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  1. In response to post #47408035. lol, I like it
  2. In response to post #39464605. #39464780, #39464890, #39464925, #39465125, #39465265, #39465995 are all replies on the same post. Archiving sites that are going to die is an extremely common, and quite often respectable, practice. "Active users" won't count for much when the domain dies. As stated in the previous article, if you own mods you wish to claim editing rights to, or simple don't want here for whatever reason, you can either email them, or just hit the report button and write out what you want in the box.
  3. 'showracemenu'? Seems that has been removed. showlooksmenu now i believe. It's like, showlooksmenu player 1 or some jazz. Might have to tfc to your character's face beforehand though.
  4. In response to post #29902475. #29902530 is also a reply to the same post. if you saw this image on the front page for a week http://s18.postimg.org/yuec519g9/teaser3.jpg it was in that post good luck to all those involved, devs and testers alike
  5. In response to post #29703180. #29703420, #29703790, #29704160 are all replies on the same post. jesus tapdancing christ.
  6. Go play Vigilant if you haven't yet, its really cool. Beyond Reach too. No excuse, go have fun.
  7. http://puu.sh/kbN6o/55ee425632.png ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ If clearing out your cookies and logging back in doesn't change anything you'll have to wait for an admin to take a look. From here you're looking pretty good.
  8. Quicksaves can be a finicky thing. I've been using Autosave Manager for years instead. I prefer having the game's autosaves disabled and quicksaves hotkeyed somewhere that will never be pressed. Then, via the mod, I have about three Incremental Saves set up at ten minute intervals, and the mod's Manual Save set to the game's default quicksave hotkey (F8 I think?)
  9. Configure your enblocal.ini to your specs. Special note to make sure enablecompression is set to False, that can really make exteriors choppy.
  10. this is a placeholder until something comes to mind
  11. What are some things Nexus users can do to protect themselves while using the site?Common sense is the best defense. I know that sounds like a cruel thing to say, but it really applies to anywhere on the internet. Also you ask a lot of questions that are more specific but related to this so I don't want to marry it. What tools or software can Nexus users use to protect themselves as well as identify suspicious activities?Antivirus I guess. But really its not a big issue. But you should have it anyway. AVG, Comodo, Avast are all examples of free antivirus. How can Nexus users identify a file as being malicious or compromised in some way?The Nexus has its own built-in virus detection that scans every file uploaded. But your antivirus is a great second layer. Also pay attention to the file being uploaded. Most of the time it's some knockoff name of another popular file, so google around a bit, check the mod author's profile and see their other contributions/comments. Much of the time they're people with almost no history who oftentimes joined just a day or two prior. How can Nexus users identify a mod author's account as being compromised?Again rarely an issue, but I imagine you'll notice pretty quick when you see comments made that you didn't make or something. Follow standard protocol, especially a strong password you don't use elsewhere. What are some symptoms or activities that can occur on the Nexus that would be considered suspicious or malicious in some way?This was mostly covered above so I won't focus on this. How can Nexus users check to see if they are connected to the real NexusMods.comCheck your url bar? Kind of weird question. The domain is nexusmods.com/game. skyrim, fallout3, what have you. Bookmark the main site for good measure. Recently the domain format was game.nexusmods.com, but link referrals with that setup will still redirect here. What things should Nexus users consider first when using third party .exe or .dll files?Research. If its a mod with eight thousand endorsements I wouldn't sweat it. If its labeled "Nexus Modding Manager," has almost no description, and was uploaded by someone with no prior activity, maybe wait on it a bit if you're paranoid. Or even report it; a moderator can manually take a look and confirm its safety. Reiterating: all things considered this is a very safe site. Any malicious file that manages to get up here gets taken down promptly. Been here for a long long time and I have yet to ever have a problem like an account getting hacked or a file giving me a virus.
  12. I saw a new notification and it took like 50 seconds for the dropdown menu to show up. I laughed when I saw that it was this news post. It's no problem.
  13. In response to post #24827544. #24828559, #24828899, #24829149, #24829774, #24830084, #24830089, #24830244, #24830269, #24830279, #24830434, #24830474, #24830494, #24830544, #24830624, #24830709, #24830784, #24830789, #24830854, #24830894, #24830919, #24831079, #24831109, #24831114, #24831884, #24831959, #24832009, #24832024 are all replies on the same post. So what you're saying is... releasing a broken mod and charging people for it is a nonissue because its too difficult to punish the mod creator?
  14. In response to post #24829274. #24829504, #24829949, #24830164, #24830354, #24830424 are all replies on the same post. Keyword "some." Pretty much everything you wrote after that was invalidated by that one word. And I fail to see what your entire statement has to do with anything at all, except that you made a casual observation of some posters' profiles and felt the need to announce it.
  15. I'm almost positive you can't make petitions to get people to come back to a community... ..I'm joking though, I understand what you're doing. Still, I think a heartfelt PM could mean a lot more than another change dot org link. Something to think about.
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