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Posts posted by SmedleyDButler

  1. Hi folks,

    I'm wondering if someone might be able to help me diagnose an issue related specifically to CH and followers.

    What is happening is that my followers (I'm using ATF as my follower mod.) are not staying in the saddle. They constantly "pop off" (as in, they do not actually dismount. They simply cease to be riding) their horses without me dismounting and then have to call their horse or re-mount it. After "falling off", they either hang back or teleport to me, with a further delay as they re-summon their horse (or run back to it) and then remount it, which they also sometimes have difficulty doing, stuttering through repeated remount attempts and false starts.


    A few weeks ago I added Serana to my adventuring party (Typically, my character, Inigo, and 1-3 followers) and the problem has become much worse as CH gives her a special mount which has additional script loads as well as lengthy summon/unsummon animations. In the worst case my follower will get stuck in the ground (i.e. not on the horse but in the "riding" pose) and I have to disable and enable the character in the console to fix the issue.

    I have run the scripting diagnostic tool and my script latency is a bit high but not grossly excessive, being in the 60-110 range, with occasional spikes above that, but not more than 200. This is not ideal of course and moments above 100 will generally cause trouble, but the spikes are less frequent than the follower misbehaviour, which happens pretty much every 20-30 seconds with Serana in the party using her special mount (I'd change it if I could!) and makes travelling by horse pretty close to insufferable.

    My hardware's a bit older but on paper I should be able to run CH alongside my other mods without issues (CPU is an old AMD Phenom II X6 1055T @ 2.8 GHz, with 8 Gb RAM and I do use ENB without an ENB preset, per the STEP guide, to increase performance). Inigo for example has absolutely no lag or issues while riding his own horse (which has its own framework outside CH) alongside my other followers. It's ONLY the regular followers using CH horses that have the issue.


    My current load order and modlist is:


    Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp=1
    Skyrim Project Optimization.esm=1
    Skyrim Project Optimization - Dawnguard.esm=1
    Skyrim Project Optimization - Dragonborn.esm=1
    ETaC - RESOURCES.esm=1
    You Hunger.esp=1
    You Hunger - Falskaar.esp=1
    dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp=1
    dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp=1
    WetandCold - Ashes.esp=1
    TravellersOfSkyrim - Light.esp=1
    TravellersOfSkyrim - Dragonborn Addon.esp=1
    Convenient Horses.esp=1
    KS Hairdo's.esp=1
    CharGen Morphs.esp=1
    EEO ECE Morphs.esp=1
    Default Teammate Weapon Draw Distance.esp=1
    CookingExpanded - Dragonborn.esp=1
    CookingExpanded - Hearthfire.esp=1
    Knightranger Archer's Armor.esp=1
    Travel Attire.esp=1
    CL EbonyWeaponsStandalone.esp=1
    Yield 2.0.esp=1
    elise de la serre outfit.esp=1
    Shay viking.esp=1
    Simply Evie.esp=1
    Lore Weapon Expansion.esp=1
    Road Companion.esp=1
    Inconsequential NPCs.esp=1
    ETaC - Complete.esp=1
    Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Interiors.esp=1
    RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Falskaar.esp=1
    RealisticWaterTwo - Falskaar.esp=1
    Inconsequential NPCs - EEO patch.esp=1
    ETaC - Complete EEO Patch.esp=1
    Dynamic Dialogue Followers.esp=1
    Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp=1
    Immersive Orc Strongholds.esp=1
    Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Exteriors.esp=1
    SoS - The Wilds.esp=1
    SoS - Civilization.esp=1
    Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dungeons.esp=1
    Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dawnguard Interiors.esp=1
    SoS - The Dungeons.esp=1
    Immersive Whiterun.esp=1
    Immersive Solstheim.esp=1
    RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp=1
    SoS - Civilization-PatchRLOMajorCityInteriors.esp=1
    Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Minor Cities and Town Interiors.esp=1
    SoS - The Dungeons-PatchRLOMajorCityInteriors.esp=1
    SoS - The Dungeons-PatchRLODungeons.esp=1
    SoS - Civilization-PatchRLOMinorCities.esp=1
    Marriable Serana.esp=1
    ETaC - Dragon Bridge South.esp=1
    Whistling Mine.esp=1
    ETaC - Complete Moon Patch.esp=1
    Soljund's Sinkhole.esp=1
    Imaginator BETA.esp=1
    My Home Is Your Home.esp=1
    DAO2 Leliana Armor.esp=1
    RDO - AFT v1.66 Patch.esp=1
    Expensive Investments.esp=1
    simple omake clothes.esp=1
    RDO - USLEEP Patch.esp=1
    Marriable Serana HF.esp=1
    Interesting NPCs - EEO patch.esp=1
    Pacifist Mini-Mods Collection.esp=1
    Open Cities Skyrim.esp=1
    OpenCities_DawnOfSkyrim Patch.esp=1
    OCS - 3DNPC.esp=1
    Open Cities Skyrim - Legendary Patch.esp=1
    OCS - Inconsequential NPCs Patch.esp=1
    OCS - Falskaar Patch.esp=1

