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Everything posted by abysswolf

  1. all that i don't know... XDD what i need the most is a base where i can model everything i can do all that part, normalmaps texture and everything Nephenee you see like someone who would like that kind of mod
  2. should i PM you with my Facebook / Skype adress then?
  3. probably you have to do it for yourself if Ozomo's hasn't done a patch for it.. :)
  4. since im a 3d modeller (zbrush, blender, wings3d) id like to make a armor replacers for MALES (since there are lots of them for females) to give male armors a more stilish look more akind to what we could see in this examples: here's the thing, i can model them, texture them normal map them (if necesary) but i know s#*! about how to get them ingame so, if anyone is interested we could joint arms and do it
  5. Xeo 5 anyone? all i can find is Xeo 4
  6. i have installed OOO and Armamentarium and i have readed several times the readme... and i still feel there is no difference, can anyone show me how it should look an average trader list with armamentarium?
  7. im trying to find XEO 5 NPC mod but i can't seem to find it (it is NOT anymore in filefront) so anyone have a naisu mirror link for it?
  8. i changed my load order and it seems to work now, however i get strange errors this is my load order now http://img829.imageshack.us/img829/8673/screenshot0ck.png however i suspect there is something arround OOO that doesn't work also i get the problem when saving INSIDE of the imperial city with new characters, i get that because i riskily loaded a older save and it worked strangely good and i get few load errors and freezes...
  9. First off thanks so much for taking time and reading this you guys are a great comunity, and now let's get to the busyness i get a freeze when i get partners joined... for the rest the game work just FINE i have did everything because i tought it was the codecs... since i had some .ini tweaking... then i realize it wasn't that idk what to do i have tryed almost anything here is a shot of my Load order directly from OBMM http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/5124/sinttuloznp.jpg idk what to do about that problem and i hope ya guys can help me thanks again EDIT: i might add that the bug occurs when i LOAD the game...
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