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Everything posted by Unprogression

  1. Can i revert to the old design? Why try to fix something or overhaul something that worked perfectly fine for the last 15 year Now i see less mods for more clutter and permanent filtering options; just why?
  2. I love the new design! Almost everything loads faster & everything is more convenient to reach.
  3. Well i'm also fairly new in creating models , textures etc. I tried blender, C4d and Maya and i have to say that maya ist the best. Why? The Layout is simply the best of all three :> Also there are a ton of tutorials on yt and even on the autodesk website. I know that this is a simple object but since im a beginner i think its a good start anyways http://puu.sh/puWd1/2e7717c602.png Im also Using Crazybump, Photoshop, and Bae
  4. Ill try that out! Meanwhile ive reworked my mesh a bit to be less complex Also i did now a cylindrical uv map . The Result is a lot better but still not perfect lol.
  5. I tried every combination : Horizontal mirroring, vertical mirroring, Rotating @90 degrees and so on , still the same weird issues :<
  6. well the problem is what do i do after 30 days? Im still student so i cant afford any fancy and expensive programms ;_; I got maya for 2yrs or 3 for free because im a student - i'll try it out tomorow anyways. Tipps for maya are still appreciated ~
  7. So well how do i start. I wanted to create a mod for Fallout 4 - an visor to be exact. So i created the mesh/ object as you can see here : http://puu.sh/pq8YB/b4beaa82ee.png Then i tried to create an UV-Map In Maya : http://puu.sh/pq92q/90845bc2f4.png After trying to make an texture with photoshop it looked like this : http://puu.sh/pq99i/11d2d77a08.jpg So well the Mesh fits perfectly @Maya http://puu.sh/pq9co/3ef992eae2.jpg But when im trying to apply it to the mesh in Nifscope im getting weird results like this : http://puu.sh/pq9ut/0e1f68ae72.jpg So my Question is ho do i have to set up the layout of my textures in order to apply them correctly? :< Is there any tool which does that for me? Im fairly new to modelling and texturing and im sorry for that many pictures but i didnt know how to explain it in words. Thank you for any Advice!
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