    (all installed and sorted using standard best-practices, STEP, NMM, LOOT, etc.) As you can see, there aren't too many heavily-scripted mods in there - most are just cosmetics, though I do have a couple on the heavier side, such as Wet & Cold.)

    I have disabled both horse charge and mounted combat in an effort to simplify things, but there was no improvement. I tried the delayed dismount setting but that also changed nothing (honestly it seems like some sort of detection lag.


    I'm not sure if this helps diagnose the issue, but in my case I notice the frequency of follower glitching is most closely related to horse speed, or perhaps more accurately, the distance between my character and the mounted followers. At a trot the glitch happens frequently and at a gallop CH is effectively unusable with followers. However if I drop to a walk speed while mounted (the slowest speed), the glitches cease pretty much entirely.

    Of course travelling only at the slowest speed kind of defeats the purpose of using CH in the first place.


    I asked directly on the CH page, but didn't get a reply.

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

  2. Hi folks,


    I've come across a couple of mods that remove player homes in cities entirely:


    - Breezehome Player-Owned Store (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60466/?)

    - Proudspire Marketplace (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68447/?)


    Does anyone know of any other such mods? I'd especially love to have something to replace Honeyside, but alternate uses for Hjerim or Vlindrel would be keen too.


    I searched the merchant categories, player homes, and cities mods, and didn't see anything, but I'm hoping maybe I missed some.

  3. There are a few daggers and shortswords in http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44179/?, the silver ones are quite slender.


    Regarding the conflicts, you can always unpack the mod and just install the meshes you want, remember to keep the folder structure intact, zip it and load it in NMM


    Yes, the silver one is quite nice. Definitely an option, thanks.



    The Armoury of Vernon Roche - Witcher 2 Weapons has quite a long dagger in it.


    Also Bosmer by maty743 has a really long curved dagger


    Man, those bosmer short swords are neat and on-theme, but what on earth is going on with the grip/hand clipping there.

  4. Billyro's set is nice... the Assassin's Dagger is definitely the right size, though it's not all that elegant, with its rather simple basic sabre shape. Still, that's a leading candidate for now and the one I like best out of what I've seen.


    As for the replacers, they do improve the look of the weapons, but have issues. The SBO pack is something I might install anyway, just to make stock weapons look better but only affects the lower level weapons... I'd rather not have to go crazy on smithing just to get that lowly iron or steel dagger up to useful damage (the elven and glass daggers still look ridiculous, but then I don't think anything can save those which uses the default meshes, haha). On the other hand the Leanwolf pack conflicts with some other replaces I'm already using (mainly for bows & quivers, but also an ebony weapons replacer). I suppose I can fix that with the load order but it all seems like overkill for a single sword.


    One of the things I'm wondering about is if there are any great-looking weapons buried in follower packs. For instance there's some really nice swords in the Ciri outfit pack brought in from the Witcher, which I've given to a follower.

  5. Looking for a small slender, discrete sword which a rogue or archer can use as a secondary weapon with a bow. A blade length of maybe about a foot and a half would be just about perfect.


    The issue seems to be that of the few short sword mods out there, many of them simply make fat stubby versions of regular swords (or which make gladiuses or sword on a gladius pattern, which are just inherently fat and stubby ). Plus a few mods have recently been taken down - the fellow who made the Brug Hild (which is another "fat" short sword based on the gladius shape and not what I'm looking for, but was very nicely made) took all his weapon mods down.


    So far it seems like there's a collection of generic short swords (they look like the base vanilla weapons) in the Heavy Armory mod (formerly available as the standalone mod "Short Swords For Skyrim"). There's also supposedly the Jaysus Swords pack, but honestly they all look like full-size swords - I don't see any small or short ones there.


    There's also a mod titled "Lozenge S145 Shortsword" but that's just someone being cheeky, since that sword is actually larger than most greatswords.


    Any suggestions?

  6. Is there a mod (or a console trick) which will let you increase the BASE value/price of a SINGLE item?


    I'm really not planning on going to 100 with all perks in Smithing and my current character isn't really one who should be smithing things anyway. I also have a mod installed which greatly reduces random dragon encounter rates (love the way it makes them feel like a big deal again, instead of a source of constant annoyance!).


