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Everything posted by Gantros

  1. If at all possible, I'd like a mod that changes attacks done at point blank range into a melee attack animation. The attack still does the damage of the weapon equipped, it just goes into a motion where the weapon butt is used to attack the alien. An exception to this might be the shotgun class of weapons and the heavy using his/her fist instead.
  2. If you mean the dragon priest shrine where if you get the first 8 you can then get the 9th yes I know. I just thought having something available in your abode afterward to admire later. Also had another thought, have the ability to pose mannequins so you can place weapons/shields on them. nothing too complicated just be able to switch a mannequin to a neutral/blocking/idle attack pose.
  3. Just a simple mod where one can have a 3 x 3 piece of mannequin heads in the wall where we can place dragon masks. Got the Idea after watching the placement of the Demon Masks in Jackie Chan Adventures. Also, How about some different kinds of mannequins, like ones that are different races, materials, and genders instead of just wood male/female. Also have a mix of them in a given home so you can place your warrior spouses (Lydia, Mjoll, etc) armor as well as your own.
  4. Hade an idea for a mage vault, a place accessible from any house that you own, and contains everything one would need for crafting, much like the archmage quarters in Winterhold but much larger and open for redecoration. I imagine it would be divided into these areas: Hall of Mirrors: This is the entrance to the Mage Vault, which is intended to be on it's own plane of existence. Each mirror has it's own corresponding mirror at your Holds house, so there would be one for Breezehome, Hjerim, Proudspire, Etc. The Atrium: This room is the hub, which leads off to the Forge (completely new models and animations for Forge, Anvil, Grindstone, Enchanting table, and Workbench), Garden (Alchemy), Armory (Mannequins and Weapon plaques), Library, Bedchamber, Kitchen, and Vault (I'm thinking something along the lines of Fable III, where the more gold you put in it is reflected by bigger piles of gold a la Scrooge McDuck ridiculousness).
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