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Everything posted by SteelPilgrim

  1. Big business in taking your money for a product that the player will beat in a day and then throw it in a closet to collect dust. What causes a game to become a legend, a classic and gain a cult-like following? One simple word... Playability. A player sinks his earned money into a game that they beat in a day or in a game that they can come back to years later and still play. "I've seen it all and done it all." Too often this is the statement heard from players. The industry is happy either way. They just pump out another low playability game just to get money to fatten their pockets. "Oh, we have a lot of bugs with our game xxxxxxx, well xxxxxxxxXX is about to come out." They care not one iota. However with the Elder Scrolls and Fallout games, they gave us a clue as to what we should be playing for our money. Something that takes much longer to explore and beat. Still they cared not that bugs did exist. "Just play around it." "Don't worry, you'll be okay with 98% completion." Then in marched the gamers true friend. Those Saints of Coding. The Gurus of Gaming. The modders. They took it upon themselves to improve an imperfect thing and bestowed upon us that most treasured of gifts, Playability. "Seen everything? Done everything? Collected everything? We say nay. For we have new player homes, new weapons, new spells, new quests and so much more." Now our cherished games can be played as long as the OS they run on is good to go. Ten years from now, dust off that laptop, and look back on a happier time as you once again shout your enemies to shreds or fly dragons across the landscape. Such are things the modders give to us and we admire them for it. Thanks.
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