    With both of those in mind, I was hoping to make dragon bone and dragon scale far more valuable on this play through (they are, after all, legendary items which your character has a near-monopoly on), but can't find any mod which will allow this. With dragons being rarer and harder, I'd like for those scales and bones to be a bit more of a windfall. Especially since I'm running economy mods (mainly Trade & Barter) to make money harder to come by.


    Any ideas or suggestions?


    Does anyone know which mods include sleeves as separate standalone miscellaneous items? I know that might sound silly, but there's actually two I know of: The VK armours pack (which features individual right and left chainmail sleeves) and zzJay's wardrobe (which comes with a "huntress sleeves" item).


    Are there any other mods with items like those?


    http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/20415/? look for the items with the "vixen" preffix. sleeves and leggings in multiple colors. Use this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64905/? to access the items.





    Does anyone know which mods include sleeves as separate standalone miscellaneous items? I know that might sound silly, but there's actually two I know of: The VK armours pack (which features individual right and left chainmail sleeves) and zzJay's wardrobe (which comes with a "huntress sleeves" item).


    Are there any other mods with items like those?


    VK Armors got those sleeves from Eldrids Armor Mashup. I can't remember if the former actually had weight slider support on those sleeves specifically (the rest of the outfit pack only had the 0 weight option), but I know for sure Eldrids' version does.


    Osare Culort Outfit also have equippable sleeves.



    Thanks guys, some good additional suggestions.

  8. Does anyone know which mods include sleeves as separate standalone miscellaneous items? I know that might sound silly, but there's actually two I know of: The VK armours pack (which features individual right and left chainmail sleeves) and zzJay's wardrobe (which comes with a "huntress sleeves" item).


    Are there any other mods with items like those?

  9. I use Trade and Barter, You Hunger, and a couple of other economy/food mods to keep things at point that's still challenging, so I have to work to keep fed throughout the game.


    My settings for Trade and Barter are a pretty nice balance, only I find that while I'm able to get a nice balance for prices on most things, food seems so vastly cheaper than everything else in game. I have tried tweaking the Trade & Barter settings to make food more expensive, but then everything else goes out of whack and is far too expensive in relative terms and also my own sell prices change and so on. Distorting the whole economy just to try and fix this one issue doesn't work for me.


    What I'm wondering is, is there a mod that does NOTHING ELSE but increase the cost of food-category items at merchants? There are of course many mods that increase the cost of food, but I have yet to find one that didn't also modify loads of other things, adding recipes, altering cells, changing your sell prices, changing the whole economy, etc. and many of those mods are also old/buggy/suffer from compatibility issues.


    I am ALMOST where I want to be with Trade and Barter, I just want to change food relative to other items and nothing else. Perhaps around 2.5 the cost would be fine.

  10. In a perfect world, there WOULD be events, or rather, the aftermath of an event - when I arrive there might be burned or damaged buildings, people in tents, graves, whatever. The effects would be dynamic and randomly-generated. And if you donated enough time and money, you could fix these problems so the city or town would be restored back to default.


    But that's not going to happen. I can't create a mod that does that and no one is going to do that for me, nor would I expect them to. So I have to RP it a bit if I want to play that way. Maybe it's going on "in the background" maybe the homeless are being temporarily housed in a temple or somewhere it's not immediately obvious, whatever, I'll just rationalize it. Again, this isn't perfect and I have to roleplay it instead of the game actually laying everything out for me, but as far as I know, that's about as good as I can get. There's no genuinely working mod that creates random natural disasters or random destruction from the Civil war which can be repaired, or will spawn groups of refugees in tents.


    Now, I can handle a lot of stuff the old-fashioned way, just by having a spreadsheet of effects and using RNG to determine the "effects". They won't be visible when I go to the affected area in game, I'll just have to use my imagination (gasp). Or if I really want, maybe I can spawn stuff via console & placer. Make a tent city, etc.


    But I need something which creates a random in-game trigger for me to do this, as that's the one thing I can't do with spreadsheets. I don't want to decide "Okay today is a disaster day." myself, I want it to be a surprise as I play. So maybe there's a different mod that creates events of some kind that I can just say are actually disaster prompts. There's actually a mod that's an example of something kind of like that, "Earthquakes in Skyrim" (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32288 ) but that thing is crazy, it generates earthquakes every two minutes! Never mind that the interval won't work for me, I don't even know how anyone can play like that... :confused: I also saw the newspaper mod, Black Horse Courier Reborn (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59450 ), but the reviews seem to indicate that mod is extremely script-bloated (one guy tried to uninstall it and he removed over 2000 orphan scripts, holy crap) and extremely buggy, so I think I'll stay away from that one! Other than those I haven't seen anything that fits the bill yet, but maybe someone else here can suggest something.


