I just wanted to get the idea out there, so skilled modders like yourself, or anyone who reads this post can wonder to themself if it's possible, and if they could do it. I would love to help and learn from you all but like i said I don't have the modding skills to lead a project like this. - As for your challenge, I'll give it a try. It may take me longer then a week, coz I have 12 hours shifts for the next 7 days and kids. Regardless if I meet your timeline or not I'll still show my work, and hopefully you can critic it for me.
  10. @Seekingthesun - Your absolutely right, it would be pretty much impossible for me to do this mod. I really wish I could because Fallout 1 is a great game, and even tho it's extremely dated I would estimate a lot of the younger players of Fallout 3 or 4 never got to experience it. Which is why if it could be done I'd rather hand the reins over to someone who would do it better justice aka a much better modder. - I am not experienced in 3D Modelling, right now i"m just reading tutorials and watching vids on how to do things (but hey we all had to start somewhere). However my friend I mentioned is experienced in 3D modelling and received a college diploma in it. -Scripting was never my thing, I've tried in the past and wasn't able to do much. Back in fallout 3, I was able to make quest that spawned creatures, but never really got past that. So to be honest I'd say I'd have no skill in it @Jcdenton2012 - Rebuilding the dungeons in fallout 4 is very time consuming, right now I'm working on Vault 15, I've so far recreated the 1st level and am now trying to decorate it. I'm mostly just doing this to see if I can, and get familiar with CK again. - As for voice acting, your probably right I can't use the original voices ripped from Fallout 1. Although that is a desire to making it, right now I'd be happy with more text based dialog, since most dialog was text in the first fallout game. - I appreciate you letting me use your mods, or at least check them out. If I do ever manage to get this project off the ground (which probably isn't very likely if it's just me and a friend) then I'll be sure to give you full credit for either using your mods or just using them as a template to recreate certain areas.
  11. A friend, my brother and I were all talking about trying to start a large mod project. Where we would recreate Fallout 1 with the fallout 4 game engine. The problem is, we're extreme newbies when it comes to building mods, I myself have only made 1 and a half mod (the half mod I'm working on now, and that will trying to recreate Vault 15 from fallout 1). My brother has never made a mod in his life, as he was a console player till he finally got himself a PC, and my friend is a 3D modeller, but has never modified Fallout or any beth game before. So I present this idea to you skilled modders, most of the fallout 1 town and dungeon layouts can be found online in screenshot.
  12. I was sitting here thinking about the ending of Fallout 4, and I thought to myself wouldn't it be a much better twist at the end if you found out by exploring the insitute that YOU are actually a synth? Think about it, you get to the Institute and father isn't your son, just the director, who tries to convert you to his side and gives you the option to explore around just like he already does. But while exploring, if you check the terminals you find entry logs about how after they kidnapped your son, you pod failed like everyone else did in Vault 111. So the institute used the body, to create a Synth clone of you with your memories then put it back and released it as an experiment of how a pre-war person would survive in a post war world. I dunno to me, this would of made the ending a little more exciting and it would of created more thought or regret regarding how YOU treated synths prior to entering the institute and finding out your are one yourself. What are your thought? Discuss
  13. When you load up Fallout 4, double check the mods selection from the main menu, and look at your mod library (I think it's the T button). Double check to see if the mods are activated through there. Since the last fallout 4 update, it's been a known problem, that the new menu system disabled mods. The only work around i found (at least I think so, it got fixed by accident) is loading fallout 4 thru NMM and F4SE.
  14. If your trying to modify a buiiding you made while playing the game, you can't. Until programs like Cell Ripper come back, there is no way to remove or modify player built structures in a saved game. However if you want to use the CK to build it up from scratch and then load it into the game, it shouldn't be that difficult. First you'll need to load the mods you want to use, in this case Homemaker and the regular Fallout4 files. Find an interior cell that closely resembles the ambient lighting you wish to use. I prefer to use the UFOCrashcave myself, but to each his own. Duplicate that cell, then rename the Duplicated cell to which ever you want Using the objects, Mostly under world objects category, build the cell to resemble anything you want, and decorate it. Once your satisfied with that, place a door Then open the exterior cells to the location you want. and you can modify a prebuilt structure to look like the outside of your building. Once done that, place a door that links and teleports your character into the interior that you build. That's basically how you build a house in a nutshell. There are plenty of tutorials on YouTube on how to create a building, a house or a vault. whatever you desire. I hope this answered your question or atleast pointed you in the right direction to find the answer. Good luck
  15. I was wondering if someone could make a Mirror that can be placed and activated to change hairstyle and or makeup. I tried to do it myself, but it's way beyond my skill
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