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Posts posted by RattleAndGrind

  1. Another problem is lack of consistency with established canon. We know that the R91 assault rifle was standard issue for the U.S. army. It was found all over the place in Fallout 3. Yet there are no R91s in Boston, despite having military installations everywhere. Instead we get this abomination that looks like a WW1 machine gun. I hate that gun so so much. I have never used it and never will. It's horrible


    It reminds me of the M1917 Browning machine gun.


    Kind of an aside but does anyone else find the entries in Boston Bugle and the Switchboard termials really cool?


    Especially the Switchboard, they were sending/receiving messages about the impending strike as it was happening, "multiple birds in the air", probably meaning either ICBM missiles or aircraft with nuclear payload.


    The whole ICBM missile submarine has cool vibes, like Hunt for Red October. Pre-war Navy must have been having lots of sleepless nights trying to track the Chinese subs.


    And then the Boston Bugle, where the article states how the government basically left the capitol, retreated to Control Station Enclave. All the food riots and stuff. Very nice backdrop detailing.


    And the Vault-Tec rep in the beginning, he seems to have some inside information. He is absolutely convinced the strike is going to happen, and soon at that. How did he know? How much did Vault-Tec know? So on.

    one of my many gripes with the game (and the biggest reason i have issues with it) is that everything starts really cool like that... but nothing really comes from it. we don't get a lot of the good stuff like that we only get some minor surface stuff. in previous games you were able to piece these things together and find out the details through terminal entries and documents as well as how a room was laid out and deduce the events that filled the gaps. in this game though we get a bunch of computers with boring inventory lists and only surface stuff. most of it is either obvious or doesnt have any other information form else where. most places dont connect to each other unless it has a quest around it. i've seen several people state that large parts of the werent really visited after completing most of the main quests. really is quite annoying...



    Having played other Fallout games, I approached this game with a certain level of expectation. Because of those expectations, I have come away disappointed. And I suspect that I am not alone.


    However, someone who comes to the Fallout games for the first time does not have those expectations, so they will not be too disappointed. Their joy of discovery is fresh and new and they fall in love with the game. It's the next game that will disappoint them, just as this one has disappointed me.


    Nice aside.

  3. You've been here three months, the other sociopath coward two months. I've been here 5 1/2 years.


    Neither of you begin to have any standing to attack my reputation, credibility or honesty on this site. So please continue trying, while you can.



    ""destined to serve your {my} life as a social pariah, as you lack the necessary social graces with which to navigate the world".


    These days it's called bipolar disorder.


    You have now followed me to a Second forum after calling me a " sociopath coward". Reference another post of mine with insulting comments, and I will report you for harassment. Like FriedGeoduck, I am fed up with your infantile insults and petty behavior. Go the Fauck away!


    The Railroad is just too narrowly focused to have any long term plans for dealing with the issues of the wider Commonwealth. So not the Railroad.


    The Institute has humanities best interests at heart. But according to the basic broadcast, their implementation is one of "Cooperate or Die". Not very leader like.


    The Brotherhood Of Steel is the "Savior of the Commonwealth". Just give use all your food and technology and we won't kill you and take it anyway. Way to dictatorial for my tastes.


    The Minute Men are a para-military organization and are ill fit to govern the Commonwealth. Military governments tend to be rather authoritarian (see BoS).


    So my answer is "None Really". That said, I would rather see the MM backing a civilian government than the BoS or the Institute.

    1. The food quest is off the books which is literally the first thing Teagan tells us about it and we know that the BoS usually trade for their goods with currency or tech they don't need

    2. The BoS isn't authoritarian.

    3. The Minutemen aren't para-military they are a volunteer army that works to protect people, not rule.

    4. Railroad isn't even about ruling. They only care about taking out the institute and getting synths to a safe place so they can live normal lives.



    Whoops. Sorry @CinderMuffin. It seems I had forgotten what a rabid protector of the BoS you where. Had I known that you would read my post and take notice of my honest appraisal of the actions of the Bos I would have praised them just to please you. I would have proclaimed the BoS as the second coming of the Messiah and elevated Elder Maxson to the rank of omniscient, omnipotent and omnibenevolent deity.






