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Nexus Mods Profile

About PurpleOblivion

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Apprentice (3/14)



  1. Thank you very much! I do indeed have the steam version :] That was very thorough
  2. My only experience with patches on Oblivion is from the 360 days, but now that I wanna try the game on PC I was wondering how those worked. Are they automatic like the 360, or do I need to download the Official patches from the Nexus? And, would the Unofficial Patch be better than the Official, or is it an either-or sort of thing? :{o
  3. Sucks when mods don't have images to go by. Might as well give it a shot though. Thank you :]
  4. I am very new to PC gaming and mods, but I don't want to bother anyone about a mod not existing. I'd be cool figuring out how to make it myself :] All I want to make is a black recolor of the normal male Khajiit; preferably with Robert's Male Body Replacer active I tried to make a panther-like dude in Oblivion on my 360, but Oblivion's character creation loves to have strange red, green and other colors on the face when you don't want them. The end result was something so pitch black you couldn't tell it was a cat anymore, and the face looked a bit like Darth Maul. Neat, but not what I was going for :{D If someone could help a nooby nooberton such as myself understand how to even begin making such a mod, I would be grateful. I don't even know what program(s) to use for that
  5. Well I appreciate you for being so thorough and informative on this for me; you've helped me here and in that other thread I made :] This will be a journey for me alright. I plan on starting in the way you suggested as soon as I find one last mod I'm after. Can't find a darn black Khajiit mod, lol. There's something I could ask you: Is my computer at least good enough to run whatever program is used to make mods like that? Hopefully it's as simple as changing a file's color from tan fur to black fur, but I'm probably being naive again, lol :{D Pfft, watch me make a mod that looks bad AND crashes the game instantly
  6. I have two that I would love to see examples of! owo One is a mod that allows you to have a black Khajiit. Just a simple solid black fur like a panther. Not sure if one exists, but I'd love to be proven wrong because I want a black cat dude :{3 And the other is a bit more broad: How many purple mods are out there for clothes, armor and weapons? I've found at least two robes and maybe one weapon that has purple on it, but are there any others you know of? Typing in 'purple' in file search only got me so much :[
  7. I gotcha. Me, I'm in the US :] So basically I need to figure out what kind of motherboard I have, and buy a new CPU that is compatible with it. Is there an 'at least this much for speed' one you can recommend as far as one that'll make Oblivion run smoothly with mods and no load times? Like am I gonna need a major improvement, or would just a slightly better CPU do? Hope I'm making sense, but I'd appreciate being taught more about this stuff if I'm misunderstanding :{3 And I think I'll start with the Oblivion Mod Manager since that's the one you got your feet wet in? I mean WyreBash sounds good, even manual installing sounds good. But, I'd be completely clueless. Perhaps with OMM I'd be slightly less clueless...
  8. Helping greatful people is always a pleasure. :-) 1- I never playable with a custom race so I can't tell you much more. I can always tell you how to make a race playable. 5- It shouldn't be long if you create your weapon with an ID change and a mesh replacement. Don't forget to extract the mesh first using ObMM for example. I gotcha. How would I go about making a Khajiit all black as my own mod? And is that simple or not so much? xD I found a mod for melee staves! But it's just for one staff. And I don't know how it looks because there's no pics. Blah. Do people just 'wing it' and install mods without having a pic to go by often? o.o
  9. Do you recommend a place that sells things to upgrade my CPU? owo Mine is actually an HP desktop with speakers and such. I'll definitely take your advice and add one mod at a time. Probably a dumb question (but like I said I'm new), should I have that 'mod manager' or is it not necessary? I see. Thank you for the help :]
  10. 1.) Oh, nice! I saw a dark grey leapard-like dude in there, but you're saying there's an option to make a solid black one? I mean I saw a blue one in there so they must have lots of options, gwaha :{D Also, if I got this mod, would I have to get the desert along with it? I don't really care about that, nifty as it looks. 3.) OH SNAP! Haha, that mod is adorable :{3 Thank you for the link. I'll start editing my first post and thank whoever helped me 4.) Yeah I gotta keep digging. Some mods are pretty general in just saying 'this makes everything look better, including the grass.' Thank you though :] 5.) Is it hard for a complete beginner like me? I'd probably mess it up and cause the staff to be upside down, or cause a crash when I do a power attack xD 7.) Awdude, thank you so much~ 8.) Thanks for clearing that up :] 9.) I searched 'White Gold Tower' and got some simple teleporters to the top, but haven't found the nice house up top yet. Here's a video from the old days that showed it off. Lol, a tad smaller than I remember it but it was still kinda cool :{D 10.) I know, it is a broad question haha. I was just curious if there were some that pretty much everybody agreed were the must-haves. @Contrathetix: Ah, I see. I might just do as I did on the 360 and drop keys I don't use in a barrel somewhere xD BOOM! That was the one. Thank you for the help. @Striker: Thank you as well :] Welp, time to edit my first post. Got work in a bit too, but I'll keep an eye on this thread. You guys rock >:{3
  11. I do have the steam version, the Deluxe one. The steam summer sale was going on, heh So I should install it to the C drive, not the D. In the Games folder. Gotcha :{o Sorry for not being familiar with these terms, but are you saying that my computer should handle it fine (like the person above said) or it's not fast enough? If so, is there something on amazon I could get to help speed it up? Like I said I'm a huge noober, so thank you for any patience you can give me xD
  12. Oh you no-good smart butt you! >:{3 Lol, nah man I appreciate any comments. To be honest I did, but I kinda got overwhelmed at just how many tabs I was getting just digging and digging. When I did find something (like on that list I did find some of those), I was worried 'okay, is this the latest version though? Because it would be just my luck to find some outdated version that no longer works or something' xD I will say that I haven't seen the black panther Khajiit anywhere, very few purple items, haven't seen any hug animations, the proper grass thing, and even though I kinda-sorta remember a two-handed staff animation once upon a time, couldn't find that :[ I did look AND used advanced searching options, but I got overwhelmed and Noped all the way here. Thought maybe people could help my noob ass out, gwaha You are right about the teaching how to fish thing though. While I wait for responses here, I'm gonna do more digging and see what I can find this time. Quite a list of mods our theh, bruv! Quite a list :{D
  13. I did on the 360 version just to test it. I could get it almost all black (a bit TOO black actually, couldn't tell it was a cat anymore to a degree, lol). But you know how Oblivion's character creation is. It keeps throwing in these strange red, green or white spots on your character's face when you don't want it to. For me, it was red. Looked kind of cool in a Darth Maul sort of way at first, but then I thought 'nah, I could probably get something nicer in the PC world xD'
  14. Yeah I saw a vid of Ultra and it wasn't that big of a difference, gwaha. Thank you for the answer! I was worried my computer couldn't do jack Well, now just gotta wait for an answer on the Windows 7 thing. I've heard some people getting it to work flawlessly, so maybe they can pop in and comment :{3
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