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  1. In response to post #7653202. #7653386, #7653470, #7653702, #7653807, #7654579 are all replies on the same post. Well spoken by all of you guys! :) I could name a few places where he could "put his money"...
  2. In response to post #7635205. #7636326, #7636511, #7637460, #7637758, #7638512, #7638569, #7639971, #7645295, #7647439, #7648532 are all replies on the same post. Having authors put compress the files before uploading them is not banning .exe mods. Although there are plenty of us that would never run such a strange .exe some people would, and I think it would be better if they knew all Nexus mods are always compressed. (Like the TES5Edit/FO3Edit, both .exes, both compressed.) @Ichibu Viruses are like bacteria. They spread, grow, and evolve. I'm sure you've heard of the AntiVirus 2008/9/10/11/12/13? It's an auto and installer, . Imagine if such a virus were to hit the Nexus? Even if you wouldn't execute this .exe it wouldn't matter, it would simply install itself. I got the AV virus back in 09 I or 08, and after that it was never really gone from the system (Even after about 10 different cleaners). So, I would love to see your face when you get such a "small" malware incident hits you, simply because you didn't want an extra click on a confirmation box telling you what you're about to download.
  3. In response to post #7640888. #7641098, #7641189 are all replies on the same post. So do you guys think that the file was uploaded somewhere onto the Nexus server, or are those download servers simply being rerouted to an external source to download THAT file? So I was downloading all the mods I wanted for Fallout 3, and did that manually because some things download faster in my browser than in the NMM. So I later return o the site and boom! "NMM Bug fix and hacking problems fixed"...ones that affect manual downloads. Nearly put a stop to my happy day... Hope you guys get this sorted out, but we can't blame you if people are dumb and execute such a file. Good luck! :smile:
  4. In response to post #7635205. #7636326, #7636511, #7637460, #7637758, #7638512, #7638569 are all replies on the same post. Yes, the hack was uploaded externally, not through the Nexus. But you see, if they ban the upload of .EXE, they will report it in a post like this one, and everyone will know: I was just given an .EXE file for download all though they're not allowed! Must be a virus.And yes, a 100k file for a 30mb file is suspicious, but hey, not everyone thinks ahead...(plus some people are down-right stupid, sorry, don't mean to offend.). @ Tylee13: No, compressed file would not be scanned for .EXE, so they could still be uploaded. So, no actual loss at anything, just about a minute more to install a mod that involves .EXEs. But for that extra security, I think it'd be worth it.On a side note, anyone else in Germany (or Europe in general) getting this?
  5. In response to post #7635205. #7636326, #7636511 are all replies on the same post. You can always put that .EXE in a zip file, (or .rar/.7z) and then upload it. If you suddenly get asked to download an .EXE if the site were to ban them for upload, you would know instantly that it's viral. It's just a tad safer, you know? Emails don't allow .EXE attachments for this reason. Like I said, it's just an idea.
  6. Wow. Just wow. Well, I guess I missed it, what time was it? Living in Germany's timezone makes it easy to hit these things since when the US east coast has 6am we've got 12 pm... Perhaps you guys could add a "Confirm download" box after selecting a sever to download from, with the filename and size of what you're about to download, you know, to avoid even putting these things on our systems. Maybe even disallow the .EXE extension from being uploaded. Just an idea.
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