    In response to number 1 on your list and for the sake of truthfulness, openness and honesty; we find the following in the Feeding The Troops Wiki


    Detailed walkthrough

    1. You are tasked with heading to a random settlement to secure a supply of crops for the Brotherhood.
    2. Go to the settlement and acquire the crops by paying for them (the cost is reduced with a successful speech check), charming them, or killing everyone.
    3. Return to Proctor Teagan to collect your reward.

    See. Sell, give or be killed; the BoS will have your food and are not scrupulous about how it is acquired.


    And there are no Off the Books assignments in the BoS. You have stated as much several times in the past. To paraphrase, "BoS personnel follow orders and do not go off on their own". Are you now disavowing those statements?




    Number 2 on you list is naive at best. Here is some scholarly treatises on the role of authoritarianism in military organizations.

    That last one is kind of tilted in its approach, but has some good data.




    Number 3 is not based on any known definition of paramilitary. Form the Merriam-Webster website we get following:

    • Simple Definition of paramilitary: of or relating to a group that is not an official army but that operates and is organized like an army

    And if you read any of the articles above, you now understand how military authoritarianism works.



    Number 4. Read the first paragraph of my post again. You may find we actually agree.

  5. I think the problem is one of perspective.


    How many governments are there on the planet? Too damned many.


    How many planets are inhabited by Human Beings? One. Just one.


    Human Beings are a single animal species, genetics prove it.


    But we carve up our planet and create governments. Then we complain about them. And we complain about those governments over there too.


    We carve our animal species into little groups. Then we complain about the other groups which aren't our group.


    Then we start destroying the little planet. Destroy that bit over there, nobody will notice and doing so doesn't hurt me. Destroy the air just a little today, nobody will notice and doing so doesn't hurt me. Dump that stuff into the river today, nobody will notice and doing so doesn't hurt me.


    You want to see the problem with governments. Look in the mirror. It is us. Our collective ignorance allows us to destroy ourselves, and allows us to blithely blame everyone and everything else.


    So adjust you perspective and look at the problems again. Maybe, just maybe ...

  6. JaYmZeE311074, you lost me at "The system is the problem - the role humans play within it is the miplaced believe that the system cannot be changed."


    The "system" is a nebulous none entity which does not really exist. Why, because the system is the people and the people are the system. So people are the problem and people are the solution. The challenge is to figure how to convince people to self modify their behavior to affect the overall behavior of the rest of humanity, in some sort of ripple effect. Some kind of "Changing the World Starts With Me" campaign, based on the "I can only change me" philosophy. (Where have I heard that before?) :D

  7. :rolleyes: Don't blame the censors, I'm pretty sure Robin set them up ages ago and hasn't ever really updated them except to take "loverslab" off the list. On the other hand getting irate because you can't use a taboo word doesn't really paint you in the most sympathetic light.


    Actually, any list of proscribed verbiage is unrealistic. The list here is primarily based on British and American English with a bit of "strine" thrown in for good measure.


    But this is a multilingual forum. I have seen and participated in several Spanish based language discussions and some of them were quite ... ah ... colorful.


    And what is worse, words that are fine in one language can be a proscribed word in another language when typed phonetically on a 101-keyboard.


    So realistically, any list of proscribed words is really a fools dream. The list is simply too big and grows too rapidly.

  8. I have mentioned it before, and I will do so here. The Gunners are mercenaries and they are hostile to the PC on first meeting. Why? Who is paying them?


    I am also curious about Pickman. Is he just a deranged psychopath, or did something drive him to paint with Raider blood.


    And what is with these weirdos in the WRVR Radio station. What the hell are these folks up too. Sure you rescue a member of their cast from Trinity Tower, but then what. Nothing.


    What is the deal with the small group of people living in the ruins north of Fort Hagen. Why are they clinging to these ruins when there are regular settlements closer?

  9. Commune-ism (shortened to communism) is an economic model, not a political model. It is; in fact, the oldest known economic model. First in Clans, then Tribal groups, then Small Communities.


