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Everything posted by Deleted3486474User
Witcher 3 modding tools released with NMM support
Deleted3486474User replied to TheTokenGeek's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #27950524. Had the same issue with steam, i found a workaround but it requires a second device. I posted what i did down below if that helps you. -
Witcher 3 modding tools released with NMM support
Deleted3486474User replied to TheTokenGeek's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #27880579. #27887799 is also a reply to the same post. Unfortunately that doesn't work, still asks for a disk in drive E: even when ive copied the entire contents folder into a folder on the desktop then try to export it to another folder on the desktop. EDIT: Solved Installed the tools on my Win10 tablet and the tools run fine, ill just have to install the data files on my tablet to mod then copy the mod back to my Win10 desktop to test as my tablet cant handle actually running the game. Had to disable my anti-virus as well, kept thinking the tools were a virus. -
Witcher 3 modding tools released with NMM support
Deleted3486474User replied to TheTokenGeek's topic in Site Updates
I'm getting an error whenever I try to uncook the files. I opened the command prompt and navigated to: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\x64" Then entered to command: "call wcc_lite uncook -indir="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Witcher 3\content" -outdir="C:\Program Files (x86)\Witcher 3 Exports\Uncooked" -imgfmt=png" I then get an error message reading: "There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive E:." This confuses me for two reasons, the first being the game is through steam and thus there is no physical disk anyway if it wants the game disk and second is the fact that drive E: doesnt exist. C is the main drive, I: is my disk drive and J: and K: are my external drives. Anyone else encountering this or know the reason im getting it or how to solve it? -
I'm looking to make one final mod for Skyrim before I end my tenure as a Skyrim modder and return to just playing games and not modding them. I am going to do an enchantment mod where I add useful and interesting weapon and armour enchantments for each class (Warrior, Rogue and Mage). If anyone has a good idea for an enchantment then please let me know. All the enchantments will be triggered on chance and not all the time and the chance and effect governed by an MCM. I have the following so far: Warrior: - Hallow (Extra damage to undead only) - Weapon - Reave (Chance to trigger a state where the player looses health with each hit but deals extra damage) - Weapon - Iron Will (If player health is below a certain limit, there is a chance to trigger a state where the player is invulnerable for a brief time) - Armour - Shield Stun (Chance that a successful shield bash will stun all enemies around the player) - Shield Rogue: - Sticky Fingers (Chance that each hit will steal an item from the enemy) - Weapon - Combat Cloak (Chance that a hit will cause the player to become invisible for a brief time) - Armour - Fleet Feet (Chance that a hit will cause the player's movement speed to increase for a brief time) - Armour Mage: - Repel (Chance that an attacking enemy will be knocked back when they hit the player) - Armour - Elemental (Chance to fire an Ice, Lightning or Fire spell on hitting an opponent) - Weapon I want to get at lease 5 for each class to make the mod worth doing so if anyone has a good idea then please let me know.
Hey guys, i hope someone can help with this. The issue I've got is that I made a follower in a mod that is marriagable but i accidently ticked "use opposite animations" when i first made it ages ago. I just went in to change it but the changes wont take effect at all, if i change the npc to a male with "use opposite animations" NOT ticked the male character still uses female animations but the female wont. So basically the npc is stuck no matter the gender, they use the opposite animations. I have found that going to a save before i met the npc fixes it but that's way too far back and i cant do a clean install as she is my spouse so that part would be completely screwed up when i reload the mod. So my question is, does anyone know of a way to fix it in-game without going all he way back. Thanks in advance
Im looking for a mod but not sure if it exists, i want a mod that makes chests work in the same way as the inventory and merchants work, so that instead of going "chest" and scrolling through the mass list of things to get what you want you can just go "weapons" under the chest part similar to the way merchants work, not sure if it already exists if it does can some1 provide a link, thanks i should also mention i know of other mods that do similar things and change the names and add catagories but i dont want any names to change just want the catagories to be added to chests preferably only player chests
My mod and all other weapon mods that made custom bows all have this issue, when dropping the bow they drop somewhere nearby instead of droping infront of you, im just wondering if any1 has seen a fix for this anywhere to make them drop infront of you like normal I should not aswell that it isnt anything to do with anything i have done to the nif file as if i open the vanilla nif and save without changing anything the same issue happenes Any help would be appreciated, thanks
Exterior Lighting, Inside
Deleted3486474User replied to Deleted3486474User's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
nevermind i worked it out -
Exterior Lighting, Inside
Deleted3486474User replied to Deleted3486474User's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I can get it to work in the creation kit but the light doesnt show up in-game -
I made a little houose and i put it in an exterior cell by accident at first and te lighting was perfect just by using the sky but when i moved it into the interior cell i cant work out how to make the lighting like it was on an exterior cell, ive chosen show sky and use sky lighting in the cell menu but that only lightens it a tiny bit, i want lighting like on a bright sunny day but cant work it out, any help would be nice!
