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About jonasl2004

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    United States

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  1. @Zaldiir - Thanks! I'm sooo looking forward to seeing what gets created. I wonder though, does Bethesda monitor sites like this? If so, seeing the 5GB upgrade and knowing the complete awesomeness that can now be created and uploaded/downloaded for Skyrim, is there a chance that Steam will do something similar?
  2. Sweet! So looking forward to seeing what the excellent modders here come up with! Going to be awesome!
  3. So the new 5GB allows for larger and more detailed mods correct? But if mods like the "Sexy Whiterun" and such can do what they do already, what kind of mods will the 5GB allow?
  4. Does this upgrade have something to do with me being unable to download any mods? The NMM when I open it has "No Data" listed for the version of all the mods I'm running and when I try to download something new it tells me file does not exist. If this is unrelated to my issue, I'll move my post!
  5. Any chance we will get a NWMM for downloading and installing mods?
  6. Very cool! NWK2 is one of the best RPG's ever made. Looking forward to dusting it off and rolling yet again! Thanks Dark0ne! Very cool man! Will Kingdoms of Amalur have a CK coming out at all?
  7. I really agree with most everything posted here. As we are all experienced RPGers the lack of NPC/follower backstory was a big bummer. I was totally expecting it and felt a bit put off by the lack there of. I would also like to see more/better in town interactions. Once your the Thane of Whiterun, the snobby fool who talks about the "Cloud District" should have different dialogue when speaking to you. What is the point of being a Thane if it doesn't really matter? i would like to see more and better house options for you. Once inside my houses, I would love to be able to decorate how ever I want. Like being able to purchase more weapons plaques and manaquines and the like. Also, have faction quests, main quests and civil war quests linked. If you do something in one line, then the other line should be "updated" with dialogue reflecting the work done. (tried to get that out without giving anything away, hope it made sense!) The game is awesome! No matter Bethseda does, there will always be nit-picking. Great game, and lets hope with DLC we can get things updated and changed. i would LOVE to see a DLC or update that gives ALL followers a backstory and quests tied to them. Be small and easy, or long and challenging....bring it Bethseda!
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