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Everything posted by redrakiton125

  1. You can do this but first you will have to learn the basics and then to find solutions like the following: use the scripts only when an action occurred and don't make them run all the time think about creating quests that will grant you this enchantments one by one then you should be able use your mod alongside any other mod basically It's not that hard all you need is a little will and patience. Good luck
  2. Then You will have to lean to script a lot and the game will become very bloated fast. You could always change the perk tree and create something like Ordinator.
  3. Ok do you use loot have you cleaned your mods? Do you use any werewolf overhaul? Companions overhaul?
  4. do you guys use Moon Light Tales? did you also use loot and clean your mods? Did you install or uninstall a mod in the mid of the game?
  5. So you want this to level fast or for a special type of character like mage thief warrior?
  6. Ok, Let's start like this Are you new to modding? Do you know how to clean a mod with tes5edit? Do you use loot?
  7. Does nmm offer a solution for profiles? So you can test your skyrim with no mod active?
  8. You can have any video card until the remastered version or a new patch for graphics will be made this will not be a reality. Also the majority of modders wait to see what Bethesda will bring to the table with the remastered version for PC. One thing is clear SKSE will have to be adapted to the new changes.
  9. did you looked in the unchecked tab in the left? That is were the mods go and sometimes you will have to recheck in order for the esp to appear.
  10. They are very old mods and might have some incompatibility with your most recent mods. Do you also use loot and mod organizer?
  11. your skyrim will get laggy very fast due to the game engine that will stress your video card, that's why in skyrim shades and other effects will mess your framerate.
  12. Then use purity no enb and imaginator problem solved. Any modification like this will create stress on you laptop ad I would probably need a lot of scripts to control the weather. But if you are still interested I am willing to try just PM me.
  13. You do now that this mod is immersive breaking and you could get a much more fun experience and level up pretty fast in a different way right? If not reply back and I will show you some options.
  14. The problem might be the enb. why? Because is using a lot of your computer resources, do you also use 4k textures?
  15. If you use a steam you could check the game integrity, be warned that this will make skyrim to go to the default state. Do you use any enb presets?
  16. Sometimes the creation kit is buggy so what do you got to lose and you will need TES5Edit for mod cleaning.
  17. Do you use any enb presets? is this compatible with tamriel climates enhanceddynamicweathersystem.esp? don't you need a patch for this?
  18. do you use loot and have patches for your mods?
  19. So you like to have an advantage if you use an one handed weapon with no shield and to receive more damage if you block with just one hand?
  20. Search on nexus you don't need to know somebody to just ask a question. Modders don't bite and even if they do you can always throw them a bone.(joke not intention of bad will) Good luck
  21. Yes there is a solution if you installed mods in the mid of the game or uninstalled them then there is your answer. If not it may very well be a problem of cpu vram and ram problem.why? A:Because Skyrim modding requires your computer resources, so it may very well not have enough resources to use for all your mods.
  22. I was asking because I am modder and I think, I can help you if you explain to me exactly what you want.
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