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⚠ Known Issue: Media on User Profiles ×


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Everything posted by cp44

  1. I wanted to open this up to the community. Boris said in his forum that sub-surface scattering is very unlikely to happen. I'm obviously very happy that he's working on enb for the SE at all particularly with him getting very busy with some important life stuff. I want to know: Is it actually impossible to implement in the SE? If so, is there a possible alternative? If not, what would have to happen for someone to get it into the SE?
  2. Thanks for the reply. I've done that, I've completed all basic steps in the creation of the merchant. As I said I've tried to copy other similar mods so the solution won't be something quite that simply unfortunately. I've found a possible solution on LL.
  3. I've created a follower for a new mod and I want that follower to also be a merchant. Everything works great until the follower goes outside their original cell with you. When you leave, they will only sell their inventory items, but nothing from their merchant chest. It gets stranger. There are a few follower-merchant mods on the nexus. I downloaded and tried them all, and this bug persists with all but one of them (Ren Wolf). But in all cases, if I ask BOTH my follower and the downloaded follower to follow me, they somehow correct each other and I can then buy stuff from them outside their original cell. Then I can dismiss one and the other will continue to work as intended (I've played for about an hour and did quests, etc, they restocked after 48 hours with new leveled items when I hit the required level). Things I've tried: removing AFT; copying Ren Wolf's factions and merchant chest location; adding factions that correspond to the merchant chest location; console command remove and re-add factions; change relationship to player; and some other things I'm probably forgetting. My working theory is that the second follower somehow forces a cell reset when you ask to see their items that affects the other's chest. So when you talk with the first follower afterward, they again stock their regular items. I could be completely wrong. I could really use some help, I've been working on this problem for a few days and haven't made any progress. What could be causing this and what could I do to avoid it?
  4. This looks great. It looks like the 'hotfiles' won't be cut off at 6 anymore, which I like because mods that peak at #7 can be really good but get no attention because they never appear on the front page. Having that arbitrary cutoff at top 6 seems a shame especially during hot modding periods (like right now #6 has about 150 endorsements when it's usually only about 100 so there are a few great mods already with 100+ endorsements that probably won't get much love due to bad timing on their release).
  5. That's an interesting idea. I might have misunderstood the script but wouldn't that just make the males who would normally have that armor naked? Or would it try to give them another random outfit from the leveled lists?
  6. I've been making mods that aim to get the best custom armors into the game, in the same spirit as Immersive Armors. There is a major problem though: most of the armors are female only. Most of these turn male bodies invisible if equipped. A possible solution: Give each custom armor a male mesh. This option is strange because you'd have an armor like Crimson Twilight and you have to choose a vanilla armor look to represent it on males. What do you choose? Steel? So you kill a bandit who looks to be wearing steel and then look Crimson Twilight. That seems weird but it might be the best option. Before I go with that option, I wanted to ask the community. Can anybody think of better solution?
  7. I've been making mods that aim to get the best custom armors into the game, in the same spirit as Immersive Armors. There is a major problem though: most of the armors are female only. Most of these turn male bodies invisible if equipped. A possible solution: Give each custom armor a male mesh. This option is strange because you'd have an armor like Crimson Twilight and you have to choose a vanilla armor look to represent it on males. What do you choose? Steel? So you kill a bandit who looks to be wearing steel and then look Crimson Twilight. That seems weird but it might be the best option. Before I go with that option, I wanted to ask the community. Can anybody think of better solution?
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