    The Chinese (and Soviet) model is communal economics enforced externally by a Central Government for the benefit of the Central Government. It is a form of indentured service to the government.

  10. The Railroad is just too narrowly focused to have any long term plans for dealing with the issues of the wider Commonwealth. So not the Railroad.


    The Institute has humanities best interests at heart. But according to the basic broadcast, their implementation is one of "Cooperate or Die". Not very leader like.


    The Brotherhood Of Steel is the "Savior of the Commonwealth". Just give use all your food and technology and we won't kill you and take it anyway. Way to dictatorial for my tastes.


    The Minute Men are a para-military organization and are ill fit to govern the Commonwealth. Military governments tend to be rather authoritarian (see BoS).


    So my answer is "None Really". That said, I would rather see the MM backing a civilian government than the BoS or the Institute.

  11. Actually, weapons almost always eject to the "open" or "handed" side. So left handed weapons normally eject to the left.


    Exceptions are weapons like the Colt 1911 .45 ACP. It ejects straight up and back. I always thought is was cool watching the spent cases flying over my head and occasionally into my collar.


    Some weapons have "swappable" ejection ports. Actually these weapons have a port on either side and a plate with ejector pin to cover the port you do not wish to use.


    But I think is a poor implementation to force the PC to be a right hand shooter and then give the PC only left handed weapons.

  12. I have never been fond of the BoS, they are just to damned xenophobic for my tastes. That; coupled with their on-again-off-again adherence to the Codex just makes the BoS look hypocritical and ineffective. And Sarah was just one more BoS Knight, so I do not miss her.

  13. <snip>


    Damn. I step away for a day, and you manage to piss someone else off. I am horribly jealous; I thought your hatred was reserved for just me. You are such a fickle little child.


    And you are trying to get FriedGeoduck banned. I'd be careful with that tact. I could backfire and wind up with two folks banned. Wait! What am I saying? TheMastersSon, please keep trying to get FriedGeoduck banned.


    On second thought, never mind. I have removed all my comments. You and @zanity are a pair worth folding.


    If you want a serious evaluation of modding cycles, check out "modding dying?", as it has a nice set of statistics from Dark0ne.


    Seriously. I honestly never thought I'd a see a video game complaint as hyperbolic as "It looks like an 8-year old game!! OMG!!" But then...


    Here's a simple undeniable fact: Fallout 4 will surpass Fallout 3 in number of mods in the next two months. To put it another way: In less than 1 year, Fallout 4 will have more mods than Fallout 3's gotten in almost 8. It already has more downloads. And that's only counting nexus mods.


    On a (slightly!) more speculative note, I suspect it will go on to surpass FNV and become the most modded Fallout game ever. If you think that counts as "dying," this might be helpful: https://www.amazon.com/Merriam-Webster-Dictionary/dp/087779930X



    WTF are you on about? I have read this post thrice and can not figure out what it has to do with my post. Maybe you could explain in some greater detail.


    And your link is to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, so I am not getting what ever it is you are trying to say.






    Jane Fonda.


    RattleAndGrind; like you, I have no love for Jane Fonda. However, I have learned to keep those feelings to myself, for the most part. As you can plainly see, when you publicly express you strongest feeling the world feels qualified to tell you that you should not have those feelings. They will try to convince you that you are an evil person for having hateful feelings. They will ridicule you, revile you, rebuke you and reprimand you. And they will do it in the most hateful terms.


    If that "they" includes me, you'll need to point out where I or anyone have hated on RattleAndGrind. People have a right to like, dislike, love or hate whomever they wish. My original response was just a reminder that people grow over time, and it's ridiculous to judge anyone today according to what they said or did a half century ago. Also all of us including RattleAndGrind are products of our upbringings, imo it's absurd to blame Fonda for her own.









    Jane Fonda.


    RattleAndGrind; like you, I have no love for Jane Fonda. However, I have learned to keep those feelings to myself, for the most part. As you can plainly see, when you publicly express you strongest feeling the world feels qualified to tell you that you should not have those feelings. They will try to convince you that you are an evil person for having hateful feelings. They will ridicule you, revile you, rebuke you and reprimand you. And they will do it in the most hateful terms.


