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About Biohazard186

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  1. I'm rebuilding my mod that gives more depth to the Shadowmark system and I've hit a rather confusing snag. I've gone to every cell that has a Shadowmark in it and checked the box "Initially Disabled" in the reference properties window. Every Shadowmark in the world is properly disabled except for one and I can't figure out why. I even modified my script so that it checks in game if the object is properly disabled and it returns a value of false. Reopen the mod in CK and check the reference and, sure enough, the checkbox to disable it is checked. I don't know what's going on. If anyone else wants to check it, the Shadowmark in question is the one labeled "HonningbrewShadowmarkBefore".
  2. I have tried using the script manager in the CK and Notepad++ to no avail. Both produce the same error of being unable to find a file that does exist. Compiling through NPP is set up like the last post in this thread: https://community.bethesda.net/thread/21140?start=15&tstart=0 (the last post in the thread) The only changes I made were to the directory where I have Fallout 4 installed and I added the subfolders for the remaining DLC to the compiler .bat file. Okay, so what I'm trying to do. I'm working on a mod that uses the ammunition builder from the Contraptions DLC to produce a stack of ammo proportionate to the weight of the materials used to create said ammo. By default all ammo types are produced in stacks of 10. This is controlled by the script WorkshopBuilderScript located in the Scripts\DLC05 folder and is of the data type int. int property iRecipeItemCount = 1 auto const { how many of each recipeItem to spawn? }The value can be changed in the CK but the problem with this line is that it only allows one number to be specified and applied to ALL recipes (in this case, ammunition) defined in the CK. What I want to do is change that line to... Form[] property iRecipeItemCount auto const { how many of each recipeItem to spawn? }...so that I can specify a different stack size for each ammunition recipe. However, the script itself is generic and doesn't have any values until it is attached to an item in the CK and this particular script is attached to all the builders in the Contraptions DLC, not just the ammunition builder. So, in an attempt to alter as little as possible, I decided to duplicate the script and change the one line that I need and attach that script to the ammunition builder only. And that's where the problem begins. The original script extends DLC05:WorkshopHopperScript, also located in the Scripts\DLC05 folder, and when I attempt to compile my script I get the error that the compiler is unable to locate the WorkshopHopperScript. So my question is, why? And how can I fix this without duplicating every script in the chain? Edit: Turns out the Form[] can't be used like that. Bugger. :/
  3. In response to post #43213960. #43215115, #43215850 are all replies on the same post. Considering the developer of MO is the lead developer of the new NMM I wouldn't worry one bit. Lead developers are generally in charge of the actual development process and philosophy. I expect we'll see a "best of both worlds" outcome with the new NMM.
  4. I've never much been for playing with shields but lately I've been trying. And I've been experiencing something very frustrating as it always ends in my death. When an enemy comes in for a power attack I'll bash him with my shield to stagger him and interrupt the attack. Most of the time it works but sometimes, instead of acting as a shield, it acts like a sword without the damage. When the bash makes contact it doesn't make the bash sound, rather it makes the sound for a sword attack, and it doesn't stagger, leaving my enemy to hit and kill me with no resistance. I don't understand what's going on here. Any way to prevent this from happening?
  5. Well, I guess I'll find out. Thanks for the insight with Max. :)
  6. No need to check each folder - just make sure that, when selecting a folder (eg. SetDressing) you have the "Include folders and subfolders" thing checked. The material editor is used for what the name says :smile: Oh my god, so glad am I that you said that because here I am with the mxp file open in Notepad++ adding each directory by hand because it's faster than adding them individually in the context window. xD I don't even really know what a material is, I'm used to just meshes and textures. But I'm not even at that point yet.
  7. Oh, I need to put in every single folder! Gotcha. I was just putting in the root. Thank you. I have extracted all the files using the B.A.E. utility. I have not used Material Editor yet as I don't know what it's for. I do have it, though.
  8. I tried adding the meshes/materials/textures folders to the External Files and XRefs tabs but the model remains grey.
  9. I'm tooling around in 3DS Max working on some settlement objects but I can't seem to make the the program display the texture of the model I have loaded. When I installed the NifTools plugin I did set the model/materials/textures folders to the folder that contains all of them. Did I have to select each individual folder? The instructions only mentioned the root directory. If I do have to change the folders, can I change them without having to reinstall the plugin?
  10. Did you try to see what happened when it was set to 0? I did. I also just tested it on -2. After all my testing I've come to the conclusion the problem may not lie in static hitboxes but the molotov model itself. When you throw a molotov it spins unpredictably. Sometimes it spins in such a way that it passes by a static object just fine. Other times it spins so that the model clips the object, triggering the explosion. This randomness and unpredictability is not a fair game mechanic and I think the solution lies in editing the physical model of the molotov projectile so it is smaller than it looks.
  11. I have actually been playing with that since I posted but it hasn't seemed to have any effect. Will continue to mess with it.
  12. Is there a mod to fix the hitboxes so the molotovs I throw don't blow up a foot in front of me after hitting "nothing"? Like many, I'm playing survival and I'm really f*#@ing tired of dying to molotovs that clearly have nothing in front of them but still manage to blow up before leaving my hand. The most egregious case just happened to me, I was crouched on a roof looking down, the angle of depression was about 45 degrees so I was throwing away from the building, and I was right on the edge of the rooftop. No way it could have hit anything. And yet...
  13. Self-explanatory. I can't find the entries in the Creation Kit to work backwards from them.
  14. When I start up the game and go to the add ons section, underneath the Automatron and Wasteland Workshop DLC's is a message that says it needs a game reset. What does that mean? Google is unnaturally useless and uninstalling/reinstalling the DLC didn't do anything. As far as I can tell the content of the DLC is all in the game, the only odd thing I noticed was the Fatigue message was an error message instead but otherwise it functioned properly.
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