    However, if there really is no workable option using an existing mod, then maybe I need to make something myself (which I'm really not sure I can, as simple as the idea sounds) or ask nicely if someone else could.

  11. I wasn't originally going to ask for a mod to be made, but honestly I can't make head or tail of creation kit of the couple times I've tried myself, and I'm hoping someone can help me out or at least point me to a tutorial that would let me make something like this myself. I honestly don't know how difficult this would be to create or make, so if what I'm asking is actually difficult or complex then please let me know, and I'll drop it.


    What I want is a mod which will simply generate a notification message of some kind at random intervals. At the most basic level, just a text message that comes on screen any time from an in-game day to maybe three or four in-game months which just reads "A disaster has happened in Skyrim".


    The idea behind this was that I have a character party trying to do charitable things to help with the civil war in Skyrim, that there are regular disasters happening which my adventuring party will go and help clean up without taking sides. If you want more detail, I actually had a much longer post about this here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4605315-looking-for-a-solution-to-a-charitygold-sink-problem/ where I wanted to know if there were existing mods that generated random events that I could just use instead (and if someone here CAN suggest an existing mod that I can use instead even though the message or effect be for something completely different, I'd appreciate it, but I haven't found one).


    Now, a full "Skyrim natural disasters mod" would be a big complicated mod beyond my skills and probably beyond the skills of most modders (though apparently Chesko is actually making a mod like that as a replacement/upgrade to You Hunger?). So because that's not going to happen, I was just going to RP it myself using out of game tools and such, just roll for a result on an excel table to see what the natural disaster is, where, how much damage it did, who is affected, etc. A bit clunky, but workable.


    Depending on how much help I can get with this, there's maybe the option of doing more, but I don't know how much coding or trouble these would require:


    - Having the message be delivered by a courier instead of just being an on-screen text notification (this would be the coolest thing to add)

    - Having the message indicate which hold or town the disaster took place in

    - Additional in-game randomly-generated details of the disaster (what kind of disaster, who is affected, who's trying to help or ask for donations or food or materials, how much damage, etc.)


    The last one would be the most complex, I imagine.


    But at the end of the day maybe that's all too much work for someone and asking for something more complicated gets me nowhere. All I really need for this idea is an IN-game widget which will randomly generate a message every now and then. If I can get that somehow, I'd be grateful. Or even a suggestion for an existing mod which randomly does *something* harmless over a similar time frame which I can just pretend generated such a message.






  12. And yet you did.



    With respect, no. If someone does want to talk about that possibility, then hey, that's fantastic and we can move this conversation to the mod request forum, but I have zero expectation of that. If you read my post again, I'm only asking for suggestions about existing mods I can use in unintended ways.


    At the most basic level I just want to know if there's a mod - that already exists - that creates randomized notification messages, or in-game flags, or markers, or anything, so long as they don't have consequences attached and take place not too often over a wide time range. The messages don't have to be anything to do with my idea, I just need something to provide a randomized in-game "trigger" for me to go outside the game and play with an excel table - without breaking other things in the game or causing other obligations that have nothing to do with my idea. For example, the Earthquake mod (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32288/?) does this more or less, though the interval is far too short and an earthquake that staggers you every two minutes probably gets really annoying!


    If there are mods that bring me closer to what I want to do without having to do as much outside the game, that's great, but would purely be a bonus.


    I'm already using trainers as much as I can, but they can only eat so much gold. The gift giving mod you mentioned may be the same one I mentioned in my post? Give Gifts to Anyone in Skyrim: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37495/? I would be using that as the method of giving away money with my idea to donate money charitably.

  13. Hi folks,


    So, in my current playthrough I went for the old cliche of the crazy woodland hermit thief ranger type. I don't trust no city folk, big buildings scare me, and so on.


    Now, part of this is the basic game challenge this comes with - I want to stay poor, hunt a lot of my own food, etc., to pretty much be scrabbling for money the whole game and if I need something bigger, like a horse or paying a trainer I want to actually have to scrounge the cash.

