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About SinOfApocalypse

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    Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4
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    Fallout Series, The Elder Scrolls Series

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  1. Alright!!! ;D Thanks, LHammonds, ill never do it again! :)
  2. The HELL lot of functions, i say. :D (my thread went to 3rd page of requests, nearly got to void, so i guess i was right at my bumping)
  3. Lol, i didnt tripple posted, it was a bump. :P And yeah, im really hoping for someone with scripting knowledge to help us with this mod. I already tryed to pick something up from this mod, but for the time being, i only can add new guns and armor to the game, not the scripting.
  4. But Duke Nukem and other voice packs (Christian Bale) just replaces the sounds of player, while Oblivion Sounds Sets make your player actually talk, he/she comments the situations, curses and all that stuff. heres the examples:
  5. Hey! Back in the days when i was playing Oblivion, i came along this mod Oblivion Sound Sets "This mod gives your character ability to speak. From now on you will hear your character commenting about 30 various events through the game. This includes diverse battle-cries during combat, differential comments while wandering Tamriel, while venturing in the ruins/dungeons, while wandering during the day/night, and many, many more" Im pretty bored of my characters being mute like some kind of monk, lol. So, thinking that scripts might be similar and can be used in Fallout 3, i think i will be possible to make it for Fallout3. But new sounds are needed, because Oblivion ones will be out of place, thats for sure. Example characters: Chris Redfield, Rayne, Lara Croft, Agent 47. Thanks, hope someone with modding expirience will share my thoughts, and make something out of it. SoA
  6. Can you possibly not release, but PM it or put it on some hosting site? :confused: That teasing is killing me ( and not only me ). SoA
  7. Yeah, all from scratch! :whistling: Finally a Hardballer, freakin awesome! ;D
  8. Looks goddamn awesome!! Hope you make some more variety in skins!
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