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About Deathowl94

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    TESV skyrim and all the total war games

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  1. i was so happy when i saw the new patch today i let it download and lo and behold NO MORE CTD'S (for me anyway) but then the first time i got into a sword fight first attack the killmove that gets the enemy from behind the one that grabs the left shoulder and then you ram your sword through their torso started i hit them they survived i hit it again same thing and so on and so forth this is with every enemy and whereever i hit them. i think i hate you bethesda......... so if you can help me or help anyone else who posts their problems here please do.
  2. Having the exact same problems i've uninstalled and reinstalled the game twice. still nothing all saves corrupted. when i start a new game i can play it with no problems but as soon as i save it and try to load it again it says it has become corrupted or the loading screen just dose'nt go away. this game is proof that you can love and completly hate a game at the same time.
  3. sorry for the double post but im not sure this is important or not but im running version ( every thing always wored for me on 1.3 i hate steam auto update..... i hate steam I PAID FOR THE GAME LET ME USE MY DISC!!!!!)
  4. This might be the wrong place to post this but i think it is one of these little updates that have corrupted my saves. (my problem) whenever i try to launch a saved game (all exept one) it either stays on the loading screen forever (tried for 1 hour) or it loads and says that the save was corrupted and makes me go back to the main menu or crashes to the desktop. Please help me i have reinstalled the game twice deleted the corrupted saves and tried again and i have removed all mods that i downloaded since my game stoped working and none of this has resolved the issue SOMBODY PLEASE HELP MEE!!!!!
  5. i've played for 130 hours i don't think i've run into any more than 50 I WANT MORE!!!!!!!!!! killing them is fun.
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