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Posts posted by redrakiton125

  1. Hi,


    We need help to finish The hunt of Daoris mod,the content has got a lot bigger, then originally planned so we are looking for modders interested and willing to help.


    Experience is not required but passion and commitment is.


    The goal is to finish this mod by Christmas.


    Bellow you can find more about the mod, but that is just a teaser of the actual stories.


    Anyone intersted PM me and we can have a chat.




    There is a story about a mighty blade that can only be wielded for justice and honor.

    But this sword was lost in the currents of time and it's location is unknown.

    This is all about to change as the Dragonborn begins the hunt for this powerful artifact of a bygone era. But he/she is not alone in this search... Others are seeking it for different reasons.

    Who in the end will be able to reforge this sword?


    We are open to ideas and collaboration(with other modders or with non modders). Themes that are NOT accepted are:

    - vampires

    - werewolves

    - necromancy(raising dead people, capture there soul’s)

    We want to integrate the characters to the world space and level design we created, we don't want another vanilla game, WE WANT A STORY.

    For my part of the story I like to build the dialog and integration with the actors and offer some freedom over the dialogue and discuss the ideas together.




    Foxy Fullmoon(status:unknown)


    Non Modders:

    Swadian(raresmocanu)- ideeas and design feedback-beta tester(status:quit)



    Thank you for viewing

  2. As far as i know coping contnet and story from other games, is illegal and you may have copyright issues and law suits.


    Bethesda already said that content from Oblivion or Morrowind can't be ported to Skyrim.


    You can gaind approval from Bioware to create this mod but only if they will let you.

  3. Hi,


    I want to understand what is the dimmension of a normal Wordlspace by default and to compare that size to whiterun.


    Also I want a big island to have room for a couple of cities and villages, what dimmensions should I use to have enough room for all this.


    Has anyone tried to make a sewer system on the island in a city without a load door?


    What are the best tools to make something similar to what i already have?(sample picture in the link bellow)


    Also is it possible to create a tunnel without load door using the teraforming tools?


    Link picture:https://s4.postimg.org/gu8dzajvx/Island_waterfall.png


    Thank you for anyone willing to help

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