Hey does any1 know how to shrink a dragon to 0.25 its normal size without wing problems? I set the dragons height and weight to 25 instead of 100 but when i go in game the dragon is the correct size but the wings and tail are all screwy with the wings underneath the body and what not, any1 know how to stop this happeneing The second tihng i need to work out is i made a town in an exterior cell so the mamory usage is 200% of normal, any1 know how to get better performance without moving to new world space or using crapper textures/graphics? Appreciate any help, thanks
never heard that before but ok, sucks though
Hi guys, im importing items from oblivion such as the madness and amber armors and weapons and a few other things, but im bad a texturing so they will always have the horrible 512 res textures, so im wondering is any1 good at texturing and can do the conversion to good quality HD 2048 res? if anyone can it would be much appreciated
reason why cant use the useinfo option is that the other notes are done by quest trigger when some1 dies, no1 is dying here so there will be no trigger, so i really only need to know how to increment the item number for the container to 1 not 0 temporarily without using a quest trigger or the other way if not by courier is to add the items strigh into the inventory of the player, does any1 know how to do either of these things?
ok that doesnt work, well it does but the courier doesnt show up because the item wasnt incremented so its still at 0 so he wont igve it to me, if it was at 1 then he would but i cant get it to increment without quest trigger which i dont have
Turns out the items were part of another quest and thats why they wernt showing up but ive got an ideai, im going to try and copy one of the deliveries and change the item then add the item to the chest that courier uses and see what happenes.
Hi, when some1 installs my mod i want a courier to bring them a message, mostly info about the mod and some backstory but anyways i cant work out how to get them to do anything, or at least i cant work out how they work in general the only item in the courier quest is the dark brotherhood one, i cant work out how all the other letters appear. Any1 know how to get them to work with minimal scripting?
what i mean by some1 reply is that 10 problems that are only small problems and the amount of people that mod im pretty sure im not the first to do it, i know im not the first . so the odds that some1 knows how to fix the small problems ive been having is very high (as it took me a little bit to sort it out its not like it took me months) so despite the odds no1 bothers to reply, my brother posted the same uestions and got answers. but anyways yeah the alias is fine as far as i can tell so im pretty sure thats not it
nevermind, as usual i worked it out before any1 bothers to try and help
Im trying to put a tatoo on a NPCs arm, but i only want this NPC to have it. I added the tatoo to the skin.dds and thats as far as ive gotten, how do i add it to the game as that specific NPCs default skin texture, every time i try, i put it as an armor and set that as the "skin" option in the traits window but it always cause mesh gaps between the hands, feet and neck. PLEASE HELP!
I got my stable made and functional, the only issue is that the stable guy wont talk to you and allow you to buy horses from him, ive modified the "stables" dialogue to allow the new NPC to have an alias and what not, as far as i can tell its identical to whiterun stables guy but different actor obviously and all the correct factions are used and what not but still for some reason he wont talk to you, he just says "hmm?", "yes?" and "need something?", any1 know how to get it to work. and can someone actually answer this time, ive posted for help 10 times for diffent things and no1 helps, i end up working it out on myown...after 3 weeks! thanks
never mind, as usual nobody bothers to help and i sorted it out myself
Hi i really need some help here, i made a little town and added a stable, the town is like riverwood (only in the sense that its in the exterior tamriel space) and when i travel to the location i want my horse to go to the custom stable i made (like when traveling to solitude or whiterun), but i cant get the horse to do so. I set the horse marker reference in the town location, and set the wilderness to the town location so the map marker is within the location and the location is set to send the horse to the marker, but the horse just stands beside me and wont go when i fast travel. Please help!
nevermind worked it out