    What they fail to comprehend is that there is balance in the world. There is no darkness without light and no light without darkness. Yin and Yang struggle with each other, but as either gains, it loses.


    So you hate Jane Fonda as strongly as you wish for as long as you wish. For elsewhere, there is an equal love to bring balance.





    But you're correct. 'I shoulda knowed betta'.


    IMO you shoulda knowed that everyone makes unforgivable mistakes in their lives. Even you.



    That is pretty judgmental. You should not be judgmental in one post after vehemently denying being so in another.





    Jane Fonda.


    RattleAndGrind; like you, I have no love for Jane Fonda. However, I have learned to keep those feelings to myself, for the most part. As you can plainly see, when you publicly express you strongest feeling the world feels qualified to tell you that you should not have those feelings. They will try to convince you that you are an evil person for having hateful feelings. They will ridicule you, revile you, rebuke you and reprimand you. And they will do it in the most hateful terms.


    What they fail to comprehend is that there is balance in the world. There is no darkness without light and no light without darkness. Yin and Yang struggle with each other, but as either gains, it loses.


    So you hate Jane Fonda as strongly as you wish for as long as you wish. For elsewhere, there is an equal love to bring balance.





    But you're correct. 'I shoulda knowed betta'.

  17. Look for what you like most and start there. You can get mods for weapons, armor, pretty scenery, more intense combat, different leveling schemes, more quests, larger map, modified perk system, different weather or just about anything you might want. Don't be afraid to experiment and try a lot of different mods; I went though eight different weapons mods before I found one I liked.


    I won't give you specific mods. You may not like the same things I do and I do not want to predispose your choices. I give you the thrill of discovery.





    Jane Fonda isn't the first dumb *censored* in the world, isn't the last.




    You are absolutely correct. But two million of my brethren and I were her target, so for me and others it is personal. Jane Fonda is our very own, very personal "dumb *censored*".


    IMO you have a ridiculously convenient and selective memory.


    Johnson declined to run for re-election in 1968, largely due to Vietnam, and Nixon won largely on his claim of having an exit plan for the conflict. Four months after taking office there was still no sign of a plan, and Nixon announced that he, excuse me I mean WE had invaded Cambodia, illegally. That's when the war criminal accusations were launched against him and our Pentagon. Fonda was by no means the only person using that phrase at the time, see my earlier comment about John Kerry etc. Grace Slick almost succeeded in dropping 600 micrograms of LSD in Nixon's tea and she's never been charged for it, even though she readily admits doing it and has precisely zero remorse to this day about it. Etc etc. So imo you should wake up and drop your histrionic and absurdly selective hatred against Fonda. She's not lying in that video clip about having spent years with active duty soldiers, because of her father, or understanding the sacrifices made by them for our country.



    Histrionics? You have led an ongoing crusade in defense of Jane Fonda and peppered your rants with insults, half-truths, and contextual misquotes. You have used my hatred of Jane Fonda to make me the target of some private invective. You have dismissed factual data and quotes and countered it with supposition, innuendos and opinions. It has reached the point where I desire to know the name of your supplier, because I would like to enjoy the same hallucinogenics which you appear to be using.





    Jane Fonda isn't the first dumb *censored* in the world, isn't the last.




    You are absolutely correct. But two million of my brethren and I were her target, so for me and others it is personal. Jane Fonda is our very own, very personal "dumb *censored*".



    I am an Ex-Marine. MARINE! Why do you think I have been following this? have been pacing myself alongside you until you reason with the facts of life that lay before us. Do you think you will ever get to see Jane Fonda Face to Face? Remember this! "Marines don't die, We go to HELL to regroup!" If she is shows up in HELL we'll all be there to greet her.



    Were you a Marine, you would know that the only EX-Marines are dishonorably discharged scumbags. The rest of us remain Marines until the world throws dirt on our box.






    I dislike the fact I watched the movie M. A. S. H. after I got out of the military. Imo now appears to be a protest movie disguised as a Comedy declaring just how in reality people were in the Vietnam field of policing the area which did not get our President to declare War so we American Veterans of the Vietnam Era that were captured did not receive the treatment described in the Geneva Convention Rules on proper treatment of POW's.


