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About galelyan

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  1. Well, this is kind of odd... anyways If you really want to delete mannequins... try this, go into your creation kit and find the mannequin base in the actors list. edit that actor, and then try changing the character model to something more appealing to you... liiiiike. a naked j'zargo =D no guarantees though, im not a pro or anything.
  2. OK so you linked the merchant to the chest, the chest has an inventory, and the merchant greets you but either doesnt allow you to open a show me your wares thing, or has no items to sell. I had that same problem, and i found that adding items to the merchant's character inventory for some reason activated the chest inventory on him too. as for the opening a buy/sell tab, i'm not positive how i got that to work, but if your factions are set and everything, you can try just using a copy of an already existing merchant, i used belethor, and change the model and voice. honestly this creation kit is a pain in the ass to use, if something doesn't work i recommend trying an alternate way to do it or just restart what you were doing before.
  3. This would be amazing, BUT it would need to stay away from Paolini's existing storyline, which was so incredibly bad I don't even look at those books anymore. the lore and idea of dragon riders, minus the cliched dark king driven to insanity by loss. shout based aerial combat would be sweet, bows too, but swords like in the books would be stupid, dragons are so big that a sword fight would literally be impossible. and oh please do not implement eldunari like the previous post suggested >.> oh, and maybe you would be building up your own legion of riders, while the BLADES are using some kind of flying mounts of their own to fight against you and the dragons they hate so much. if anything i said was posted already, please forgive me, but 18 pages was too much material for me to go through
  4. It should be possible to create a new weapon, give it the 1 handed weapon type, apply the 2 hander stats, and then you can just switch out the item mesh info for a 2 handed item that you like the look of.
  5. Ahh there we go, thanks a bunch.
  6. Umm, anyone have a problem with their mannequins being alive? -.-' once i activate them they act like normal mannequins, but until then they just stand in place and stare at me... with those sightless eyes.... and im scared to gear them in case resetting the cell does something weird.
  7. So i've been building a house and one of my larger rooms has multiple floors, but when i changed cells and came back, everything that was suspended in the air had turned invisible, it's still there, i can select it, but i cant see it which makes placing things like weapons a pain in the ass, anyone know the problem and/or have a fix? Im using the Dwemer sets if that makes a difference
  8. You would need a huge team for this, and some good meshers for armor. to be honest, laying it out in a huge cohesive storyline makes this project a bit implausible, cause of the sheer size of the job. But little sections of the story, instances, sieges and so forth are totally be doable In response to your Wrath of the Lich King idea, I'm planning on collaborating with my friend to recreate Naxxramas sometime in the future.
  9. is there a way to use spell effects as decoration? such as a fountain that continually spews dragon flames? or lightning bolts converging onto an altar?
  10. so i have a question about this. what is navmesh required for? because i've been able to move around my custom build house just fine without it.
  11. Can someone make a mod or some kind of quest that makes them actually pertain to the game? at the moment they kind of just sit around and talk about how much they hate monsters. the vigilants are like paladins, except they're kind of pointless seeing as none of them actually meet things like draugr, werewolves, and vampires. maybe spawn/respawn monsters inversely proportional to the number of vigilants?
  12. actually if you check Lydia's actor edit settings (find her in the actor list, then right click, then hit edit), i believe there's something about being protected in the upper left region of it, it's possible that your script isn't working because it's conflicting with a preexisting set of orders. if you already did that then sorry for stating what might have seemed an obvious thing to try :sweat:
  13. when you create a teleport type door, you're able to set what cell they go to. but in addition to picking the cell, you're able to select a reference (another door) within that cell. so unless you actually want a single door that randomly teleports you to one of multiple locations, then you can just add multiple doors to your custom built room and then make them reference doors you add yourself to other pre-existing areas.
  14. I've talked to a friend about it, and we might actually take a shot at making this ourselves, so keep your fingers crossed that we can learn how to script things semi-adeptly
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