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Posts posted by TheTerminator2004

  1. Brilliant job Dark0ne! I didn't expect even you to get the new site up so quickly, and still make it as great as it is. Congratulations on a job well done :)

    Although there are one or two purely cosmetic things you could change...


    - I havent spent much time on the actual site yet, mostly the forums, but one thing that struck me as odd was the positioning of the columns- one should be on the left, so that the main content (which is what people are going to be looking at most of the time) should be in the centre, rather than pushed to the side.

    - The admin group logo doesn't show up

    - The image that shows whether a member's online or not (next to their post) looks a bit lost, so far away from the post details- shouldn't it be next to the member's name?

    - The navigation trail at the top should be moved up a little- currently some letters stick out of the bottom of that section, which looks a little untidy.

    - Also, the images at the ends of that box don't quite seem to match the rest of it.

    - What happened to some of the smileys? I thought they came with all IPB boards by default, and the default wink smiley looks much better than this one: ;) (at least, in my opinion) They don't have those funny white bits at the edges.


    Only minor issues, but apart from that I haven't found any problems at all- great work! The new site is looking almost perfect :)

  2. Your not supposed to change Oblivion_default.ini- thats just the default settings. I'd change it back to how it was before.


    Oblivion.ini is in My Documents/My Games/Oblivion. Change that one and it should work fine.

  3. Queen, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Dragonforce, Sublime, Nirvana, a little bit of System of a Down, Deathklok, Metallica, The Beatles, Bad Religion, Rammstein, NIN, Slayer, Megadeth, Weird Al, various anime music, AC-DC, Black Sabbath, various Jazz and Classical music, And a bunch of other stuff I cant think of right now.


    Really? I happen to be listening to Queen (A night at the opera), Dragonforce (Inhuman Rampage) and Led Zeppelin (IV) as well. All good bands.

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