In response to post #7635205. #7636326, #7636511, #7637460, #7637758, #7638512, #7638569 are all replies on the same post. Yes, the hack was uploaded externally, not through the Nexus. But you see, if they ban the upload of .EXE, they will report it in a post like this one, and everyone will know: I was just given an .EXE file for download all though they're not allowed! Must be a virus.And yes, a 100k file for a 30mb file is suspicious, but hey, not everyone thinks ahead...(plus some people are down-right stupid, sorry, don't mean to offend.). @ Tylee13: No, compressed file would not be scanned for .EXE, so they could still be uploaded. So, no actual loss at anything, just about a minute more to install a mod that involves .EXEs. But for that extra security, I think it'd be worth it.On a side note, anyone else in Germany (or Europe in general) getting this?