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Everything posted by 5OclockShadow

  1. I miss the buttons that used to exist in the older format, the ones similar to those in the Tracking Center. Instead, for sorting, all I have in my download history is the ability to click on the column headers. Still works, but from a GUI preference, it feels messier than the drop down menus.
  2. For the last week or so I've been writing in a Word document a list of improvements similar to MaverickHunter2's and then some, and a different game similar to your list above, Mechtechnal. I even went ahead and bought a second copy of F4 + DLC for my computer (I played it on Xbox One) because I was finally inspired enough to actually learn how to mod and make this happen. So I'm very interested to see this project move forward, #LetsMakeFallout4Good. Here are some of my other ideas that maybe you'll like or not. The world space in F4 is divided in bizarre ways. Almost everywhere you go, Super Mutants occupy a spot next to Gunners who occupy a spot next to Institute Synths who occupy a spot next to raiders. Instead, the world space should be divided up into territories, with each faction controlling a territory and seeking to expand said territory. This means expanding the raiders into actual different raider clans (as hinted at in computer entries in the vanilla game and done to a limited extent with the Forged and then the 3 gangs from Nuka World), possibly breaking up the Super Mutants into 2 or 3 tribes, and then having them occupy their respective territories, with them having fortifications and patrols. And instead of a shoot on site, you have faction relation with each, determining through your actions if you are friend, foe or neutral with the respective faction, and thus can pass through freely or for a toll fee. Besides allowing the Player Character to conquered these territories, it would be nice if when a territory is cleared but not claimed, that upon returning the territory doesn't reset and repopulate but instead is now occupied by a neighboring competing faction...or yes, retaken by the faction you cleared if that faction is still present nearby. This would make the world feel more dynamic and alive. I also think it could be done that certain locations just flip based on player action and random probability. Speaking of occupying, the settlement system could be expanded on in that should the player decide to go that route, they can create settlements (I'd incorporate the Sim Settlement mod by the way) but they can also make outposts to provide local protection (and generate caps due to tolls), and they can take over key or strategic locations and get bonuses for it, such as occupying Corvega and getting it back up and running to gain a bonus, or a reward or both. Say, getting the Weston Water Treatment plant allows for running water in the townships again (I'd move all settlements back to the townships, so Concord, Lexington, Malden would be settlements, and nearby farms can be under local protection), and modifying the plant can make the water rad free. I'd add other production sites, such as a papermill, so that toilet paper can be made again (now there's an item that should cost something in the post-apocalypse), while other sites could be used or converted to other uses. In the lore, many manufacturing sites were either making war armaments on the side or were fully converted, so again with Corvega, you may not have a need to build cars with the site, but you could use it to build power armor and equip your local militia with them. Or make Lukowski's cannery into an ammo manufacturing facility and bring your ammunition costs down along with outfitting your people with better weapons, ammo, etc. In doing this, a form of Tower Defense should be implemented that kicks in randomly if you are present at the site in question that another faction might want. Story wise, I'd add something more of the Enclave in order to clean up the lore discrepancies with Power armor in Fallout 4 that Bethesda committed for the sake of gameplay and player level progression. Either have them as a faction or have locations of obvious former presence in the area or have them being taken into the fold of the Institute. I'd also have it that Vault 81 had a GECK and they purified Chestnut Hillock Reservoir and founded Diamond City or merged with them. This gives a reason for the Institute wanting to control them, as they not only have the main clean water in the area, but it's the water that backs the cap system (similar to Fallout 2). Course, events in Nuka World could screw the cap system economy up if they Nuka Cola plant gets back up and running (similar to a Fallout 3 side quest). Might want to scrap the cap system all together, or have it run parallel to the Institutes currency system...maybe make caps illegal in Institute territory but are used outside of it or in black market areas. And seeing a few posts already saying post-modern pabulum of the day such as "all morals/values are subjective", I'll avoid the philosophical discussion here but I will say this about a karma system: faction relation should be implemented, and should be based on if you are helping them with their goals or if you are an obstacle. How they deal with you needs to be consistent with their particular faction values, or in the case of the BoS, the values of the leadership in charge of the faction. As to personal player karma, I think something close to life should be implemented. Namely, doing bad things should not be penalized by bad karma, but rather causes corrupting influences by rewarding the player with more power, influence, and respect born out of fear. The negative of doing evil will be basic outcomes from your actions that make sense, not random magic punishing you. Criminals usually only pay for their crimes and sins because of their stupidity. Smart bad guys rarely pay for it in this life. Playing a good guy should give little reward, with the reward being the respect and appreciation of some of your settlers, but mostly the reward is player generated...they feel better about their choices. As for the end game outcomes, those should be mostly based on your actions, rather than karma level. The karma system, as is, is too simplistic, too binary, and lacks context. An aside, but related issue to karma, I think probability or randomness/luck needs to be implemented into events. Yes your choices affect outcomes, but the random factor always needs to be there. Tragic, neutral or happy events should always have some luck or lack of involved in their generation or not. Otherwise the gameworld feels more like a gamebook instead of an RPG. Yes, get rid of the PCism. It ruins the ability to explore ideas because of teh feelz. Fallout 4's world is a little too obvious with appeals to SJWs. If a post apocalypse society is to survive, won't issues of contraception, feminism, and homosexuality be contentious issues? Would a town respect any of those modern positions when it could easily lead to extinction? And in an America culturally trapped in the 1950's, how is there no Christian denomination(s) around but there is the silly Children of Atom? I think it would be interesting to have 3 ghoul Irish Catholic priests, perhaps with different perspectives on their faith, and interacting with them. Shying away from this stuff makes the game world seem hollow and prevents exploration of some interesting ideas. Resist it and explore! Bring back human slavery. Rather than delete it in order to keep the issue around 3rd gen synths easy to deal with, have human slavery be an issue too. Nuka World had some of it but there should be a location that is a slave bizarre amongst Raiders. Plenty of factions would have reason to want slaves, be they human or 3rd gen synth. And a coliseum, Mad Max style, how did Bethesda leave that out? I also think it would be better to change the Automatron plot so that the Robobrains have a coup against Isabel, and they take over, seeking to assimilate the Commonwealth into being like them out of spite.
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