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  1. Interesting, thank you for pointing that out! It's a little funny that he could remove everything *but* the beacon. To sort of answer my own question for anyone else looking here, I am now fully convinced that it is impossible, so I went with a method that warns the player, puts the beacon into an alias, registers for OnWorkshopObjectRemoved, and waits for the player to do it themselves, lol. It ended up here (I'll add some more documentation later): https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/12136?tab=description
  2. I'm attempting to create a mod that, under certain conditions, removes an outpost entirely. This does not seem doable via manipulation of the Beacon Activator itself, and I don't see any vanilla functions that handle it. Is Papyrus even able to interface with the Workshop/Outpost system in this manner? If so, where would I start looking? Thanks!
  3. It's just Health [AVIF:000002D4]. You have to call GetValue() on a SpaceshipReference to access it in papyrus just as you would with an Actor. This returns the % health remaining on your ship (you could call it on other ships, of course.) Scriptname ShipHealthScript extends Quest ActorValue Property Health Mandatory Const Auto ReferenceAlias property PlayerShip Auto Const Mandatory float Function CheckPlayerShipHealth() float health = PlayerShip.GetBaseValue(Health) / PlayerShip.GetValue(Health) return health EndFunction
  4. Thanks for taking the time to read... I've been playing one character for about 60 hours now, with the game being totally stable, and now I'm having this amazingly weird bug. First time it happened was after I returned to the Mojave after completing the HH DLC. Basically, after fast traveling anywhere or entering a new cell (Sometimes two or three) my weapons all show up as missing meshes, and the game crashes when I try to open my Pip-boy or quicksave, deleting the quicksave in the process. I reloaded a save before the end of the DLC, and the bug was alleviated. Then I completed OWB, mostly bug-free, and returned to the Mojave. Same bugs. After reloading cell, weapons are missing meshes and pip-boy or quicksave crashes. My speculation is that NV is somehow disabling Archive Invalidation during cell loading, but this might just be amateur guessing. Whenever I re-enable AI, the weapons work fine for exactly one cell then the bugs show up. Anyone have any clue what the heck is causing this? Thanks for replies.
  5. Anyone have a solution? Same thing here. Only one that works is sheathing dual axes or maces.
  6. Image Post Stealthboy-Here Psycho-Here Buffout-Here
  7. So, I decided to put my puny modeling skills to work and hammer out some hi-poly remakes of classic fallout items. This is partly because I hate the low-poly originals like http://images.wikia.com/fallout/images/9/95/Stealth_Boy.png, and partly because I highly doubt that the new fallout game will be much of an improvement mesh-wise (Look at skyrim if you don't believe me) So, this thread is just here so I can kinda bounce ideas off the community, and partly so I can receive validation for my red-bull-fueled work, and half so I can ask for help. And feel free to hate on my textures, they're pretty effin' abysmal, Heh. If anyone wants to help: I'm not looking to put together a mod team or anything, but if anyone wants to convert these to usable nifs, PM me!!! :D I will upload pics as I finish items, obviously. Completed -Stealthboy (Mesh+Tex) -Psycho (Mesh) -Buffout (Mesh) -Stimpak (Mesh) -Jet (Mesh) To Be Completed -remaining chems -Casino Clutter (Tables, Jukeboxes, Slots, Stools) -bottles (alcohol) -Explosives(Mines, grenades, etc.) Obviously, once these are completed I will move on to more fun and challenging stuffz. QUICK QUESTION!! I have a good deal of beveled and smoothed meshes on my objects (I work in Maya, if it matters) and whenever I export to OBJ and then into Nifskope, they all flatten out to be angular. Is there just no way to smooth meshes that go in the game? :mellow: :blink: :confused: :down: > :( :blink: :ohdear:
  8. I was just playing through Honest Hearts, and I got to the Bighorner quest and thought "Wow, wouldn't having your own pack Bighorner/Brahmin be awesome?" Due to the fact that there are a myriad of Deathclaw companion mods, I just figured that it would be easy (and epic) to have a pack animal, just for kicks. I'm not asking that you put on a saddle and make it rideable or make it a pony, just a companion with a companion wheel. Oh, and if someone wants to adapt the pack brahmin's mesh to fit the bighorner, I shall be forever indebted. Thanks for any work you put into this ahead of time, cheers!
  9. Why are the DL links not working? :dry:
  10. They look pretty nice... just remember that final products have very few sharp(90 degree) edges. Nice concepts though.
  11. If you don't want the game to slow down for killmoves, go into your skyrim.ini and enter [VATS]bVATSDisable=0
  12. Any file that starts with enb. Or, you can just overwrite everything, less work. Also, to muck about with the ENB settings in game, press Shift+Enter. Ambient Occlusion and Depth of field are the best looking and most performance eating, imo.
  13. I like K enb better, personally. But it doesn't look like the ENB is active. >.> You always need to manually download the files, and put any files that start with enb______ with the d3d9.dll and the main .exe. Some have extra folders, those go in the main folder too. Oh, and here's some rainbows. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25666
  14. Lol... not sure what to do about the draugr, I still jump when they shuffle up behind me xD im just a sucker for it. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2488 Heres the males, and I recommmend Favoredsoul meshes. Out of the files on the download page, I only get the favoredsoul meshes version and the GeonoxFaces, but it's all up to preference. :) Umm, for ENB, as far as the d3d9.dll is in the same folder as the TESV.exe, you're fine. And as far as textures go, I don't think so. I just install Skyrim HD first, landscape and so forth after, and just overwrite everything.
  15. I don't have many that you don't already have... If you have a powerful enough system, get enb first http://enbdev.com (installing it is as easy as putting the files in the main folder) and then find a preset you like here on the nexus. My faves are skyrealism-enb evolved (really nice depth-of-field), K enb, and beauty of skyrim (but again, personal preferences, find one you like) This: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24909 essential eyecandy, retex of all vanilla armors (not quite finished :< ) compatability for Immersive Armors on the main page This is a nice touch http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22745, adds footprints If you're into nudies, CBBE and UNP are the two major ones. Texture blenders are a must, not too user-friendly, but they eliminate the ugly neck seams. Males, search better males. I think Skyrim HD has a few more modules than just the dungeons, for cities and such. Hectrol caves hd This page has some nice optional fonts for when vanilla gets boring: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/95 nebula 4k and new skystars hd. I'm pretty sure you have to overwrite the skystars one with the nebula. Amazing smooth females is great. Get ultra smooth. Insanitys shields to make draugr less boring. As far as animations go, I recommend Zweihander (like from Dark Souls) and Elegant Archers. Great replacers. Solstheim Draugr makes them redeyed and scary. XCE (Xenius Character Compilation) and anything else by xenius are usually really pretty. Wet and Cold is cool for shaders when you're wet, like Assassins creed. ruins clutter improved Riverwood reborn Realistic mushrooms. Aaand jewels of the nord. I guarantee your Skyrim will be prettier after all those gigabytes of files. :D All of them should play nice, most only require a download and install. Except for texblend, that's a real pain. Lemme know if you have any problems, and don't feel the need to install all of them at once. Happy modding!
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