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  1. Nice to see they STILL haven't fixed the problem, even after all this time.... Guess they just don't care, or they are not capable of isolating the problem. I for sure won't damage my rig with this faulty and terribly optimized product, with fundamental flaws in the code. So no Skyrim for me until this atrocity is fixed, which I strongly doubt they ever will...
  2. Audio drivers didn't fixed it for me :( It's still happening, even in other games...
  3. I would like to thank everybody on their fast info, but I have to ask one thing - please test it a little if you think you got the solution. Or update as soon you got something. I was able to play for tree days before crash happened again, so it's quite amount of time but it did happened again...
  4. I've already tried this, and it was fine for almost 3 days... And then, bam, black screen of death again. Now I'm getting it in the other games also, and I'm pissed as hell!
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