    The lack of end-game gold sinks in Skyrim is pretty well a known issue, so to try and address this, I'm running Trade and Barter and other mods like Expensive Investments that make merchant rates worse or stuff more expensive (this civil war's driving up prices, man!), I also don't loot everything I come across anymore, and buy food and gear for myself and my followers as much as I can (I do hunt a lot, but a straight diet of nothing but venison chops is silly too and buying food helps to give me a steady cash drain). Still, it's impossible to not build up some money eventually, especially when I have nothing to spend it on (and the fact that I'm not going to buy any houses makes this even worse). Most of the mods that try to address the lack of sinks go in the opposite direction from where I want to go - buying masses of property, dealing in real estate, running shops, mines, farms, whatever. I know there's a couple of taxation mods, but... they're all mainly based on you owning property! And cranky fearful woodland hermits don't pay no goldurned gummint revenooers anyway. :wink:

    What I was really hoping for I was hoping there would actually be a good mod that let you just donate to charity for an effect. Ideally if you could fund an orphanage for all these homeless kids in Skyrim, without adopting them yourself - my character is a loner, but that doesn't mean they're a misanthrope (and the idea of the ranger saying "Ahhhh I don't need this money garbage, here you take it" fits well, I think), but sadly there isn't a mod like that. There IS a mod that lets you give away money to anyone (Give Gifts to Anyone in Skyrim, so I can actually GIVE the money instead of just dumping it all in a barrel which would be beyond lame), so that's something. But if I just give all my gold away voluntarily it seems kind of pointless - why loot or make money at all? And if I can just arbitrarily decide how much gold I want to give and when to give it, there's no pressure to make a goal or meet some requirement the way there is with having to buy food every day or pay trainers. Essentially there's no in-game challenge.


    What I want to do is have some kind of mechanism where demands can be made of me. I'm not the kind of guy who's going to post "HEY WOULD SOMEONE MAKE THIS BIG COMPLICATED MOD JUST FOR ME PLZKTHX!". so I'm hoping some of you might help me come up with a way I can use existing mods and maybe some external program (like a random number generator) to create costs, or NPC needs (like a charity drive). With the war on, maybe Danica or Maramal needs money for a widows and orphans fund. Maybe there's a drive to help a town recently attacked or damaged by a dragon or as part of the civil war, things like that (good RP ideas are appreciated). The variables that may or may not be affected could be:


    - Who needs the money (Townsfolk? Orphans? Dunmer refugees? Travellers robbed by bandits? Beggars?)


    - Why? (Emergency support or rebuilding after a disaster, dragon attack, or a civil war battle? Orphanage building for children, or money for education or trades for older impoverished childen? Food or shelter for beggars or refugees? Religious tithes? Resettlement fund for people not from Skyrim who are trying to go home? A fighting campaign, like Stendarr vigilants asking for money to support them against the vampires?). It's possible you could merge this with the above point - some would only have one "why?" while other groups would have multiple entries.


    - Where are the affected people? (Riften? Rorikstead? Solitude?)


    - Who's ASKING for the money (A priest, priestess, or other religious figure? A civic figure like Jarl, Steward, or Housecarl? A member of the affected community? Some charitable agent or someone acting on behalf of a charity?)


    - How much do they need? (of course)


    - WHEN do they need it and is there a deadline?


    The last one is crucial. I wouldn't want there to be demands every single day - better that they come up randomly from time to time. But as we know, the game isn't very alt-tab friendly, so I'd need something to run in-game every day with a randomized chance of a "demand" appearing. Everything else can *maybe* be handled by using a random number generator or even just roll dice if I get desperate (but there are dice-rolling apps, so I'm sure I can find *something* workable for this) and an excel spreadsheet. So the process might be as follows:


    1) In game random event generator runs each day with a yes or no toggle. If a yes comes up, then I can save and hop out and run a random number generator


    2) Use the numbers to consult a table in Excel


    3) The Excel sheet will tell me who needs the money, where, why, how many days the charity drive is open, etc.


    4) Optional: Penalties or rewards for failure? I don't mean a reward worth money, but maybe you get a thank you note or some kind of light bonus enabled via console or something (but not "The Gift of Charity" because it's almost entirely negligible and - more importantly - is really only used to help you make more money!). Alternately, maybe something bad happens? Really not sure how a penalty could be implemented so maybe I won't have any consequences for failure other than "Your character feels real bad".


    A bit clunky, but like I said, I can't write this as a mod for myself (I'm sure some people immediately thought "Why don't you try and write this?", but honestly it would be beyond my sludgy, backwards brain) and it's not fair to ask someone else to do something like this. Maybe it sounds like playing this way would be a hassle, but I'd only need to check it if the in-game alarm went off and I was thinking the shortest interval would be a day or two and the longest a couple of months, but on average something like two or three in-game weeks.


    So anyway, I'd love to hear thoughts about this, or suggestions for mods that maybe weren't intended for this, but can be repurposed to enable this or something like it. Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks!

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