    Donald was married to Jane, Elliot was married to Barbara, and both Donald, Elliot, and their wives made the top list of the stars and married couples list in the, "Who was a famous Celebrity Power Cuple when you were born?"


    Now I dislike myself for watching it twice, buying it for my video collection and watching the Television version of M. A. S. H. too!


    I wonder if that means my Karma will be bad because I did not know all of this before I nearly died while being trained to be a U. S. MARINE? I guess I should of read those newspapers, pamphlets, and flyers being passed around while walking in a dense fog in Burbank. The plane landed in Burbank but the fog was so dense no flights could leave or land after the one I was on did.. When I walked from the airport to the bus depot I saw taillights on a car and bumped into a palm tree before I saw it. I kept hearing all sorts of newsies shouting their papers headlines. Maybe I should of taken the hint and got lost in the fog; instead of thinking like a comic book hopeful of becoming a Hero?


    Oh! Wait? Maybe because I tend to see no one else gives my words here much attention when I am serious, I am! I am in a state of oblivion in their thinking and they can't see through their hate, disgust, and mean mistreated state of mind which leaves their minds in a mental fog?



    You may rationalize any way you wish. If you want a Purple Heart for your MCRD boo-boo, I'll give you one of mine. If you wish to diminish my feeling, I cannot stop you.


    Just know that Jane Fonda worked hard to earn my hatred, and I cannot bring myself to disappoint her.


    I hate Jane Fonda.






    I dislike the fact I watched the movie M. A. S. H. after I got out of the military. Imo now appears to be a protest movie disguised as a Comedy declaring just how in reality people were in the Vietnam field of policing the area



    Now I dislike myself for watching it twice, buying it for my video collection and watching the Television version of M. A. S. H. too!


    M.A.S.H. was framed against the Korean war, not Vietnam. The M.A.S.H. style of show regarding the Vietnam war was China Beach, and it wasn't particularly popular (probably because it wasn't relevant in the late 80's). Regardless, the underlying criticism (shown in M.A.S.H) was still relevant, and still relevant in relation to our current practices in the Middle East; a situation where many are against continued operation, but where the government agenda and laws of unintended consequence requires our participation. Meanwhile, actors don't have to be smart, don't have to be right, don't even have to care about how people will like them afterwards. Jane Fonda isn't the first dumb *censored* in the world, isn't the last. The purpose of the arts is to say the sorts of things which are not being said by the dominant media, to provide contrast to the rhetoric, to spur discussion instead of parrot the sentiments of political figures. It's understandable you have this mistaken, they've been failing in their role in recent years, somewhat because the common person has become too dim to tell the difference between fact and opinion. The nice thing about an opinion is that you don't have to agree with it or accept it as truth, meanwhile facts (as long as they're supported by evidence) are not something you have to agree with or like for them to be true... Something forgotten these days. We've become too quick to argue against fact just because we don't like it being said, too quick to accept opinions as absolutes just because we agree with them.



    I've done my best to act to get this fuse put out. Writing to pose a different direction, showing how confused people get when hatred stepped into their blissful space, and throws punch in the face of child who had no reason to receive one and knew not that what was about to happen was because some clod was angry and the child just happened to be in the line of sight of that person full of hate as the person bulldogged through the path the blazed.


    You both prove that you will prove your wisdom in the face of ignorance when you can't even see the person you HATE or wish to admonish for their apparent ignorance. You can't know if a person is leading you off the HATE Trail, You can't see the expression on the face of the child you punched after the girl or boy falls to the ground and you storm on in your madness blinded by your wisdom and HATE.


    I've been trying you. Trying to get you off the F UC K ING beat before your language and you superior intellectual height of conceit hurts some child who hasn't even learned enough to know you've become a tyrant of hate or Goat Beard of Wisdom.



    You are attempting to put out a fire by pouring gasoline on it. If you wish to defuse the discourse, you cannot succeed by being obtuse, insulting, condescending, confrontive and dismissive. So should you happen past a mirror, look there to see one more contributor to hate and punched children.

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