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About ElGreekoo

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    The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

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  1. Although I think he is the best runner in the Republican side, he still seems bat-s#*! insane. But from someone who "knows" him (not personally, but I've done a lot of research on the guy), he seems to be putting an act to get the presidential candidacy. He has (or had) a lot of left leaning views/values. A huge part of me is actually interested in seeing what he would do, but the other part is terrified. As for "building the Wall", "banning Muslims", "bombing ISIS", carpet-bombing the Middle East and all this other stupid bullshit... He simply can't do that. That's the beauty of a democratic/republic system. The president doesn't play God for 4-8 years. Every one of those issues have to past through the Congress before they can be acted upon. And again, I'm completely sure that he's putting up an act because he knows how stupid your average Republican can be (no offense to fellow Republicans. But then again, if you're having debates about this, you're probably not "the average Republican"). I'm honestly more terrified of Hillary Clinton, because she's such a flip-flopper (not to mention a sell-out). In pretty much every debate or talk she has where she endorses alternative fuels, the oil industry, solar-panels and other "strange non-presidential-issues", you look up who is backing her up (money-wise) and surprise surprise, you find that there's companies with a lot of interest in those areas. If she could, she would probably sell the USA for a nickel. She has been everything on the book. Conservative, republican, democrat, libertarian, etc... If I had to choose a presidential candidate, I would definitely go for Bernie Sanders. Choosing between Stump the Trump and Shillary is like choosing between s#*! and garbage. They're both disgusting, but at least they have some qualities (AKA s#*! can be used as fertilizer, for example).
  2. I'm not an American Citizen. But if I was, I would definitely vote for Bernie Sanders. #FeelTheBern
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